There is some discrepancy between the platforms when it comes to SemanticProperties.Description and our suggestions. It appears that to use Voice Control (speech input) on Mac, it is better to use the SemanticProperties.Description on Entries so that the Voice Control can access these entries. For example, assigning a SemanticProperties.Description of "Name" allows the Voice Control to recognize me saying "Click Name" and that entry will be focused.
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There is some discrepancy between the platforms when it comes to SemanticProperties.Description and our suggestions. It appears that to use Voice Control (speech input) on Mac, it is better to use the SemanticProperties.Description on Entries so that the Voice Control can access these entries. For example, assigning a SemanticProperties.Description of "Name" allows the Voice Control to recognize me saying "Click Name" and that entry will be focused.
I am just not sure how this should be worded exactly and if this is something that can be improved in the future. I think a work around for now, as to not conflict with the other bullets on this subject, would be to use OnPlatform such as
SemanticProperties.Description="{OnPlatform MacCatalyst=Recipe Name}" URL
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