This doc states that "Visual Studio for Mac doesn't provide options to publish your app.". That's incorrect. VSMac does provide options to publish your app. At least for iOS/Android/macOS. It's just not called publishing. It's called "Archive for Publishing". There's also a "Publish to Folder" option.
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ID: a1a6f297-c659-3770-42d9-d277895b5d25
Version Independent ID: 3061aedd-2264-90da-b244-b8ed7bf416fc
This doc states that "Visual Studio for Mac doesn't provide options to publish your app.". That's incorrect. VSMac does provide options to publish your app. At least for iOS/Android/macOS. It's just not called publishing. It's called "Archive for Publishing". There's also a "Publish to Folder" option.
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⚠ Do not edit this section. It is required for ➟ GitHub issue linking.