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EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
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SQL Server full-text search: Support creating full-text indexes in migrations #11488

Open divega opened 6 years ago

divega commented 6 years ago

In EF Core 2.1 we have initial support for for full-text search via the FreeText predicate in LINQ, but this only works with databases that have already been indexed. EF Core and the SQL Server provider don't provide any way to configure the model so that migrations or EnsureCreated can generate the right SQL for defining the indexes.

jakemclelland commented 4 years ago

Does EF Core 3.1 support migrations to build full-text indexes and catalogs?

bricelam commented 4 years ago


    suppressTransaction: true);
    sql: "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON Posts(Content) KEY INDEX PK_Posts;",
    suppressTransaction: true);
pantonis commented 3 years ago

@bricelam Is this something that is supported in EF Core 3.1?

bricelam commented 3 years ago

The workaround should work. But there is an issue with Web Deploy not honoring suppressTransaction.

hamidmayeli commented 3 years ago

I assume this is not possible in EF Core 5.0 either, am I wrong?

bricelam commented 3 years ago

@HamidTheGeek It's possible (see SQL Server Full-Text Search and EF Core); it's just not as nice as it could be.

mahesh-anjani commented 3 years ago

@bricelam How to do full-text search on a property of type byte[] (varbinary(max) in SQL)? Can you please share or give link to a sample?

bricelam commented 3 years ago

🤷 A quick search says these docs might relevant...

farhadnowzari commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone, this looks relatively old but I have a quick question. What can be the consequences of adding the following sql to the migration


does these two lines are the same on all versions of mssql? because if we avoid using migrationBuilder methods, then it will ignore the version check for the given hard coded sql right?

roji commented 2 years ago

@farhadnowzari I don't know if these statements work across all versions - check out the SQL Server docs for that. However, note that when you use migrationBuilderm nethods, EF Core doesn't do any version checks of any sort; migration SQL is generated without even connecting to the database (this is how EF Core is able to produce migration SQL scripts). In that sense there's no difference between an EF Core-generated migrationBuilder line and a raw SQL line you add yourself.

farhadnowzari commented 2 years ago

@farhadnowzari I don't know if these statements work across all versions - check out the SQL Server docs for that. However, note that when you use migrationBuilderm nethods, EF Core doesn't do any version checks of any sort; migration SQL is generated without even connecting to the database (this is how EF Core is able to produce migration SQL scripts). In that sense there's no difference between an EF Core-generated migrationBuilder line and a raw SQL line you add yourself.

Exactly that's the point. The full text search feature should be integrated with migrationBuilder I think.

roji commented 2 years ago

@farhadnowzari sure, that's what this issue is tracking.