[Enter feedback here]
I encountered a problem when remotely debugging a Dotnet App with Dotnet version "dotnetcore8.0" on a Raspberry Pi.
The Breakpoints/Symbols would not load and the debugger would not pause on Breakpoints.
The Fix was to add the Option
"justMyCode": false,
to the launch.json file.
I dont know what causes this Problem and why it is fixed with that Option, but it worked for me.
If further information is needed, feel free to contact me.
Type of issue
Code doesn't work
[Enter feedback here] I encountered a problem when remotely debugging a Dotnet App with Dotnet version "dotnetcore8.0" on a Raspberry Pi. The Breakpoints/Symbols would not load and the debugger would not pause on Breakpoints.
The Fix was to add the Option
"justMyCode": false,
to the launch.json file.
I dont know what causes this Problem and why it is fixed with that Option, but it worked for me.
If further information is needed, feel free to contact me.
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Associated WorkItem - 215928