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C:\Users\CHR>dotnet new cnsole -o myApp #4957

Closed chenrui06134 closed 4 years ago

chenrui06134 commented 4 years ago

Problem encountered on Operating System: windows

Provide details about the problem you're experiencing. Include your operating system version, exact error message, code sample, and anything else that is relevant.

C:\Users\CHR>dotnet new cnsole -o myApp

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Getting ready... Couldn't find an installed template that matches the input, searching online for one that does... 用法: new [选项]

选项: -h, --help Displays help for this command. -l, --list Lists templates containing the specified name. If no name is specified, lists all templates. -n, --name The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the name of the current directory is used. -o, --output Location to place the generated output. -i, --install Installs a source or a template pack. -u, --uninstall Uninstalls a source or a template pack. --nuget-source Specifies a NuGet source to use during install. --type Filters templates based on available types. Predefined values are "project", "item" or "other". --dry-run Displays a summary of what would happen if the given command line were run if it would result in a template creation. --force Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing files. -lang, --language Filters templates based on language and specifies the language of the template to create. --update-check Check the currently installed template packs for updates. --update-apply Check the currently installed template packs for update, and install the updates.

No templates matched the input template name: cnsole.

Templates Short Name Language Tags

Console Application console [C#], F#, VB Common/Console Class library classlib [C#], F#, VB Common/Library WPF Application wpf [C#] Common/WPF WPF Class library wpflib [C#] Common/WPF WPF Custom Control Library wpfcustomcontrollib [C#] Common/WPF WPF User Control Library wpfusercontrollib [C#] Common/WPF Windows Forms (WinForms) Application winforms [C#] Common/WinForms Windows Forms (WinForms) Class library winformslib [C#] Common/WinForms Worker Service worker [C#] Common/Worker/Web Unit Test Project mstest [C#], F#, VB Test/MSTest NUnit 3 Test Project nunit [C#], F#, VB Test/NUnit NUnit 3 Test Item nunit-test [C#], F#, VB Test/NUnit xUnit Test Project xunit [C#], F#, VB Test/xUnit Razor Component razorcomponent [C#] Web/ASP.NET Razor Page page [C#] Web/ASP.NET MVC ViewImports viewimports [C#] Web/ASP.NET MVC ViewStart viewstart [C#] Web/ASP.NET Blazor Server App blazorserver [C#] Web/Blazor Blazor WebAssembly App blazorwasm [C#] Web/Blazor/WebAssembly ASP.NET Core Empty web [C#], F# Web/Empty ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller) mvc [C#], F# Web/MVC ASP.NET Core Web App webapp [C#] Web/MVC/Razor Pages ASP.NET Core with Angular angular [C#] Web/MVC/SPA ASP.NET Core with React.js react [C#] Web/MVC/SPA ASP.NET Core with React.js and Redux reactredux [C#] Web/MVC/SPA Razor Class Library razorclasslib [C#] Web/Razor/Library/Razor Class Library ASP.NET Core Web API webapi [C#], F# Web/WebAPI ASP.NET Core gRPC Service grpc [C#] Web/gRPC dotnet gitignore file gitignore Config global.json file globaljson Config NuGet Config nugetconfig Config Dotnet local tool manifest file tool-manifest Config Web Config webconfig Config Solution File sln Solution Protocol Buffer File proto Web/gRPC

Examples: dotnet new mvc --auth Individual dotnet new worker dotnet new --help


scalablecory commented 4 years ago

You have a typo:

C:\Users\CHR>dotnet new cnsole -o myApp

It should be:

C:\Users\CHR>dotnet new console -o myApp