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Working space for ECMA-TC49-TG2, the C# standard committee.
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[return: attribute] on accessor that returns void #340

Open KalleOlaviNiemitalo opened 3 years ago

KalleOlaviNiemitalo commented 3 years ago

Microsoft's documentation on Attribute specification and Microsoft C# compilers allow a return _attribute_targetspecifier in the following contexts, where ECMA-334 5th edition § 22.3 (Attribute specification) does not allow it:

using System;

public class Class1
    public event EventHandler Event
        [return: Demo] add { }
        [return: Demo] remove { }

    public int this[int index]
        get { return 0; }
        [return: Demo] set { }

    public int Property
        get { return 0; }
        [return: Demo] set { }

public sealed class DemoAttribute : Attribute

Because return: attributes are generally allowed on methods that return void, this feature does not seem to cause any semantic problems.

The following C# compilers allow these attribute specifications even with /langversion:ISO-1:

I don't know whether this feature has been formally proposed in Anyway, it has already been implemented and documented, so perhaps it should be standardized.

KalleOlaviNiemitalo commented 3 years ago

This seems to have been allowed already in the first public commit of Roslyn:

That code does not include any comment pointing this out as a deviation from the specification. AttributeTests.cs includes several instances of the return _attribute_targetspecifier on attributes on add and set accessors, although not on remove. I did not find any related issue or discussion in dotnet/roslyn.

KalleOlaviNiemitalo commented 3 years ago

Alternatively, this could be considered a Microsoft extension, and then from ECMA-334 5th edition chapter 2:

A conforming implementation of C# shall be accompanied by a document that defines all implementation-defined characteristics, and all extensions.

Which would make this a docs issue as soon as replaces their current C# 6.0 draft specification with the ECMA committee draft spec.

KalleOlaviNiemitalo commented 2 years ago

In, Microsoft started publishing the ECMA C# 6 draft from this repository to, replacing So the usage of the return attribute target with such accessors is no longer documented there, although it is AFAIK still implemented in the compiler.

I suppose I should file a separate issue asking Microsoft to document this extension at, where they document other extensions. But I'll leave this one open in case the C# committee wants to standardise this feature in some future version of C#.