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Common FAQ: Adding projects from other solutions #1097

Open jamesmontemagno opened 1 week ago

jamesmontemagno commented 1 week ago

Describe the issue or suggestion

Do we have guidance or an answer for this? I do seem to get it a lot and having it in the FAQ or in orchestration guide may be nice to have.

IEvangelist commented 1 week ago

What's the specific question here, is it, "how do you add projects to other solutions"? Are you asking about the templates?

jamesmontemagno commented 1 week ago

I often get a question...

I have multiple solutions (backend solution and a frontend solution) or in different repos. How would I add on of the projects from another solution or repo into my app host to have it startup too.

Answers... I assume you can just reference the project location? I told folks add a submodule...

IEvangelist commented 1 week ago

Let's verify with @davidfowl - as I'm not sure we have an answer yet. I think this was something that they plan to support in the future, but for now...not sure.

jamesmontemagno commented 1 week ago

For sure! Even if it is like hey... create a new solution with all of your projects and leverage project filters or something... idk