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Create pages documenting .NET SDK error messages #20656

Closed tdykstra closed 2 years ago

tdykstra commented 4 years ago

An example of a .NET SDK error is NETSDK1045.

Follow pattern of C# compiler error docs

High-traffic errors (# of F1 queries from VS)

Periodically review traffic statistics and document additional error numbers.

adegeo commented 4 years ago

Do we want to automate the creation of each file and basic structure?

tdykstra commented 4 years ago

I was thinking we would create a stub file and each time a page is created it would start by copying the stub Markdown. Do you have a better idea?

adegeo commented 4 years ago

That sounds good. Can just use some powershell to load the xml file and for each data/value combo extract the error code and description and fill it in the copied file.

tdykstra commented 4 years ago

As long as it works selectively one by one, as we don't need to create pages for all of the errors, only those that require more explanation than the message itself conveys.

adegeo commented 4 years ago

We wouldn't want them all? If someone uses the error lookup in visual studio, where would it go for a missing error?

tdykstra commented 4 years ago

We could create one doc that lists all error numbers for which we decided additional information is not needed.

marcpopMSFT commented 4 years ago

I had originally assumed we'd have one doc with all the items in a table but I see that compiler errors and CA warnings are all separate documents so we'd be matching that existing experience. Note that we may not have a lot of extra detail for many of them beyond what's in the message (as hopefully most of the messages are enough).

ghogen commented 3 years ago

@tdykstra @adegeo @marcpopMSFT Some of these are still impacting our VS hub page, most significantly NETSDK1045 and NETSDK1004, which rank among the top 25 incoming F1 queries in the VS docs.

For NETSDK1045, I see a StackOverflow article that is currently popular, which could potentially be used as inspiration for an article.

NETSDK1004 seems to be about a missing assets file, but that could have many causes. I'd be in favor of adding the article here to capture the F1 traffic, even if it's fairly short and simple.

adegeo commented 3 years ago

@ghogen This was published (and some others):

ghogen commented 3 years ago

@adegeo OK, that's for NETSDK1005 but we are still seeing NETSDK1004 - maybe there's some slight difference if they both deal with a missing assets file.

ghogen commented 3 years ago

@adegeo It looks like @gewarren just added a doc for NETSDK1004. - Thanks!

If no one is working on NETSDK1045, I could submit one based on the StackOverflow information, as a start.

marcpopMSFT commented 2 years ago

@tdykstra I wrote a tool to dig through the SDK error messages and put them into a table friendly format if we wanted to have a parent page. Let me know if you want to use this and I can potentially modify the tool to create links to the pages that have existing articles.

SDK Message Number Message
NETSDK1001 At least one possible target framework must be specified.
NETSDK1002 Project '{0}' targets '{2}'. It cannot be referenced by a project that targets '{1}'.
NETSDK1003 Invalid framework name: '{0}'.
NETSDK1004 Assets file '{0}' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file.
NETSDK1005 Assets file '{0}' doesn't have a target for '{1}'. Ensure that restore has run and that you have included '{2}' in the TargetFrameworks for your project.
NETSDK1006 Assets file path '{0}' is not rooted. Only full paths are supported.
NETSDK1007 Cannot find project info for '{0}'. This can indicate a missing project reference.
NETSDK1008 Missing '{0}' metadata on '{1}' item '{2}'.
NETSDK1009 Unrecognized preprocessor token '{0}' in '{1}'.
NETSDK1010 The '{0}' task must be given a value for parameter '{1}' in order to consume preprocessed content.
NETSDK1011 Assets are consumed from project '{0}', but no corresponding MSBuild project path was found in '{1}'.
NETSDK1012 Unexpected file type for '{0}'. Type is both '{1}' and '{2}'.
NETSDK1013 The TargetFramework value '{0}' was not recognized. It may be misspelled. If not, then the TargetFrameworkIdentifier and/or TargetFrameworkVersion properties must be specified explicitly.
NETSDK1014 Content item for '{0}' sets '{1}', but does not provide '{2}' or '{3}'.
NETSDK1015 The preprocessor token '{0}' has been given more than one value. Choosing '{1}' as the value.
NETSDK1016 Unable to find resolved path for '{0}'.
NETSDK1017 Asset preprocessor must be configured before assets are processed.
NETSDK1018 Invalid NuGet version string: '{0}'.
NETSDK1019 {0} is an unsupported framework.
NETSDK1020 Package Root {0} was incorrectly given for Resolved library {1}
NETSDK1021 More than one file found for {0}
NETSDK1022 Duplicate '{0}' items were included. The .NET SDK includes '{0}' items from your project directory by default. You can either remove these items from your project file, or set the '{1}' property to '{2}' if you want to explicitly include them in your project file. For more information, see {4}. The duplicate items were: {3}
NETSDK1023 A PackageReference for '{0}' was included in your project. This package is implicitly referenced by the .NET SDK and you do not typically need to reference it from your project. For more information, see {1}
NETSDK1024 Folder '{0}' already exists either delete it or provide a different ComposeWorkingDir
NETSDK1025 The target manifest {0} provided is of not the correct format
NETSDK1028 Specify a RuntimeIdentifier
NETSDK1029 Unable to use '{0}' as application host executable as it does not contain the expected placeholder byte sequence '{1}' that would mark where the application name would be written.
NETSDK1030 Given file name '{0}' is longer than 1024 bytes
NETSDK1031 It is not supported to build or publish a self-contained application without specifying a RuntimeIdentifier. You must either specify a RuntimeIdentifier or set SelfContained to false.
NETSDK1032 The RuntimeIdentifier platform '{0}' and the PlatformTarget '{1}' must be compatible.
NETSDK1042 Could not load PlatformManifest from '{0}' because it did not exist.
NETSDK1043 Error parsing PlatformManifest from '{0}' line {1}. Lines must have the format {2}.
NETSDK1044 Error parsing PlatformManifest from '{0}' line {1}. {2} '{3}' was invalid.
NETSDK1045 The current .NET SDK does not support targeting {0} {1}. Either target {0} {2} or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports {0} {1}.
NETSDK1046 The TargetFramework value '{0}' is not valid. To multi-target, use the 'TargetFrameworks' property instead.
NETSDK1047 Assets file '{0}' doesn't have a target for '{1}'. Ensure that restore has run and that you have included '{2}' in the TargetFrameworks for your project. You may also need to include '{3}' in your project's RuntimeIdentifiers.
NETSDK1048 'AdditionalProbingPaths' were specified for GenerateRuntimeConfigurationFiles, but are being skipped because 'RuntimeConfigDevPath' is empty.
NETSDK1049 Resolved file has a bad image, no metadata, or is otherwise inaccessible. {0} {1}
NETSDK1050 The version of Microsoft.NET.Sdk used by this project is insufficient to support references to libraries targeting .NET Standard 1.5 or higher. Please install version 2.0 or higher of the .NET Core SDK.
NETSDK1051 Error parsing FrameworkList from '{0}'. {1} '{2}' was invalid.
NETSDK1052 Framework list file path '{0}' is not rooted. Only full paths are supported.
NETSDK1053 Pack as tool does not support self contained.
NETSDK1054 only supports .NET Core.
NETSDK1055 DotnetTool does not support target framework lower than netcoreapp2.1.
NETSDK1056 Project is targeting runtime '{0}' but did not resolve any runtime-specific packages. This runtime may not be supported by the target framework.
NETSDK1057 You are using a preview version of .NET. See:
NETSDK1058 Invalid value for ItemSpecToUse parameter: '{0}'. This property must be blank or set to 'Left' or 'Right'
NETSDK1059 The tool '{0}' is now included in the .NET SDK. Information on resolving this warning is available at (
NETSDK1060 Error reading assets file: {0}
NETSDK1061 The project was restored using {0} version {1}, but with current settings, version {2} would be used instead. To resolve this issue, make sure the same settings are used for restore and for subsequent operations such as build or publish. Typically this issue can occur if the RuntimeIdentifier property is set during build or publish but not during restore. For more information, see
NETSDK1063 The path to the project assets file was not set. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file.
NETSDK1064 Package {0}, version {1} was not found. It might have been deleted since NuGet restore. Otherwise, NuGet restore might have only partially completed, which might have been due to maximum path length restrictions.
NETSDK1065 Cannot find app host for {0}. {0} could be an invalid runtime identifier (RID). For more information about RID, see
NETSDK1067 Self-contained applications are required to use the application host. Either set SelfContained to false or set UseAppHost to true.
NETSDK1068 The framework-dependent application host requires a target framework of at least 'netcoreapp2.1'.
NETSDK1069 This project uses a library that targets .NET Standard 1.5 or higher, and the project targets a version of .NET Framework that doesn't have built-in support for that version of .NET Standard. Visit for a set of known issues. Consider retargeting to .NET Framework 4.7.2.
NETSDK1070 The application configuration file must have root configuration element.
NETSDK1071 A PackageReference to '{0}' specified a Version of {1}. Specifying the version of this package is not recommended. For more information, see
NETSDK1072 Unable to use '{0}' as application host executable because it's not a Windows executable for the CUI (Console) subsystem.
NETSDK1073 The FrameworkReference '{0}' was not recognized
NETSDK1074 The application host executable will not be customized because adding resources requires that the build be performed on Windows (excluding Nano Server).
NETSDK1075 Update handle is invalid. This instance may not be used for further updates.
NETSDK1076 AddResource can only be used with integer resource types.
NETSDK1077 Failed to lock resource.
NETSDK1078 Unable to use '{0}' as application host executable because it's not a Windows PE file.
NETSDK1079 The Microsoft.AspNetCore.All package is not supported when targeting .NET Core 3.0 or higher. A FrameworkReference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.App should be used instead, and will be implicitly included by Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web.
NETSDK1080 A PackageReference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.App is not necessary when targeting .NET Core 3.0 or higher. If Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web is used, the shared framework will be referenced automatically. Otherwise, the PackageReference should be replaced with a FrameworkReference.
NETSDK1081 The targeting pack for {0} was not found. You may be able to resolve this by running a NuGet restore on the project.
NETSDK1082 There was no runtime pack for {0} available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier '{1}'.
NETSDK1083 The specified RuntimeIdentifier '{0}' is not recognized.
NETSDK1084 There is no application host available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier '{0}'.
NETSDK1085 The 'NoBuild' property was set to true but the 'Build' target was invoked.
NETSDK1086 A FrameworkReference for '{0}' was included in the project. This is implicitly referenced by the .NET SDK and you do not typically need to reference it from your project. For more information, see {1}
NETSDK1087 Multiple FrameworkReference items for '{0}' were included in the project.
NETSDK1088 The COMVisible class '{0}' must have a GuidAttribute with the CLSID of the class to be made visible to COM in .NET Core.
NETSDK1089 The '{0}' and '{1}' types have the same CLSID '{2}' set in their GuidAttribute. Each COMVisible class needs to have a distinct guid for their CLSID.
NETSDK1090 The supplied assembly '{0}' is not valid. Cannot generate a CLSIDMap from it.
NETSDK1091 Unable to find a .NET Core COM host. The .NET Core COM host is only available on .NET Core 3.0 or higher when targeting Windows.
NETSDK1092 The CLSIDMap cannot be embedded on the COM host because adding resources requires that the build be performed on Windows (excluding Nano Server).
NETSDK1093 Project tools (DotnetCliTool) only support targeting .NET Core 2.2 and lower.
NETSDK1094 Unable to optimize assemblies for performance: a valid runtime package was not found. Either set the PublishReadyToRun property to false, or use a supported runtime identifier when publishing. When targeting .NET 6 or higher, make sure to restore packages with the PublishReadyToRun property set to true.
NETSDK1095 Optimizing assemblies for performance is not supported for the selected target platform or architecture. Please verify you are using a supported runtime identifier, or set the PublishReadyToRun property to false.
NETSDK1096 Optimizing assemblies for performance failed. You can either exclude the failing assemblies from being optimized, or set the PublishReadyToRun property to false.
NETSDK1097 It is not supported to publish an application to a single-file without specifying a RuntimeIdentifier. You must either specify a RuntimeIdentifier or set PublishSingleFile to false.
NETSDK1098 Applications published to a single-file are required to use the application host. You must either set PublishSingleFile to false or set UseAppHost to true.
NETSDK1099 Publishing to a single-file is only supported for executable applications.
NETSDK1100 To build a project targeting Windows on this operating system, set the EnableWindowsTargeting property to true.
NETSDK1102 Optimizing assemblies for size is not supported for the selected publish configuration. Please ensure that you are publishing a self-contained app.
NETSDK1103 RollForward setting is only supported on .NET Core 3.0 or higher.
NETSDK1104 RollForward value '{0}' is invalid. Allowed values are {1}.
NETSDK1105 Windows desktop applications are only supported on .NET Core 3.0 or higher.
NETSDK1106 Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop requires 'UseWpf' or 'UseWindowsForms' to be set to 'true'
NETSDK1107 Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop is required to build Windows desktop applications. 'UseWpf' and 'UseWindowsForms' are not supported by the current SDK.
NETSDK1109 Runtime list file '{0}' was not found. Report this error to the .NET team here:
NETSDK1110 More than one asset in the runtime pack has the same destination sub-path of '{0}'. Report this error to the .NET team here:
NETSDK1111 Failed to delete output apphost: {0}
NETSDK1112 The runtime pack for {0} was not downloaded. Try running a NuGet restore with the RuntimeIdentifier '{1}'.
NETSDK1113 Failed to create apphost (attempt {0} out of {1}): {2}
NETSDK1114 Unable to find a .NET Core IJW host. The .NET Core IJW host is only available on .NET Core 3.1 or higher when targeting Windows.
NETSDK1115 The current .NET SDK does not support .NET Framework without using .NET SDK Defaults. It is likely due to a mismatch between C++/CLI project CLRSupport property and TargetFramework.
NETSDK1116 C++/CLI projects targeting .NET Core must be dynamic libraries.
NETSDK1117 Does not support publish of C++/CLI project targeting dotnet core.
NETSDK1118 C++/CLI projects targeting .NET Core cannot be packed.
NETSDK1119 C++/CLI projects targeting .NET Core cannot use EnableComHosting=true.
NETSDK1120 C++/CLI projects targeting .NET Core require a target framework of at least 'netcoreapp3.1'.
NETSDK1121 C++/CLI projects targeting .NET Core cannot use SelfContained=true.
NETSDK1122 ReadyToRun compilation will be skipped because it is only supported for .NET Core 3.0 or higher.
NETSDK1123 Publishing an application to a single-file requires .NET Core 3.0 or higher.
NETSDK1124 Trimming assemblies requires .NET Core 3.0 or higher.
NETSDK1125 Publishing to a single-file is only supported for netcoreapp target.
NETSDK1126 Publishing ReadyToRun using Crossgen2 is only supported for self-contained applications.
NETSDK1127 The targeting pack {0} is not installed. Please restore and try again.
NETSDK1128 COM hosting does not support self-contained deployments.
NETSDK1129 The 'Publish' target is not supported without specifying a target framework. The current project targets multiple frameworks, you must specify the framework for the published application.
NETSDK1130 {1} cannot be referenced. Referencing a Windows Metadata component directly when targeting .NET 5 or higher is not supported. For more information, see
NETSDK1131 Producing a managed Windows Metadata component with WinMDExp is not supported when targeting {0}.
NETSDK1132 No runtime pack information was available for {0}.
NETSDK1133 There was conflicting information about runtime packs available for {0}:
NETSDK1134 Building a solution with a specific RuntimeIdentifier is not supported. If you would like to publish for a single RID, specifiy the RID at the individual project level instead.
NETSDK1135 SupportedOSPlatformVersion {0} cannot be higher than TargetPlatformVersion {1}.
NETSDK1136 The target platform must be set to Windows (usually by including '-windows' in the TargetFramework property) when using Windows Forms or WPF, or referencing projects or packages that do so.
NETSDK1137 It is no longer necessary to use the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop SDK. Consider changing the Sdk attribute of the root Project element to 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk'.
NETSDK1138 The target framework '{0}' is out of support and will not receive security updates in the future. Please refer to {1} for more information about the support policy.
NETSDK1139 The target platform identifier {0} was not recognized.
NETSDK1140 {0} is not a valid TargetPlatformVersion for {1}. Valid versions include:
NETSDK1141 Unable to resolve the .NET SDK version as specified in the global.json located at {0}.
NETSDK1142 Including symbols in a single file bundle is not supported when publishing for .NET5 or higher.
NETSDK1143 Including all content in a single file bundle also includes native libraries. If IncludeAllContentForSelfExtract is true, IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract must not be false.
NETSDK1144 Optimizing assemblies for size failed. Optimization can be disabled by setting the PublishTrimmed property to false.
NETSDK1145 The {0} pack is not installed and NuGet package restore is not supported. Upgrade Visual Studio, remove global.json if it specifies a certain SDK version, and uninstall the newer SDK. For more options visit Pack Type:{0}, Pack directory: {1}, targetframework: {2}, Pack PackageId: {3}, Pack Package Version: {4}
NETSDK1146 PackAsTool does not support TargetPlatformIdentifier being set. For example, TargetFramework cannot be net5.0-windows, only net5.0. PackAsTool also does not support UseWPF or UseWindowsForms when targeting .NET 5 and higher.
NETSDK1147 To build this project, the following workloads must be installed: {0}
NETSDK1148 A referenced assembly was compiled using a newer version of Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.dll. Please update to a newer .NET SDK in order to reference this assembly.
NETSDK1149 {0} cannot be referenced because it uses built-in support for WinRT, which is no longer supported in .NET 5 and higher. An updated version of the component supporting .NET 5 is needed. For more information, see
NETSDK1150 The referenced project '{0}' is a non self-contained executable. A non self-contained executable cannot be referenced by a self-contained executable. For more information, see
NETSDK1151 The referenced project '{0}' is a self-contained executable. A self-contained executable cannot be referenced by a non self-contained executable. For more information, see
NETSDK1152 Found multiple publish output files with the same relative path: {0}.
NETSDK1153 CrossgenTool not specified in PDB compilation mode.
NETSDK1154 Crossgen2Tool must be specified when UseCrossgen2 is set to true.
NETSDK1155 Crossgen2Tool executable '{0}' not found.
NETSDK1156 .NET host executable '{0}' not found.
NETSDK1157 JIT library '{0}' not found.
NETSDK1158 Required '{0}' metadata missing on Crossgen2Tool item.
NETSDK1159 CrossgenTool must be specified when UseCrossgen2 is set to false.
NETSDK1160 CrossgenTool executable '{0}' not found.
NETSDK1161 DiaSymReader library '{0}' not found.
NETSDK1162 PDB generation: R2R executable '{0}' not found.
NETSDK1163 Input assembly '{0}' not found.
NETSDK1164 Missing output PDB path in PDB generation mode (OutputPDBImage metadata).
NETSDK1165 Missing output R2R image path (OutputR2RImage metadata).
NETSDK1166 Cannot emit symbols when publishing for .NET 5 with Crossgen2 using composite mode.
NETSDK1167 Compression in a single file bundle is only supported when publishing for .NET6 or higher.
NETSDK1168 WPF is not supported or recommended with trimming enabled. Please go to for more details.
NETSDK1169 The same resource ID {0} was specified for two type libraries '{1}' and '{2}'. Duplicate type library IDs are not allowed.
NETSDK1170 The provided type library ID '{0}' for type libary '{1}' is invalid. The ID must be a positive integer less than 65536.
NETSDK1171 An integer ID less than 65536 must be provided for type library '{0}' because more than one type library is specified.
NETSDK1172 The provided type library '{0}' does not exist.
NETSDK1173 The provided type library '{0}' is in an invalid format.
NETSDK1174 The abbreviation of -p for --project is deprecated. Please use --project.
NETSDK1175 Windows Forms is not supported or recommended with trimming enabled. Please go to for more details.
NETSDK1176 Compression in a single file bundle is only supported when publishing a self-contained application.
NETSDK1177 Failed to sign apphost with error code {1}: {0}
NETSDK1178 The project depends on the following workload packs that do not exist in any of the workloads available in this installation: {0}
NETSDK1179 One of '--self-contained' or '--no-self-contained' options are required when '--runtime' is used.
NETSDK1181 Error getting pack version: Pack '{0}' was not present in workload manifests.
NETSDK1182 Targeting .NET 6.0 or higher in Visual Studio 2019 is not supported.
NETSDK1183 Unable to optimize assemblies for Ahead of time compilation: a valid runtime package was not found. Either set the PublishAot property to false, or use a supported runtime identifier when publishing. When targeting .NET 7 or higher, make sure to restore packages with the PublishAot property set to true.
NETSDK1184 The Targeting Pack for FrameworkReference '{0}' was not available. This may be because DisableTransitiveFrameworkReferenceDownloads was set to true.
NETSDK1185 The Runtime Pack for FrameworkReference '{0}' was not available. This may be because DisableTransitiveFrameworkReferenceDownloads was set to true.
NETSDK1186 This project depends on Maui Essentials through a project or NuGet package reference, but doesn't declare that dependency explicitly. To build this project, you must set the UseMauiEssentials property to true (and install the Maui workload if necessary).
marcpopMSFT commented 2 years ago
@tdykstra , per our offline conversation, here are some comments on the top error codes customers are hitting F1 for so you can create a landing page for each. Let me know if you have questions for these and please include @dsplaisted on any PR review for these. ErrorCode Message Comment
NETSDK1138 NETSDK1138: The target framework '{0}' is out of support and will not receive security updates in the future. Please refer to {1} for more information about the support policy. The message routes customers to we give a warning whenever the customer has a TargetFramework for a runtime that's out of support. That currently includes 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0. We will add 5.0 in November. Customers can disable this warning by setting false in their project file
NETSDK1082 NETSDK1082: There was no runtime pack for {0} available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier '{1}'. This is somewhat similar to and a potentially workaround is similar as well \\EXISTINGVERSION\\. Basically, we download known runtime packs for self-contained applications but there could be a pointer to one that's not available to the customer. They either have to override the value to one that's available on their nuget feeds or investigate their nuget configuration.
NETSDK1136 NETSDK1136: The target platform must be set to Windows (usually by including '-windows' in the TargetFramework property) when using Windows Forms or WPF, or referencing projects or packages that do so. If UseWindowsForms or UseWPF is true, we assume it's a windows app and so the platform has to be set to windows. net6.0-windows works. This can happen if a customer has a project to project reference where one is set to windows and the other is not.
NETSDK1112 NETSDK1112: The runtime pack for {0} was not downloaded. Try running a NuGet restore with the RuntimeIdentifier '{1}'. I think this can happen if you did tried to publish without building first and so the runtime pack was not available.
NETSDK1137 NETSDK1137: It is no longer necessary to use the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop SDK. Consider changing the Sdk attribute of the root Project element to 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk'. The customer should modify their project file to have \ instead of the WindowsDesktop sdk. This was changed in 5.0.
NETSDK1182 NETSDK1182: Targeting .NET 6.0 or higher in Visual Studio 2019 is not supported. There are more details on our support policy here:
NETSDK1135 NETSDK1135: SupportedOSPlatformVersion {0} cannot be higher than TargetPlatformVersion {1}. The customer would want to check their project files for SupportedOSPlatformVersion. TargetPlatformVersion is inferred from the TargetFramework value. So net6.0-windows10.0.19041 will set the TPV to be 10.0.19041. We use TargetPlatformVersion to determine which apis are available at compile time.
gewarren commented 2 years ago

Closing per @tdykstra.