Scaling by Font is useful if you want to have a control or form stretch or shrink according to the size of the fonts in the operating system
, the text describes that controls will shrink/grow depending on font availability in the system, but forms are designed with a specific font type and absolute size, such as 10pt, which means they cannot shrink/grow based on font availability.
If this intends to describe font substitutions, it should say so, but only when the primary intention of this setting is described. If this intends to describe font size changes according to accessibility (Ease of Use), then again, it should describe the primary use and then add that the font size will grow/shrink according to accessibility settings in Windows.
Outside of these contexts, font size should be absolute and should compute to 1/72 of an inch on the screen, regardless of anything else.
Lastly, if Windows interprets pixels in the way that CSS does (arm's length, etc - not actual pixels), that should fall into the DPI settings description, but in case it affects the Font setting as well by changing that dot (pixel) size, this page should call this out explicitly.
Confusion in this area is incredibly widespread and many good apps are illegible because they are designed on different displays, so developers use 8pt fonts that come out as tiniest text possible to 4K displays. Describing this functionality in an unambiguous way will be really helpful.
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In this paragraph:
, the text describes that controls will shrink/grow depending on font availability in the system, but forms are designed with a specific font type and absolute size, such as 10pt, which means they cannot shrink/grow based on font availability.
If this intends to describe font substitutions, it should say so, but only when the primary intention of this setting is described. If this intends to describe font size changes according to accessibility (Ease of Use), then again, it should describe the primary use and then add that the font size will grow/shrink according to accessibility settings in Windows.
Outside of these contexts, font size should be absolute and should compute to 1/72 of an inch on the screen, regardless of anything else.
Lastly, if Windows interprets pixels in the way that CSS does (arm's length, etc - not actual pixels), that should fall into the DPI settings description, but in case it affects the Font setting as well by changing that dot (pixel) size, this page should call this out explicitly.
Confusion in this area is incredibly widespread and many good apps are illegible because they are designed on different displays, so developers use 8pt fonts that come out as tiniest text possible to 4K displays. Describing this functionality in an unambiguous way will be really helpful.
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