CertificateRevocationCheckMode is another property in the SslClientAuthenticationOptions class, so it makes a lot of sense. On the other hand, SslCertificateTrust is a class. It's not clear what it means by a class is ignored. I was expecting a property.
it refers to SslStreamCertificateContext 's (the (Client/Server)CertificateContext property) Trust property, the wording can definitely use some improvements.
Type of issue
The document says "Gets or sets an optional customized policy for remote certificate validation. If not null, CertificateRevocationCheckMode and SslCertificateTrust are ignored."
CertificateRevocationCheckMode is another property in the SslClientAuthenticationOptions class, so it makes a lot of sense. On the other hand, SslCertificateTrust is a class. It's not clear what it means by a class is ignored. I was expecting a property.
(Should it be ClientCertificateContext?)
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