dotnet / corefx-standup

CoreFX Contributors standups - dates, topics voting, etc.
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Topic: Larger community contributions (8 votes) #12

Closed karelz closed 7 years ago

karelz commented 7 years ago

Talking points:

steji113 commented 7 years ago

I am very much interested in helping to contribute to larger or high cost / high impact issues. I believe System.IO.SerialPort is a perfect example of such an issue. It seemed like it had fairly good demand from the community but was not able to be funded by the MS CoreFX team. I wonder if a Twitter account or a label on Announcement issues could best be used to communicate the demand for working on a particular topic. Perhaps more seasoned community contributors could take on the roll of driving the project through to completion and enlisting implementation help from others.

As an example, I recently stumbled upon dotnet/corefx#8655 and realized that it had been open for a year and was also blocking various scenarios for consumers of .NET Core. However, it took quite a bit of digging through the issues, hunting for the right one to work on.

karelz commented 7 years ago

Discussed in standup on 2017/9/22 - see #29 for more details and recording link.