dotnet / deployment-tools

This repo contains the code to build the .NET deployment tools and installers for all supported platforms, as well as the sources to .NET deployment tools.
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Improve update detection for .NET (Core) applications deployed with ClickOnce #27

Open NikolaMilosavljevic opened 4 years ago

NikolaMilosavljevic commented 4 years ago

.NET (Core) applications deployed with ClickOnce cannot use ApplicationDeployment class for on-demand update check.

Besides checking for new updates, this check can be used to ensure that the deployment is still available on the server and wasn't deleted. If application is doing silent updates, without this check, user won't be aware that application is not getting any updates.

Launcher could do the update check if application is configured to install new updates automatically. We need to find a way to communicate the result of this check to .NET (Core) application. We could potentially also include the result of any recent automatic update.

mike7ang1rdz commented 1 year ago

Hi @NikolaMilosavljevic I noticed that the ApplicationDeployment.cs class still missing the 2 methods that are available on ClickOnce for .NET 4.8 Framework:

  • CheckForDetailedUpdate()
  • Update()

Is there any plan to implement them or any alternative methods to them on .NET 7.0? Thanks in advanced, Luciano

That is correct. The sample class adds support for obtaining properties and does not have any methods related to updating the app. We understand that this is an important scenario for some applications and will be looking into ways to close this gap in experience.

CheckForDetailedUpdate this method is stopping me any workarounds available like calling service directly?

statler commented 1 year ago

Hi @NikolaMilosavljevic

Any update on the support for methods from the ApplicationDeployment class? Or somewhere there is a proposal we can track for this? I understand the technical challenges with the .Net/Core changes compared to framework, but surely there is a way...

JDA88 commented 1 year ago

This issue (and the lack of workarounds) is preventing us to migrate to .NET7

berets76 commented 1 year ago

Could we just have an idea of if/when this functionality will be restored? This is a very important feature in some applications, we have been stalling for months, but now we need a certain time target.

Please just say yes or no, so we can possibly take other ways. If it won't even be present in version 8, we will necessarily have to find an alternative.


NikolaMilosavljevic commented 1 year ago

There are no immediate plans to add official support for in-app update functionality. There are some, perhaps less-than-ideal workarounds, provided in the comments of this issue. It is worth exploring and fine-tuning those options today.

.NET applications can access Application deployment properties using methods described in this PR:

Besides here at GitHub, I would also suggest voicing these and similar requests through Developer Community site:

fatih252 commented 4 months ago

Hello @NikolaMilosavljevic , any update or possible planning yet to support the extra methods ?