Open OrbintSoft opened 4 years ago
Calling a method should be in the other way.
public void Method(PrimaryColor primary)
// This method expect only RED, GREEN, BLUE and BLACK
Method(PrimaryColor.Black); // Works fine
Method(Color.WHITE); // WHITE is an unknown value in Method
public void Method(Color primary)
// Method know all Color and PrimaryColor
Method(PrimaryColor.Black); // Works fine
Method(Color.WHITE); // Works fine too
So the inheritance works in reverse order.
I dont know if I like the "extends" as :
already serves this purpose.
As @FaustVX said, inheretence would just work in reverse, and I think there would be no issue with this.
As a perk, this feature allows you to
// TODO remove all usage of ObsoleteLibraryEnum, then remove inheritence
enum NewAPIEnum : ObsoleteLibraryEnum { ... }
I think the absence of this C# feature is costly and fairly prevalent.
The most common solution I keep seeing is the rampant use of naked string values. People just type "{keyName}" and move on, yet they aren't realizing the fragility/weakness of this string-based approach.
But in their defense, what other easy options are available? C# doesn't support what we really need, which is extendible enums.
The process for using Extendible Enums is to simply go to the Custom Enums list, add your name, and then start using it. While you are adding it, Intellisense can be used to find a "Similar/equivalent name" to prevent the addition of names needlessly. And from then on, that name will be encoded, so that you can't commit a typo.
Later if the name is deemed inappropriate and needs to be refactored -- it can now be done easily.
It's a shame that we can't already use Enums for contexts where it's serving more as a "Name-key" that is permitted to grow, or be customized.
I do think the base enum should be required to have an "[ExtendibleEnum]" Attribute, so that users of the enum can be aware that it's designed to have "new members added" (that won't be known by-name, to the assembly that defined the base-enum).
I have created kludge structs that behave much like Enums, but require hundreds of lines of added code to make them behave acceptably. I term this kludge as "Strongly Typed Strings". Currently I have the following such types:
and so on....
Each of these is just an "int" underneath, but has infrastructure in place to make it work mostly like an Enum value (or a strongly-typed string), and knows it's "string value" and even "Description value". If this were an Enum... the Description would come from an attribute or comment.
I feel pretty clever with this design. But in truth, it's an arduous/inconvenient/inferior kludge -- compared to concept of just having Extendible Enums.
@najak3d i don't see waht that has to do with this proposal. It soundsl ike you're just discussing Roles/Shapes, which is something we are continuing to look into.
Please explain what you mean?
How would the Roles/Shapes proposal address the need for an "easy to append to" list of strongly-coded Names? This is what an Enum is -- only the C# enum is non-extendible, so you can't customize it to add new names.
For example, a base assembly may have a dictionary of Items, keyed off of an Enum key. Well, you are sorta stuck with their existing Enum values -- and can't extend them. Unless Enums were extendible.
I see Enums as a better alternative to "strings" - where the string is used as a "Key"... i.e. a typo of the string name will cause the app to "fail". So we want Enums, so that you can't have "typos", and refactoring the name later because easy. While for those using Strings -- you gotta hope you find all instances via string-searches.. And if you mess up -- the app compiles just fine, and you don't see the failure until run-time.
So my concern is for giving C# devs a better built-in replacement for using raw String values as Key values, when those String Values are really restricted to a hard-coded list of values.
So what other proposal provides this, other than the one here?
For example, a base assembly may have a dictionary of Items, keyed off of an Enum key. Well, you are sorta stuck with their existing Enum values -- and can't extend them.
IMO, if a base assembly decided to use an enum for that task then they do not intend for you to extend them.
How would the Roles/Shapes proposal address the need
You're using a mechanism to create strongly typed strings/ints/etc. this is a core case for roles/shapes.
For example, a base assembly may have a dictionary of Items, keyed off of an Enum key. Well, you are sorta stuck with their existing Enum values -- and can't extend them.
IMO, if a base assembly decided to use an enum for that task then they do not intend for you to extend them.
UNLESS, they mark up their extension with "ExtendibleEnum" in which case they are marking it as an open-ended list of key names. That assembly may only define a few of them. In short they are creating a base type for a list of Strongly-Typed string values... so if they define:
public Dictionary<BaseEnum, CustomDataObject> DataObjects;
Now you can fill this dictionary with data, keyed off of "BaseEnum" values --- and the base class does not care what all values exist, but only cares that you KEY for this dictionary is defined as one of them.
For example, we maintain a Dictionary of MapLayers.. we have to key that off SOMETHING? We can key it off of a raw-string, or we can key it off of a strongly-typed BaseEnum. Now you can't access this Dictionary with anything but a BaseEnum type (or extension of that BaseEnum). It's perfect. Efficient, makes it easy to work with in Intellisense, because it works like an Enum.
I'm only proposing this for Enums marked with the "[ExtendibleEnum]" attribute to make it clear that "these names are not the full list of values that may be used".
How would the Roles/Shapes proposal address the need
You're using a mechanism to create strongly typed strings/ints/etc. this is a core case for roles/shapes.
Please explain this more. Which specific version of this proposal do you have in mind? And please give me a hint as to how that proposal will enable the creation of a strongly-typed string value, that can be accessed like an enum? (where you are LIMITED to using ONLY the names in the Enum... unless you register a new name, you cannot use it)
Keep in mind that Extendible Enums is about having a "Registered List of Valid Names" all of which appear in Intellisense, as it does for Enums. So you type in the Strongly typed String Name, type "." and boom, there are all of your valid Names to choose from. Just like an Enum... except it can be extended to register new names.
Right now, I type "MapLayerName." -- and all of my valid MapLayerNames show up in intellisense.
In another assembly, I have another "MapLayerName" that maps to the first one... and so I can add in even more Names, which show up via intellisense.
In this context, the system will not allow you to use a MapLayerName that has not been registered... so you cannot make mistakes. If we don't like the Name, and want to change it -- we just refactor the static member, and it auto-changes all usages of that Name.
This method is inferior to Enums -- but superior to using raw-string values. We have not seen a better way to implement in C#. So far, all we've seen is either people using "enums" or "raw string values".
Keep in mind that Extendible Enums is about having a "Registered List of Valid Names" all of which appear in Intellisense
You can do this, as i mentioned, with constants or static-readonly's for the well known registered list of names. But you can also decide for your API if you allow people to pass in any name. At which point, users can create their own constants/readonly's for any new values they care about.
This method is inferior to Enums
I don't see why it's inferior to enums. That seems to be a subjective assessment on your part. Both are simply using another domain (integers, or strings) to give strong names to.
Statically defined public strings is better than raw-strings.... but in my book, is still a loosely-typed-string. It does not prevent anyone from just typing a String value -- or for having multiple-conflicting sources of static string names. Why? Because it's all loosely-typed strings.
If we can create a "Strongly-Typed String" -- then at least those "Static members" will ALSO be Strongly-Typed Strings -- and so at least then you can search your code for All references of this strongly typed string, and manage it better.
As is -- all are just raw-strings -- without any control of which string you use for your Key.
Is there a proposal to make Strong-Typed-Strings a thing? Where I can create a class that Derives from String? If so -- then I suppose that could be used to reasonably solve this problem.
So if we could declare "static public readonly StrongTypedString" values, then Yes, this will resolve the main problem here.
(Because the readonly trait on these static strings should put them into a place that doesn't burden the GC, right?)
This method is inferior to Enums
I don't see why it's inferior to enums. That seems to be a subjective assessment on your part. Both are simply using another domain (integers, or strings) to give strong names to.
We wrapped ours with int's, because our MapLayerName is a "struct" ... and so doesn't bother the heap or GC. Very cheap, like a flyweight. It's index references back to a static array of Names.
We could have wrapped a string, but now we are classes, not structs, which has drawbacks.
Statically defined public strings is better than raw-strings.... but in my book, is still a loosely-typed-string. It does not prevent anyone from just typing a String value
I mean, that is true of enums as well. It's just a wrapper around an integral. Anyone can pass in any value from the integral domain of that enum.
To be honest I don't understand the need of using raw strings. enums in fact are structs that extends numbers, if you want to extend them you just need to create a new enum, duplicate the values and do an explicit casting
Even if you rename a value is not a problem, but you can have problems if you change the numeric value, or if you add a new value to the base enum. For example if I define PrimaryColor.INDIGO=8000ff and I forget to define in Color enum. When I try to do myMethod((Color)PrimaryColor.INDIGO) for the compiler everything is fine, but casting will fails at runtime.
My proposal is to create a syntax that automatically copies the value of base enum into extended enum, and converts automatically this code myMethod(PrimaryColor.INDIGO) to this myMethod((Color)PrimaryColor.INDIGO) when my method is defined as :
public void Method(Color primary)
// Method know all Color and PrimaryColor
This is not an object inheritance and has nothing to do with that, that's why I proposed a new keyword instead of :
Keep in mind that Extendible Enums is about having a "Registered List of Valid Names" all of which appear in Intellisense,
There is no need to augment the language just for tooling. You can do tooling with that. Note that we already support this concept somewhat in that a type can state another type that you should use to get values of it from. e.g. if something takes a Color
type, it can have a doc comment marker on it saying that the user should be shown items from a Colors
class that contains instance of hte Color
type. We could always expand on that to let others add in this scenario.
I want type-safety, which you have with Enums. I can't send in an "int" or "string" when it asks for an Enum type.. thus I'm forced to write good key values. If the accepting function takes raw strings, we lose out on safety.
A strong-typed string would be nice, but I'm guessing that's not on-the-table for implementation.
If I could make a strong-typed String (derive directly from string) - it would make it very easy to solve the problem I'm trying to solve. So either that, or Extendible Enums.
Other thing I can do with Enum is "Find all References", while for string value -- not so easy. Enums are very awesome; exactly what I want to use -- if only they could be extended.
I can't send in an "int" or "string" when it asks for an Enum type..
Yes you can :)
Enums don't give typesafety at all. They're similar to NRT in that it's a general suggestion which the callee doesn't have to respect at all. Indeed, it's normal for APIs to use enums with a public surfce area that is documented, and an internal area that is undoc'ed, but which still works as the caller can pass whatever they want.
Other thing I can do with Enum is "Find all References", while for string value -- not so easy
We support Find-All-References in string-values as well :)
But, again, that's a tooling concern, not the language concern.
There can be multiple instances of a string, that are NOT the Key. So in having strings, you risk the chance of accidently mistaking a matching string value for one that is being used as this strong-typed key name. And if you happen to forget one, while refactoring, then it'll remain unfound/orphaned, yet will compile fine -- but then will fail at some point run-time.
This is 100% a language concern. There is no amount of tooling that could fix the raw-string conundrum. We either need strongly-typed strings, or Extendible Enums, to properly solve this issue best. (Or another base struct, that behaves exactly like an enum, except that it's extendible outside of the assembly that declares the base enum.)
Don't use strings as keys if you don't want people to use strings as keys. If you want a strongly-typed value, declare a strong type and control how instances are created. The language doesn't need to provide a specific solution to a problem, only a solution, and there exist many ways to solve this problem.
There can be multiple instances of a string, that are NOT the Key.
This is hte same with an enum as well. If you want to prevent this you can use an analyzer. But you'll also need to back it up with a runtime check.
We either need strongly-typed strings, or Extendible Enums
Once you have 'extendible enums' your'e entirely saying: the values here are open ended (which is already true of enums and strings anyways). So you're literally saying: any values can be passed in, so nothing would protect you here anyways.
Don't use strings as keys if you don't want people to use strings as keys. If you want a strongly-typed value, declare a strong type and control how instances are created. The language doesn't need to provide a specific solution to a problem, only a solution, and there exist many ways to solve this problem.
The "many ways to solve this problem" are costly. For most C# language changes, there were "many ways to solve" those problems too, but the cost of solving it otherwise was burdensome or problematic. So C# was adapted to make it easy.
The exact type I WANT to use for many key named contexts (where the key name is hard coded inside C#) is an ENUM. It's the most fitting for the situation by far.... except for it's inability to be extended, which then later can bite you, because another user/assembly cannot add values when they need to.
And so what do programmers do instead? Use Strings, because it's the lesser of evils, given that it's a POTENTIAL REQUIREMENT to enable extensibility later. They stop using ENUMS and start using Strings for nearly all Keys, where there MIGHT be a chance that they want to extend the Enum Values later. They do this because they "got bit" by Enum's deficiency of non-extensibility... and therefore avoid them.
Enums are uber-powerful as a Strong-Typed-String equivalent, limiting names to only the registered names. It's an 'int' underneath so super powerful, and when used as a Dictionary-key, works faster than a string.
I'd LOVE to use them, but I can't, because of the POTENTIAL requirement that the Enum Names needs to be extended by a customer. And so we are forced into doing a kludge/burdensome (and inferior) implementation of an Enum type.
I have to include about 200 compact lines of added C# to create this struct that is near equivalent to an Enum Type, which I'd like to write just once as a template -- but this isn't possible because you can't derive from structs, and the private static Names List would then be shared by ALL derivations of this struct -- so that would be problematic too.
MOST C# programmers that I've seen/met don't do what I've done; but instead just use Strings, because it's the "Path of least resistance" without really comprehending the QA risks they've just introduced.
If C# had Extendable Enums -- programmers would naturally again use Enums for these situations, and all would be well again in this Universe.
Yeah I don't really understand what problem we are trying to solve here. This sort of reminds me of subtypes in ada
subtype Rainbow is Color range Red .. Blue;
subtype Red_Blue is Rainbow;
subtype Int is Integer;
subtype Small_Int is Integer range -10 .. 10;
subtype Up_To_K is Column range 1 .. K;
subtype Square is Matrix(1 .. 10, 1 .. 10);
subtype Male is Person(Sex => M);
subtype Binop_Ref is not null Binop_Ptr;
where you could say something like (I dunno making up some C# syntax here)
public enum PrimaryColor subtype Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE, BLACK }
or perhaps for general types (something similar to this use case) you could do:
public class OSPlatform subtype string { "Free BSD", "Linux", "Windows" }
Essentially I think the more common case is wanting to restrict an existing types which roles seems to be current design we are working toward.
Is the widening of an enum just because enums are classes in languages like Java and folks want to do inheritance things to them? I might be able to be convinced that there is some utility in enum inheritance, but it certainly doesn't make apis less error prone. Today enums outside of the defined values are rare and awkward because you need to do an explicit cast. If enums are allowed to have inheritance chains that add new values, you now need to worry about someone passing you a derived enum with value ranges you do not expect.
Here's some sample code that I wrote to get around the Enum deficiency, and create something that approximates an Enum:
(there's a bit of added code, since we were using a struct, I added a little more smarts into it, so that each enum was also aware of it's 'group')
The equivalent of my code above (almost) if it were just an enum is this:
public enum MapModeName
_NULL, InstrumentPanel, ProcedurePreview, FullScreenPlate, EFIS, Vector, VFR, LowIFR, HighIFR, Custom
This is why I'm here, asking for the reasons not to just make Enums with the "[ExtendibleEnum]" attribute, extendible.
@jmarolf - This should only be enabled for Enums with the "[EnumExtendible]" attribute, so that it doesn't open up any cans of worms. It simply allows the cases where the enum should be extended, to be extended. Then it just serves as a strong-typed list of registered string names, effectively.
@jmarolf - This should only be enabled for Enums with the "[EnumExtendible]" attribute, so that it doesn't open up any cans of worms. It simply allows the cases where the enum should be extended, to be extended. Then it just serves as a strong-typed list of registered string names, effectively.
But it's not strongly typed. I've mentioned this a few times :) Enums are not strongly typed. They must have runtime validation as your clients have no restriction on passing any value they want to it :)
@jmarolf - This should only be enabled for Enums with the "[EnumExtendible]" attribute, so that it doesn't open up any cans of worms. It simply allows the cases where the enum should be extended, to be extended. Then it just serves as a strong-typed list of registered string names, effectively.
But it's not strongly typed. I've mentioned this a few times :) Enums are not strongly typed. They must have runtime validation as your clients have no restriction on passing any value they want to it :)
@Cyrus: Fine, then call Enums "Specifically Typed", where as a "string" value is very non-specifically typed. Enums imply meaning by the name of the enum itself. While for a string value -- it is tied to nothing specific, and opens the door to QA issues.
The goal is clarity, QA, and efficiency. The Enum is superior to strings in all of these areas. The only thing it's lacking is the ability to be Extended with the presence of a very clear '[ExtendibleEnum]' attribute.
Sad use of strings in C# code is rampant, where enums would have been a better choice -- if only the enum were extendable.
if only the enum were extendable.
Enums are already extendible. The entire domain of their integral backing types is available. It's technically finite. But so large that it's effectively infinitely large (just as strings).
@cyrus: Fine, then call Enums "Specifically Typed", where as a "string" value is very non-specifically typed.
I don't know what the distinction would be here. What do you mean by 'specifically typed'?
@CyrusNajmabadi - it's like you are trolling on your own site. Should I report you?
Specifically-typed means that "enum MapModeName" is clear that all of it's members are Map Mode Names ... so a value of "Vector" means "Map Mode Name = Vector". While the loose string value of "Vector" doesn't indicate that it's a "Map Mode Name", and so it's preferable to send a parameter "MapModeName.Vector" vs. just sending a raw string value "Vector".
You didn't like the term "Strongly Typed" since typing isn't strictly enforced. So I suppose "Specifically typed" is a better term, since this is about specificity/clarity and easy-QA/Intellisense. I'm not trying to claim you can't caste another int-type to an enum-type... that becomes a "don't care" since we're not trying to say Enums are hack-proof.
Specifically-typed means that "enum MapModeName" is clear that all of it's members are Map Mode Names
But how can you state anything about all of it's members when:
and easy-QA/Intellisense
This is not hte domain of hte language though. Intellisense can already be adjusted through things like changing roslyn.
since we're not trying to say Enums are hack-proof.
So it's still unclear waht value is being gained here. It sounds like you both want well known names up front, but also want people to be able to add names later. That can be done today on your own just with things like strings/enums and an analyzer on your part. As you say, you don't care about hack-proof. So thsi approach is more than sufficient to meet your objectives.
Sounds kinda like you want Java enums, which are patented.
@HaloFour can java enums be extended after the fact by a different party?
can java enums be extended after the fact by a different party?
That they can't. The closest you'd get is to have the key be of an interface type, and the enum can implement that interface, as could another enum. But given the blob of code that was posted above, that reminds me very much of Java enums.
DUs might also fit that bill, if they can implement interfaces.
Something equivalent to Java Enums would be nice. It would be nice if C# just supported something like that as a native type, where under the covers, it's just a wrapped-int (index), and so operates like a fly-weight -- you are just passing around an int... but that int is the index into a table/array of additional data, such as "Name" for starters, and other data if it helps (this is how we've implemented it in our own struct). But as you can see, in C# generating this functionality requires about 200 lines of added code per Extendible-Enum, which is why it's never used.
Instead, most C# dev seem to flock towards use of String Keys. Most devs aren't aware that there's a way emulate a Java-like enum using a C# structure (as I've done), and are intrigued when they see it. But as I implement these specialized/tedious structs, it begs the question - why aren't select C# enum types simply extendable?
Most don't even ask the question -- they just use strings, and have become used to the added risks to QA -- so when bugs happen as a result, they get paid more hours to fix those bugs. No sweat off their back.
It would also be less painful, if the pattern that I implemented for MapLayerName can be "re-used" other than cut-paste of the actual code. But since it's a struct and makes use of static private Lists/Arrays/Tables - it wouldn't work out to have a shared base class among many derivations -- as they all be sharing the same static arrays/table -- which is a stopper.
If there was a more elegant way of "writing this implementation once" and then re-using it, so that derivations were very light weight (e.g. all they had to do was define their static member list, and be done) -- then that would make this more appealing, and might help C# developers to stop using Strings Key names so rampantly.
Without implementing it on each Enum-struct, is there a way to add the following methods without duplicating this code inside of each struct-Enum that I make?
If so - that too would make writing your own struct-Enums less ~20% less tedious.
I'm already devising a way to consolidate about half of the remaining code into a re-usable "StructEnumData" class, which manages the data lists/tables for each type, thus making it less tedious.
I'd really like to stop seeing so many string-based Key names in C# code. Until there is a viable and well-known alternative, this'll likely continue to be the trend.
You can do this with a source generator.
and might help C# developers to stop using Strings Key names so rampantly.
You haven't identified any problems going that route, so it's unclear why people would stop.
and might help C# developers to stop using Strings Key names so rampantly.
You haven't identified any problems going that route, so it's unclear why people would stop.
I suppose then you are one of those who uses string-based keys? Most people who use them have been doing it for so long that they don't see the associated QA issues, and since they know there are no other viable options (that are extendable), they just use them an move on, being that this is the best option in C# now available (that they know of). If so, then I may barking to deaf ears.
It's hard for me to believe that you don't see the inferiority of using "string based keys" vs. an Extendible-Enum of names. Strings are non-specifically typed and can be mistyped easily, while Enum values cannot be mistakenly mistyped without a compiler error... and can't be missed on refactoring a Name without causing compiler errors.
I've said this many times -- but you still don't see the gains in what I am saying. This is a bit disappointing, given that you are one of the guardians of this great language.
All of my griping has lead me to innovate an improvement on my current struct-based solution. I have now added an interface call IStructEnum, and a new helper class called StructEnumHelper. Both of these reduce the amount of cut-pasted code to less than half of what it was, and most of what's left is non-tedious.
Here's the resulting interface and helper class:
And now one struct that now uses this helper is here -- this code is almost the same among structEnums -- all I have to do is cut/paste the code and change "MapLayerName" to the new enum name. Easy.
public partial struct MapLayerName : IComparable, IComparable<MapLayerName>, IStructEnum
int IStructEnum.Index => Index;
public const byte __MAX_NAMES = 255;
static private StructEnumHelper<MapLayerName> s_Helper = new StructEnumHelper<MapLayerName>(__MAX_NAMES);
static public readonly MapLayerName NULL = new MapLayerName();
public readonly byte Index;
public string Name => s_Helper.__AllInstanceNames[Index];
public string DisplayName => s_Helper.__AllInstanceDisplayNames[Index];
public bool IsNull => Index == 0;
public bool IsValid => Index > 0;
public override string ToString() => $"{s_Helper.Name}<{Name}> = {DisplayName}";
static public MapLayerName __GetByIndex(byte index) => s_Helper.GetByIndex(index);
static public MapLayerName __GetByName(string name) => s_Helper.GetByName(name);
static public int __InstanceCount => s_Helper.__InstanceCount;
public override int GetHashCode() => s_Helper.GetHashCode(this);
public override bool Equals(object obj) => s_Helper.IsEqual(this, obj);
int IComparable<MapLayerName>.CompareTo(MapLayerName other) => s_Helper.CompareTo(this, other);
int IComparable.CompareTo(object obj) => s_Helper.CompareTo(this, obj);
static public bool operator ==(MapLayerName left, MapLayerName right) => s_Helper.IsEqual(left, right);
static public bool operator !=(MapLayerName left, MapLayerName right) => s_Helper.IsNotEqual(left, right);
static public MapLayerName __Create(string name, string displayName, byte index2 = 0, bool isEnabledByDefault = true)
MapLayerName layerName = s_Helper.AddNew(name, displayName,
() => new MapLayerName(s_Helper.__InstanceCount, index2, isEnabledByDefault),
(item) => { __RenderOrderMap[item.Index] = RenderOrder.__AssociateMapLayer(item); }
return layerName;
// the rest is custom but not much left to write, except for extra data I add specific to this type....
All of this.. to create a type that still has some inferiorities to Enums. For example if you type:
myLayerName =
There is no Intellisense help to bring up the "MapLayerName.", so you have to start typing it... where as for Enum types, the intellisense auto-shows the "MapLayerName.{options}" for you.
Before you say "well that's a tooling issue" -- that's a silly thing to say. The goal here isn't to "make things nice for JUST ME", but rather to address the fact that "look at all this code it takes to create an extendible StructEnum"!! This is why people just use String-Keys, because nobody knows about this option.
Extendable Enums -- would be superior to what I have done, and would become used by the mainstream, and would replace the current trends of using String Keys.
While as for my solution - almost nobody will ever find out about it, nor discover it themselves. They'll continue using string keys...
I want something that makes simpler to extend an existing enum without replicate values. I am not proposing inheritance, but just a syntax that allows to avoid code duplication and makes casting simpler and safer.
As sample we can have a base enum:
and an enum that extend that:
The Color enum is converted by the compiler into a new enum that is a merge with PrimaryColor:
This also creates an implicit casting from PrimaryColor to Color.
Converted by the compiler into:
If there is an overload, no conversion is made:
DoSomething(PrimaryColor.RED); //Overload is preferred
Enum values if not assigned, continue in a natural order from the last value defined in base enum.
Declare explicit values is recommended, since it can cause a breaking change in the extended enum if you add a property in the base, but everything can work without problems.
I would disallow enum extensions on enum with [Flags] attribute, because even if it could work, it can cause unexpected behaviors and breaking changes if you change values on the base enum.
If you use an underlying type on the base enum, the extended enum will be of the same underlying type .