dotnet / corefx-standup

CoreFX Contributors standups - dates, topics voting, etc.
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Topic: Discussion: General communication from CoreFX / .NET team (7 votes) #21

Closed karelz closed 7 years ago

karelz commented 7 years ago

Talking points:

karelz commented 7 years ago

Covered in 2017/6/26 - 1st standup

shaggygi commented 7 years ago


How can we be more open?

I would like to see a blog or wiki explaining vision/direction around the embedded/IoT space. I understand this is just one part and others might want to see more details on other topics. I also understand there is some gray area as it hinges on resources/timelines/progress of different technologies. However, it would be nice to see thoughts on related work that is currently being addressed and some basic expectations. Below are some quick examples that could be discussed...

  1. What are some successes that have been accomplished by the Tizen focus?
  2. What are some advances and hurdles that teams are seeing with the work for arch-arm32?
  3. What are some prototypes and embedded boards (e.g. RPi, Beagle Bone, etc.) that can now run .NET Core and plans to bring better tooling to Visual Studio for them?
  4. Better hardware APIs to take advantage of board features (I2C, serial, Bluetooth, etc.)? Understanding this would be more from community and not directly in CoreFx.
  5. Improved Docker support and micro-service scenarios?

Just my 2 pennies. BTW, I like the new stand-up work the team is doing. :+1: