dotnet / corefx-standup

CoreFX Contributors standups - dates, topics voting, etc.
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Topic: Random ideas (11 votes) #22

Closed karelz closed 7 years ago

karelz commented 7 years ago

Go through list, ask for feedback & suggestions:

  1. More hackatons (incl. world-wide?) like Dutch .NET Core 2.0 Hackaton (3 mins video)
  2. Release some internal .NET Foundations talks on youtube (we use these weekly sessions as deep dive into technologies for new team members - we have notes since 2008 & A/V since 2011)
  3. Host regular-ish .NET Core technology Q&A sessions (starting with GC session from Maoni Stephens) - likely in late August
  4. Shared Source CLI Essentials book for .NET Core - initiated from community, will be created in the open (everyone can contribute)
    • We are not ready to do full announcement yet. The community driver will do that in couple of weeks.
    • Opportunity: We need 1-3 people help us convert PDF to Markdown and prep repo for wider contributions. Contact @karelz if you are interested.
  5. .NET MeetUps roadshow in Europe this summer (Amsterdam, NL - 7/11, Prague, CZ - 7/19, Brno, CZ - 8/1)
  6. Under discussion: Remote almost-internships - Help grow engineers who are not eligible for classic internship. Smaller/mid-size projects with mentoring from Microsoft employees.
    • Would some experienced contributors be interested in becoming mentors?
  7. Recent idea: Meet-the-team interviews - short in-the-office chats about various parts of the technology
    • Would that be interesting?

Upcoming efforts:

  1. More investment into New contributor docs
  2. Establish firmer Code of Conduct enforcement (deleting offensive comments/content). Idea: Blog about what and why it will be enforced?
karelz commented 7 years ago

Covered in 2017/6/26 - 1st standup