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Topic: Mentors for remote almost-internships #24

Open pgolebiowski opened 7 years ago

pgolebiowski commented 7 years ago

During the last standup we mentioned remote almost-internships and a possibility of contributors becoming mentors.

RheaAyase commented 7 years ago


karelz commented 7 years ago

Good topic. Just a reminder: (I think I mentioned it in the standup) This year it won't happen. But in theory, it is something we can pull off even during the year. One such experiment is under way and we may start ~2 more to explore opportunities, format and ideas. The program / idea is in very early stages at this moment.

Regarding legal requirements: I personally do not expect any legal requirements/limitations. No payment/compensation will be likely involved - it will be targeted at growing CS skills. We should recommend only seasoned and proven contributors with good track record to be mentors. CoreFX employees would likely help with project choices and with some overall format suggestions. If successful, we would endorse the mentoring-project on our pages as something anyone can refer to in CV, etc.

Again very early thinking. Happy to go deeper in any of our standups, when the topic is upvoted to make the cut.