dotnet / csharpstandard

Working space for ECMA-TC49-TG2, the C# standard committee.
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Misleading preprocessor specification with mandatory whitespace. #298

Open miniwolf opened 5 years ago

miniwolf commented 5 years ago

Following this specification as seen in here: For preprocessor directive it is specified that this is the specification:

    : whitespace? '#' whitespace? 'if' whitespace pp_expression pp_new_line conditional_section?

This must mean that something like: #if(ANDROID) && !(WINDOWS) Should not be correct as '(' is not defined in whitespace, which is mandatory in the specification:

    : '<Any character with Unicode class Zs>'
    | '<Horizontal tab character (U+0009)>'
    | '<Vertical tab character (U+000B)>'
    | '<Form feed character (U+000C)>'

However this will pass in the .NET compiler.

So it seems like an : whitespace? '#' whitespace? 'if' can be followed by a '!', '(' or a whitespace.

BillWagner commented 3 years ago

Moving to dotnet/csharpstandard