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EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
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Stop adding connection string into code when scaffolding #10432

Closed KallDrexx closed 1 year ago

KallDrexx commented 6 years ago

When I run the command:

dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "<connection-string>" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o "Data" -c "ApiDbContext" -f

It generates a ApiDbContext.cs file with the following:

       protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
            #warning To protect potentially sensitive information in your connection string, you should move it out of source code. See for guidance on storing connection strings.
            optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(@"<connection string>");

I have literally just spent 2 hours trying to figure out why my our staging environments were hitting our development databases instead of our production databases. We run this command every time we have any database schema changes (because we do database first instead of code first) and this time I forgot to remove this.

It got lost in a code review because of other changes in that file as well as lots of changes in other areas of the code.

It got lost in the warnings message because the current build has a lot of warnings because of [Obsolete] tags that we cannot remedy immediately.

To me this whole situation is not good, if for no other reason then you are encouraging users to put their sensitive connection strings in source control while at the same time saying "this is a bad practice but we will still shove this in your code every time you run this command". All it takes is one person to miss that message and it's in source control forever (or can be a royal pain to remove if it's an active code base).

While running dotnet ef dcontext scaffold --help I do not see any option to help remedy this either.

ErikEJ commented 6 years ago

I will investigate adding the option to have the connectionstring removed to my "EF Core Power Tools" - is the best approach to simply remove the 2 lines of code in OnConfiguring?

ErikEJ commented 6 years ago

@KallDrexx Implemented in the latest daily build:

KallDrexx commented 6 years ago

That's neat and I 100% appreciate it, but unfortunately most of our developers do not use Visual Studio proper anymore, we are mixed between Rider and VS Code (mostly for cross-platform support) :(.

ajcvickers commented 6 years ago

@KallDrexx This was actually discussed at great length a few years ago. The problem is that we want the result of reverse engineering to be runnable. If it isn't then people tend to give up immediately. We also couldn't come up with a secure way of doing this that would work across platforms/environments/frameworks. So after much debate we went with putting the connection string in, but with a warning comment. This certainly isn't ideal, but as of now it seems the best compromise between the competing requirements.

Note that the work planned around update-model-from-database #831 should make this much less of a problem for your scenario because it will not be necessary to run a complete , new scaffolding every time.

josh-sachs commented 6 years ago

For what it is worth, it seems to me the best compromise would have been to include an additional, optional flag that would result in the current behavior - and to have the default behavior be something that is suitable for use against a production code base.

The inclusion of the connection string is bad practice, and the tooling should work in a way that encourages people to wean themselves off of functionality that was included for the sake of mitigating any learning curve that may exist.

People following a guide can easily include a --hold-my-hand flag... they are probably copying and pasting from the web anyway. When present, the included warning comment should then advise them to remove that line of code, and omit the flag when they are ready to scaffold for use in a production environment.

It is discouraging to me that this isn't obvious, and that the current behavior is actually the product of intentional deliberation, rather than just an oversight.

Can we at least consider adding a flag to the CLI tool to prevent this behavior? The warning comment could be updated to inform developers of the option.

KallDrexx commented 6 years ago

The likelihood of someone coming to EF Core to just try it out and just stumbling on how to scaffold C# entities from an existing database without looking at any documentation seems pretty slim to me. If they are already following documentation to perform the scaffold I don't see why it's that difficult to instruct them how to pass a connection string to a DbContext. That's only one extra step they have to use to execute and gives them insight how to properly extract their connection string into a more secure area.

smitpatel commented 6 years ago

After looking at this more closely, the very first code snippet is actually not what we are generating with 2.0 packages.

6686 explicitly converted code to following style.

       protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
            if (!optionsBuilder.IsConfigured)
            #warning To protect potentially sensitive information in your connection string, you should move it out of source code. See for guidance on storing connection strings.
                optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(@"<connection string>");

Which makes sure that if the DbContext is configured already, it won't be reconfigured. So scaffolding actually does not change connection string and does not cause any issue of hitting wrong database. The problem does not exist actually.

Further, re-running scaffolding erases all custom modifications #831 fixes it. This is just one of the points of that issue.

It is quite ironic thread though. Beginners should read whole documentation line by line but reading code reviews in detail is not necessary. Beginners should learn to pass in extra flag as an extra step when removing 2 lines of code is huge step. It is unacceptable to put connectionstring in code when it is acceptable to ignore warnings during the build time.

smitpatel commented 6 years ago

Given that after removing OnConfiguring first time, "Update model from database" will preserve that modification as part of #831 and #831 being slated for 2.1.0 release, adding a flag in 2.1.0 release provides very little value.

josh-sachs commented 6 years ago

What is ironic is you missed the part where nobody claimed beginners read documentation line-by-line, the assumption was made they are copy pasting. The warning should educate them on how to alleviate the concern instead of requiring them to remember to revisit to the same constructor every time they update their database outside of code-first.

What is ironic is that the content of the message also describes the security risks associated with having the connection string in the code, adding an if statement doesn't alleviate this concern whatsoever.

What is Ironic is you are referencing an issue that may resolve it which has been open now for what - 3 years? Also, if I'm not mistaken the 2.1 .net core sdk isn't even released yet?

Tooling should do predictable things, and hard-wiring the codebase to the reference database during scaffold is unpredictable. The current behavior causes issues for teams who don't use code first to manage their database (e.g. that have an actual DBA) and seems trivial to address (a PR has already been submitted). The sarcasm at the end of your post @smitpatel is unnecessary and IMO violates your own repository guidelines around decorum.

ralmsdeveloper commented 6 years ago

@josh-sachs , I do not see sarcasm in the text @smitpatel , if you look, quotes being programmed to 2.1.

You have your opinion and your point of view, but I do not find your text productive. @smitpatel just wanted to show something, and I believe that when he asked the beginners to see the documentation, surely the intention was good and did not disqualify anyone!

to complement: @smitpatel is one of the people who help most here, I say that because the same, like everyone on the team, always point me in the right direction.

josh-sachs commented 6 years ago

It's fine - I might just be having a bad day and took it the wrong way, but reading it still seems condescending. Perhaps sarcastic was the wrong word. I recognize that I have a tendency to get combative, so apologies for that.

Regardless there is, and apparently may continue to be an issue here for teams not using code-first to drive the database schema. My original text attempts to highlight the issue that appears to just be, at this point, symptomatic of the direction the framework appears to be moving in.

The PR submitted by Kalldrex proposes to alleviate it, so at this point there isn't much more to discuss. It is either determined to be a worthwhile inclusion or it isn't. I don't quite see how intentionally keeping the tooling ham stringed for this particular scenario benefits anyone, but that is just me and my opinion.

ralmsdeveloper commented 6 years ago

@josh-sachs , I'm sure the team will look at it with affection. I realized that these days they are working hard to improve many things and also make more implementations.

Your feedback is certainly valuable to the team!

Jrubzjeknf commented 6 years ago

For anyone wondering how to use this functionality: you must specify your connectionstring to be named, which looks like name=MyConnectionString. The name of your connection string corresponds with the one defined in your appsettings.json.

woodmanz commented 6 years ago

I agree this this behavior is scary and dangerous. I like the model only updating, but when you add a huge module with 20+ tables you just want a clean change. Our solution has been to create our own class that inherits from the DbContext class and ensures that the optionsbuilder is configured, then we have a step in our checking that will only allow the generated dbcontext class to be referenced in itself and the extended class. An absurd solution to have to go through, I don't understand why they don't just do this for us and only generate the class that sets the cnx string if it doesn't exist. Would love to see something like that.

bricelam commented 6 years ago

Note, you can do this in recent versions:

dotnet user-secrets set ConnectionStrings.MyConnection "Data Source=MyServer"
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold Name=MyConnection Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
ErikEJ commented 6 years ago

@bricelam Would be a nice addition to the docs?

bricelam commented 6 years ago

kasperkronborg commented 5 years ago

@bricelam Using your solution got me the following error:

A named connection string was used, but the name 'MyConnection' was not found in the application's configuration. Note that named connection strings are only supported when using 'IConfiguration' and a service provider, such as in a typical ASP.NET Core application. See for more information.
bricelam commented 5 years ago

How is your DbContext created at design time? Using the Program.CreateWebHostBuilder() approach works best for this scenario.

kasperkronborg commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure I completely understand your example. My setup is as the following:

I have a Console Application MyConsoleApplication.App. Then I have all my db related stuff (context and models) in a project of it's own MyConsoleApplication.Db, which contains no DbContext created at design time. Only scaffold files. Does that mean I can't use the named connection to create a scaffold if I don't have a DbContext created at design time?

bricelam commented 5 years ago

Sorry, that was a silly question. 😄 You're trying to scaffold a DbContext...

It really only works with ASP.NET Core projects at the moment. The best solution is to update the code after scaffolding to load the connection string from config.

kasperkronborg commented 5 years ago

No worries, but okay, cause right now my order of work is scaffold the DbContext and then go into the file and remove the #warning pragma (Because I don't want to commit my connection string). Which can be a little cumbersome. Cause my Console Application makes sure to setup the DbContext and load the connection string from the config.

The "best" solution I have made to use a connection string from e.g. a sh script is the following:

CONNECTION=$(dotnet user-secrets list | grep "MyConnectionString" | cut -d "=" -f 2- | xargs)
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "$CONNECTION" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

And it's not pretty!

DXSdata commented 5 years ago

FYI, for those who need a quick solution, I created a simple tool which, among others, removes the OnConfiguring method from the context file after creation:

You can then e.g. set your custom connection string via implementing a partial class file which will not be overwritten, again via OnConfiguring method.

dcb99 commented 5 years ago


Note, you can do this in recent versions:

dotnet user-secrets set ConnectionStrings.MyConnection "Data Source=MyServer" dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold Name=MyConnection Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

Per the docs here this is only for development, not suitable for prod, so it doesn't really solve the issue. It's amazing to me that there are a fair amount of developers with a legit concern about the tooling who are being told by Microsoft to just deal with it, like security is not a big deal. You're operating under the assumption that all developers are experienced and circumspect in their work, and read all docs thoroughly before implementing a solution, which simply is not the case. Making sure connection strings are not committed or put into prod is a big deal, and the scaffolding tooling should provide a way to opt out of the OnConfiguring method being included in the dbcontext class.

smitpatel commented 5 years ago

Why would scaffold a database into files on prod? Regardless of what tool it is, unless in-house tool, generating code on prod via external tool and running it (without verifying it first) is dangerous

dcb99 commented 5 years ago

Of course you're right that it would be dangerous to scaffold into prod. But say a new person gets hired, makes changes to the schema, scaffolds, and then commits because they aren't aware of the pitfalls? Now there's sensitive data in the repo, which is also dangerous. This is a common scenario I've seen (and I'm sure many others as well), so much so that we have to address it during onboarding. Can you just admit the tool could be better, and perhaps make the changes developers are asking for?

smitpatel commented 5 years ago

makes changes to the schema, scaffolds, and then commits

I understand that is common scenario and it is being tracked by #831. So once you remove it for first time, it will not be added again. On the flip side, code commits should also be reviewed so the scenario you describe is not so likely to happen. (Plus, if you have warnings as errors then build would fail too).

Can you just admit the tool could be better, and perhaps make the changes developers are asking for?

The tool could be better for some people at the expense of making it more difficult for people who are new to EF Core or who are scaffolding for first time. The team's response mentioned here still remains valid.

If you have any ideas around making the tool better for your scenario without degrading it for others, we are more than welcome to make the change.

dcb99 commented 5 years ago

code commits should also be reviewed

For sure, but if sensitive date gets committed, no amount of review is going to undo that. It's in the branch history.

A great idea has already been suggested, and that is to make including the connection string an option via an argument in the CLI, not including it by default. It makes more sense to include a warning comment that lets a developer know they might need a connection string to make things work than to include a warning comment because the scaffolding has automatically placed sensitive data into the class. I don't see how that makes things more difficult for people who are new to EF. A missing connection string is easier to deal with than sensitive data hiding in a class. Just my $0.02 as someone who was knew to EF at one time and found out the hard way that the connection string is automagically included in the dbcontext class.

smitpatel commented 5 years ago

Adding flag seems easy change in code, but it creates more decision points for someone who is new. If you have 40 different arguments you can pass on then figuring out what to pass for each one is going to be more time consuming than just removing code you don't want. We have deferred quite a few issue on same concern to templates which is being tracked here

It makes more sense to include a warning comment that lets a developer know they might need a connection string to make things work than to include a warning comment because the scaffolding has automatically placed sensitive data into the class. I don't see how that makes things more difficult for people who are new to EF.

This is what I fundamentally disagree. Someone who has knowledge of EF has to do least work than someone who is new has to go multiple hoops to get things working. That too just because, generated code is not reviewed properly?

What team currently thinks about this issue and about a flag to control is already discussed in this issue. Again, we welcome new ideas but consider in mind the design choices team have made and already mentioned in this issue. (you can disagree with our choices but we have to look out for all customers not just a few)

dcb99 commented 5 years ago

Adding flag seems easy change in code, but it creates more decision points for someone who is new.

As if it's a bad thing to have to make decisions when you're programming? The entire development process is one giant decision chain, and explicitly knowing that you're going to be including (or not including) sensitive data via an automatic process is a very important decision point. Sure, we want the learning process to be easy for new devs, but at some point security needs to trump ease of use. There are other use cases where as part of the CI process we might want to run the scaffold command when deploying new instances of an app. How in the world are we supposed to manually remove sensitive data in the middle of an automated process? Here's an idea. Go ahead and include the connection string by default, but for the love can we have a flag that will let us exclude it?

Der-Kraken commented 5 years ago

In order to prevent newbies commit the generated connection string we created a partial class from the generated DbContext and implemented there an empty 'OnModelCreating'.

protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
    // This overridden method is only required in order to generate a compiler error after scaffold.
    // To solve the error delete the 'OnConfiguring' method in the generated dbcontext.

Of course that solution will not help in case if the build server generates the code.

bleachlei commented 5 years ago

MySQL EntityFrameworkCore I use .bat to update entity and remove waring . Temporarily solved my problem.

dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "<connection-string>" MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore -o path -f
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set _count=0
set _state=0
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=" %%a in (path\YourContext.cs) do (  
  if !_state!==0 echo %%a>>path\
  if !_count!==2  set /a  _state=1
  if !_count!==3  echo %%a  
  if !_count!==4  set /a  _state=0& echo %%a
  if "%%a"=="            if (optionsBuilder.IsConfigured)"  (
    set /a _count+=1  
  if !_count! gtr 0 set /a _count+=1
move path\  tour\YourContext.cs

I think the "Scaffold Command" needs an option to control it.

olavorn commented 5 years ago

Adding flag seems easy change in code, but it creates more decision points for someone who is new. If you have 40 different arguments you can pass on then figuring out what to pass for each one is going to be more time consuming than just removing code you don't want. We have deferred quite a few issue on same concern to templates which is being tracked here #4038

There is a simple answer for this in this specific design: Leave this new decision point with a default that mimics the current behavior! And for that the @KallDrexx 's #10438 fitted just fine.

That would just make every ef core scaffold user reading this issue happy, cause the tool would perform better than being slave of a poor design decision on a non priority project.

For pros, at least we will have the feature, and the for some newbie, there won't be any changes, they wont even need to know about it. This can be a documented feature like many others.

I would choose a more fancy feature name for it than --dont-add-connection-string though, maybe --skip-add-connection-string...

Anyway. The workaround using the Name= approach worked.. But one thing shouldn't invalidate the other fundamentally.

My 2 cents.

dnknitro commented 4 years ago

This can be corrected (core 2.2) using IDesignTimeServices by implementing custom CSharpDbContextGenerator:

    public class DesignTimeServices : IDesignTimeServices
        public void ConfigureDesignTimeServices(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
            serviceCollection.AddSingleton<ICSharpDbContextGenerator, DbContextGenerator>();

    public class DbContextGenerator : CSharpDbContextGenerator
        public DbContextGenerator(IEnumerable<IScaffoldingProviderCodeGenerator> legacyProviderCodeGenerators, IEnumerable<IProviderConfigurationCodeGenerator> providerCodeGenerators, IAnnotationCodeGenerator annotationCodeGenerator, ICSharpHelper cSharpHelper) : base(legacyProviderCodeGenerators, providerCodeGenerators, annotationCodeGenerator, cSharpHelper)

        public override string WriteCode(IModel model, string @namespace, string contextName, string connectionString, bool useDataAnnotations, bool suppressConnectionStringWarning)
            var code = base.WriteCode(model, @namespace, contextName, connectionString, useDataAnnotations, suppressConnectionStringWarning);

            return code.Replace(
                    @"#warning To protect potentially sensitive information in your connection string, you should move it out of source code. See for guidance on storing connection strings.", "                // removed by DbContextGenerator"

Also don't forget to specify -StartupProject <Project With IDesignTimeServices class> for your Scaffold-DbContext command.

DipenParekh01 commented 4 years ago

Ideally it should be an option in the command but I just extended on what @bleachlei had suggested and created a .bat file that will generate the scaffold and used powershell to remove the hard coded strings I have added the bat file file to External Tools of Visual Studio so it is easier to execute it from there

@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
:: Set the below array for list of DBs to be updated. 
:: The DB models will be generated in respective sub-folders under the "Models" folder
set DB_LIST=(Database1,Database2)
:: Server (\instance) name. Change it based on environment. 
set server=localhost\NewInstance
:: Loop each db and update the context. Also remove the hard coded connection string. Connection string should be handled in appsettings and DBContext should be passed through as Dependancy Injection
for %%d in %DB_LIST% do (
    set "status=success"
    echo Updating Db Context for %%d
    dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=%server%;Database=%%d;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer --output-dir=Models\%%d --force
    CALL :CHECK_FAIL %%d,status
    if NOT !status!==fail (
        echo Removing hard coded connection string for %%d
        powershell -Command "(gc Models\%%d\%%dContext.cs) -replace '\s{0,}optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer.+', '' -replace '\s{0,}#warning To protect.+', '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII Models\%%d\%%dContext.cs"
    CALL :CHECK_FAIL %%d,status
    if NOT !status!==fail (
        echo Update successful for %%d

exit /b

if NOT ["%errorlevel%"]==["0"] (
    echo Update failed for %~1
    SET "%~2=fail"
exit /B 0


auserx commented 4 years ago

This can be corrected (core 2.2) using IDesignTimeServices by implementing custom CSharpDbContextGenerator:

@dnknitro IScaffoldingProviderCodeGenerator seems to be obsolete - any workaround for this?

dnknitro commented 4 years ago

@auserx I am not aware of that.

jeremycook commented 4 years ago

I've got to say this little feature turned out to be a significant time sink when I tried to deploy (not to mention the highly questionable security implications that are completely ignored here). Who would have guessed that the connection string from IConfiguration was never used even though I utilized the classic .UseSqlServer(connectionString) call in Startup.cs. It worked on my machine, of course, since the connection string I used to scaffold matched that in IConfiguration. But on the server was a whole other ball game I didn't even know I was playing. The principal of least surprise need not show its face here. As a very experienced .NET Core and EF Core code-first dev I was pretty surprised. Not to mention the hoops I jumped through to get things to work as desired on the server. I can't imagine someone new to this rodeo would have a chance.

This issue should have died a long time ago and yet people keep commenting. I wish someone with authority would take note. Security implications and a crappy user experience (for me and a lot of other commenters at least) shouldn't be ignored. If happened it would be one thing, but uh yeah, when is that going to happen.

I hope this is reconsidered. But like many others I fear I'm wasting keystrokes.

Pearseak commented 4 years ago

Really? Can't we just have a simple flag for this? I just want to generate Context and POCO that won't work unless you inject them with connection string.

darkguy2008 commented 4 years ago

I can't believe this was reported on 2017 and yet in 2020 we're still facing this issue. Is it too hard to add a flag? Tons of enhancements come to VSCode yet it is really hard to add just a commandline flag and a boolean value to decide whether to do this or not? I keep adding/removing that bit of code between commits everytime I regenerate my dbcontext. This is just ridiculous.

+1 to everyone else's voice here. We shouldn't resort to use custom tools or batch files for something so simple, yet our voice remains unheard.

markl66 commented 4 years ago

I run my scaffold from git bash shell. At the moment I have to manually replace that string everytim, but surely it's easy enough to just run another shell script to replace that line. sed, python... etc

lajones commented 4 years ago

Just so it's clear for anyone who missed it, the fix to add a flag to suppress generation of the OnConfiguring() method was checked in on May 27, 2020 - see We still recommend using the Name= syntax though - see these docs for an example.

darkguy2008 commented 4 years ago

Just so it's clear for anyone who missed it, the fix to add a flag to suppress generation of the OnConfiguring() method was checked in on May 27, 2020 - see #20811. We still recommend using the Name= syntax though - see these docs for an example.

Thanks @lajones ! Although I'm a bit confused... in "dotnet ef" (using 3.1.5) I'm using this to generate my context, and even though I see the argument in the commit, it doesn't work, see:

dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold -d "Data Source=c:\users\blah\desktop\file.db" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite --no-onconfiguring
Build started...
Build succeeded.
Specify --help for a list of available options and commands.
Unrecognized option '--no-onconfiguring'

So, what is the commandline argument then? What if I don't want to use a named connection string, but just exclude the onconfiguring change altogether? I had assumed that --no-onconfiguring would work. What am I doing wrong?

ErikEJ commented 4 years ago

@darkguy2008 This feature is in EFCore 5.

leanbardelli commented 3 years ago

I'm following the Mysql Official documentation, wasting hours to solve this, so don't give us the "rtfm" because you are lazy to help lazy people. This is the law of the minor effort and you blame people that don't read but you neither write doc....

asilverstein commented 3 years ago

Please tell us what is the name of the command line option?

jeremycook commented 3 years ago

@asilverstein The option is --no-onconfiguring if you are scaffolding with the EF Core CLI, and -NoOnConfiguring if you are scaffolding with PowerShell from the Package Manager Console. Watch out for comments like "Added in EF Core 5.0" in the docs. I've seen some folks confused because they were trying out a new option (like this one) with an older CLI (i.e. 3.1 and earlier).

Byron2016 commented 3 years ago

My project is structured in this way:

car project has a reference to car.entites car project file "appsettings.json" has a "ConnectionStrings" named carDB

Located into "car.entites" directory I had generated entities inside car.entities library using this command: dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=DESKTOP-xxxxx\MSSQLSERVER_2019;Database=xxxx;User Id=xxx;Password=xxx;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o Models

It works perfect and I am able to display data from Database.

but I need to use the connectionString name instead to have the connectionString inside of my carDBContext file. If I run this command form NuGet Administrator Console, inside my "car.entities" directory; it works perfect Scaffold-DbContext -Connection name=CarDB -OutputDir Models Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -force

But If I work with powerShell following the the same steps: From powerShell inside my "car.entities" directory run this command: dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold Name=CarDB Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o Models -f but the system cannot find the connectionString, the error message is: A named connection string was used, but the name 'CarDB' was not found in the application's configuration. Note that named connection strings are only supported when using 'IConfiguration' and a service provider, such as in a typical ASP.NET Core application. See for more information.

How can I tell donet ef where to find my connection string name?

jeremycook commented 3 years ago

@Byron2016 I'm shooting from the hip but here are some thoughts.

You need to be in the main core mvc project car folder when you run dotnet ef using the Name=CarDB style of connection string. That project needs to be able to compile and must provide a connection string named CarDB via an appsettings file, user secrets, environment variable, etc.

Let's call main mvc project "car.webapp" for the sake of clarity. It sounds like you have a second project named "car.entities" that is beside the car.webapp. So your solution folder might look like this:

    Models/ <-- this is where the classes will be scaffolded
    appsettings.json <-- this file contains { "ConnectionStrings": { "CarDB": "Server=..." } ... }

With that structure you should be able to run the following commands.

cd /path/to/solution/car/car.webapp/
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold Name=CarDB Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o ../car.entities/Models/ -f

You will probably want to tweak the namespace. With the EF Core .NET 5 tooling you can provide a namespace argument like so:

dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold Name=CarDB Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o ../car.entities/Models/ -n car.entities.Models -f

Also there are times when I've scaffolded changes to the entities that make it so my main web application cannot compile. You may want to re-scaffold to undo or tweak your entities, but if the project that provides the named connection string cannot compile then the scaffolding can't run. One way to work around that is to have a project that is dedicated to providing the named connection string (and other design time stuff if you want) which does not depend on the project that contains the entities.

RaulGarciaCarrillo commented 3 years ago

I'm ussing --no-onconfiguring flag with version EF Core 5.0.0-rc.2.20475.6, but it's still creating method OnConfiguring