My guess is the dates 1012 and 2103 should be 2012 and 2013, respectively.
I think the explanation "That cast from SampleCustomer to ICustomer is necessary." is too subtle. This refers to the following initialization:
ICustomer theCustomer = c;
Yes, this involves an implicit conversion from c's type, SampleCustomer, but that is not immediately obvious. How about replacing "cast" with "implicit conversion" or doing some other wordsmithing?
Regards, Rex
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ID: 54cebe71-9575-ed30-b6b8-1f6222061961
Version Independent ID: ecda34c3-a5b7-8b8c-baa4-4ea741478e5f
My guess is the dates 1012 and 2103 should be 2012 and 2013, respectively.
I think the explanation "That cast from SampleCustomer to ICustomer is necessary." is too subtle. This refers to the following initialization:
ICustomer theCustomer = c;
Yes, this involves an implicit conversion from c's type, SampleCustomer, but that is not immediately obvious. How about replacing "cast" with "implicit conversion" or doing some other wordsmithing?
Regards, Rex
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