dotnet / efcore

EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
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Entity Framework Weekly Status Updates (2019) #15403

Closed ajcvickers closed 1 year ago

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

Weekly status updates for 2020 can be found at: #19549

Expand to see additional information from the end of 2019...

This discussion issue contains status updates from the Entity Framework team to provide insight into what we are focused on, progress made, and other interesting highlights from the week. ### More Information Broader information on EF Core planning can be found in the [EF Core roadmap]( Use GitHub queries to find full details of * Issues [fixed for EF Core 5.0.0]( but not yet shipped * Issues [fixed for EF Core 3.1.0]( * Issues [fixed for EF Core 3.0.0]( > Please note that there is never a guarantee that an issue will be fixed in its assigned release. Re-evaluation of the plan throughout the release cycle sometimes results in issues being pushed out to a later release. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

April 18, 2019

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## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We are preparing to merge the new pipeline in the next couple of weeks. * Not everything will be working at that time, but merging will allow us to start gathering feedback. * This will likely first ship in EF Core 3.0-preview6. Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: * We plan to ship a runtime targeting .NET Standard 2.1 with .NET Core 3.0-preview5. * Command line tooling (for Migrations) and support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: * Most changes here have already been merged. * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. * Public API surface for conventions is being work on. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: * Many of the planned breaking changed have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * Work is currently on hold while provider-model and breaking changes are being made Tracking issue: ## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * **We released EF Core 3.0 Preview 4!** Read more details in [our announcement blog post]( * We have [updated the internal code API docs]( to better convey the dangers of using internal code without saying that it should never be used. * The `dotnet-ef` command [has been removed from the SDK]( and must be installed explicitly. This aligns with removing EF Core from the ASP.NET Core shared framework. * The [`DeleteBehavior` enum has been updated]( to make it more consistent and understandable. * Documentation for [the nightly builds]( has been updated to make them easier to find and use. ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

April 25, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * Progress towards the merge of the new query code is on track for a preview6 release. * Not everything will be working at that time, but merging will allow us to start gathering feedback. * This will likely first ship in EF Core 3.0-preview6. Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: * The EF6 runtime has been merged and branched ready for the .NET Core 3.0-preview5 release. * For preview5, the ADO.NET provider will need to be registered manually in `DbProviderFactories`. Details will be in the blog post. * Command line tooling (for Migrations) and support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: * More internal APIs have been promoted to public this week. * Some of the types needed for public conventions are now merged; the remainder is being work on. * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * Work is currently on hold while provider-model and breaking changes are being made Tracking issue: ## Latest releases Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 4 - see [our announcement blog post]( Current: [EF Core 2.2.4]( LTS: [EF Core 2.1.8]( ## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * We were in a 2-day workshop with the ASP.NET team, reviewing the end to end experience of building and deplying an ASP.NET Core app using EF Core. It was a great opportuntity to identify possible improvements to the product and documentation. * Accessing `DbSet.Local` now [forces `DetectChanges` to be called]( * Several [internal APIs](, including [`ICurrentDbContext`](, are now public * Several updates to scaffolding from the community (Thanks @ErikEJ!): * Fix to [ignore unsupported sequences]( when scaffolding from an Azure database * Fix to [ignore hidden columns]( when scaffolding from an Azure database * We have fixed [a bug in preview4]( that broke scaffolding from the command line * The "specification" tests used by providers [must now be derived from publicly]( * New [metadata interfaces]( have been introduced for [public conventions]( * [Documentation for Attach]( has been updated to be clearer ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

May 2, 2019

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## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * The EF team have been working on API reviews and preparation for the upcoming preview 5 releaase. * The [first part of the query overhaul]( has been merged. * The [internal `LazyRef` class has been removed]( Consider using `System.Lazy` or other patterns instead. * Thanks to a community contribution from @ErikEJ, it is now possible to [scaffold a DbContext from an Azure SQL Data Warehouse]( * @ErikEJ has also contributed PowerShell and .NET Core commands to [generate a SQL script equivalent to calling `EnsureCreated()`]( * A community contribution from @y-code fixes a bug to [set the schema correctly for sequences]( * We missed a community contribution last week. @Muppets added support for [relational check constraints]( in the model. A big thank you to all our community contributors! ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * Progress towards the merge of the new query code is on track for a preview6 release. As noted above, the first part has now been merged to master. * Not everything will be working at that time, but merging will allow us to start gathering feedback. * This will likely first ship in EF Core 3.0-preview6. Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: * Work continues porting tests to XUnit 2. * The EF6 runtime has been merged and branched ready for the .NET Core 3.0-preview5 release. * For preview5, the ADO.NET provider will need to be registered manually in `DbProviderFactories`. Details will be in the blog post. * Command line tooling (for Migrations) and support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * More internal APIs have been promoted to public this week. * Some of the types needed for public conventions are now merged; the remainder is being work on. * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: (No change from last week) * Work is currently on hold while provider-model and breaking changes are being made Tracking issue: ## Latest releases Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 4 - see [our announcement blog post]( Current: [EF Core 2.2.4]( LTS: [EF Core 2.1.8]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

May 9, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * We have released [EF 6.3 in preview]( with .NET Core support. See [the announcement]( for full details. * The SQL Server team has released the new [Microsoft.Data.SqlClient ADO.NET provider for SQL Server]( See [the announcement]( for full details. We have been working with them and we plan to adopt this new provider in an upcoming preview. * We have merged support for using [C# nullable reference types to determine whether a property or relationship is required or not]( * The [main part of the query overhaul]( has now been merged. Several other pull requests have been merged to further enhance the new query code: * [De-dupe and simplify materializer]( * [Always pass in members when creating `NewExpression`]( * [Remove `QueryExpression` from `ProjectionBindingExpression`]( * [Make `ShapedQueryExpression.ShaperExpression` lambda body only]( * We have made the [parameter binding APIs public]( This makes it possible to [create custom proxies without using internal code]( * Community contributions: * @ErikEJ fixed [a bug]( where scaffolding would add an unexpected product version annotation. * @ErikEJ added a [partial method for `OnModelCreating`]( when scaffolding from an exiting database. * @ErikEJ added [a Package Manager Console command]( for listing all the `DbContext` types in the project. * @ErikEJ added support for [scaffolding entities without keys]( * Building on this, @ErikEJ has added support for [scaffolding from database views on SQL Server]( * @ErikEJ submitted a change to [exclude system tables]( when considering whether or not a database is empty for the purposes of `EnsureCreated()`. A big thank you to @ErikEJ for all his contributions this week! ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have now merged the query overhaul into master ready for EF Core 3.0-preview6. * At this time several important features are not fully working. This includes: * Many queries involving collection navigation properties * Lifting of sub-queries * TPH inheritance mapping * Queries involving owned types * Queries use relational semantics for nulls (as opposed to C# semantics) * Also, queries against the in-memory database and Cosmos are not working well. We are currently prioritizing the relational providers over the in-memory provider and Cosmos providers. * We are working on fixing the most significant breaks ready for EF Core 3.0-preview6, although some breaks will still remain in that release. Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: * The [Entity Framework 6.3-preview5 package]( has been pushed to NuGet. See [the announcement]( for full details. * Note that command line tooling (for Migrations) and support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. * Tests have been ported to XUnit 2. Work is now in progress to get them passing on .NET Core 3.0. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: * More internal APIs have been promoted to public this week. This includes public APIs needed for binding constructors and factory methods of entities as noted above. * Some of the types needed for public conventions are now merged; the remainder is being work on. * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: (No change from last week) * Work is currently on hold while provider-model and breaking changes are being made Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 5 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.4]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.8]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 5 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

May 16, 2019

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## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * Conventions that only validate and never change the model have been [moved to the `ModelValidator`]( * Further progress has been made on the new query code: * [Lifting of sub-queries]( for single property projections has been merged * We have fixed a [concurrency issue]( in the query compiler * We have made [the following changes]( as part of the on-going review API changes for 3.0: * Refactoring in `IModelCodeGenerator` and related interfaces to introduce a parameter object such that we can continue to add parameters without breaking the API or adding overloads * Various small name changes and corrections * As part of [adding public API surface for conventions]( we have: * Added [relational extension methods for the convention model]( * Added [Cosmos extension methods for the convention model]( * We have [moved discriminator support]( from relational assembly to the core assembly. This allows it to be used for non-relational providers such as for Cosmos. * We have started [ramping up performance work]( for 3.0 by integrating with the ASP.NET performance framework and adding support for easily running EF micro-benchmarks * We have [simplified EF internal notifications]( used for fix-up, etc. Community contributions: * @ErikEJ has added support for [scaffolding from database views on SQLite]( This completes the work to [enable scaffolding from database views]( * @Muppets submitted a PR to [store check constraints on entity types](, rather than on the model * We finally merged a PR from @Muppets to [use `nameof` syntax when scaffolding]( A big thank you to @ErikEJ and @Muppets for their contributions this week! ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working. This includes: * Many queries involving collection navigation properties * TPH inheritance mapping * Queries involving owned types * Queries use relational semantics for nulls (as opposed to C# semantics) * We are currently working on: * Collection navigation property support * `FromSql` * C# null semantics * Queries against the in-memory database and Cosmos are not working well. We are currently prioritizing the relational providers over the in-memory provider and Cosmos providers. * We are working on fixing the most significant breaks ready for EF Core 3.0-preview6, although some breaks will still remain in that release. Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * The [Entity Framework 6.3-preview5 package]( has been pushed to NuGet. See [the announcement]( for full details. * Note that command line tooling (for Migrations) and support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. * Tests have been ported to XUnit 2. Work is now in progress to get them passing on .NET Core 3.0. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: * More work to support public conventions has been merged--see Highlights above for details * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * Work is currently on hold while provider-model and breaking changes are being made * That being said, we have merged some new metadata extensions for Cosmos as part of the public conventions work--see Highlights above for details Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 5 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.4]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.8]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 5 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

May 23, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * Further progress has been made on the new query code: * Support for [C# null semantics]( has been merged * Various other fixes and cleanup to the query code have also been merged * We have [updated EF `Exception` classes]( to use best practices and fix issues with serialization * We are continuing with API reviews and other internal tasks ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working. This includes: * Many queries involving collection navigation properties * TPH inheritance mapping * Queries involving owned types * We are currently working on: * Include and collection navigation property support * `FromSql` * SQL Server LongCount support * Any/All expression rewriting * Entity equality * Queries against the in-memory database and Cosmos are not working well. We are currently prioritizing the relational providers over the in-memory provider and Cosmos providers. * We are working on fixing the most significant breaks ready for EF Core 3.0-preview6, although some breaks will still remain in that release. Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * The [Entity Framework 6.3-preview5 package]( has been pushed to NuGet. See [the announcement]( for full details. * Note that command line tooling (for Migrations) and support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. * Tests have been ported to XUnit 2. Work is now in progress to get them passing on .NET Core 3.0. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: (No change from last week) * Work is currently on hold while provider-model and breaking changes are being made Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 5 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.4]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.8]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 5 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

May 30, 2019

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## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * Further progress has been made on the new query code: * Support for [reference Include]( has been merged * [Basic FromSql]( is now working * Support for [inheritance (TPH) mapping]( at the relational level * More fixes for [C# null semantics]( * Support for [All/Any translations]( * Improved [access to EF.Property]( * Fixed [exception interception]( as used by the Database Error Page * Several more smaller bug fixes * EF Core now [depends on the new Microsoft.Data.SqlClient package]( * The [interfaces used for custom conventions]( have been refactored and made public * We are continuing with [API reviews]( and other internal tasks ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working. This includes: * Many queries involving collection navigation properties * Queries involving owned types * We are currently working on: * Include and collection navigation property support * Parameterized `FromSql` * Entity equality * Queries against the in-memory database and Cosmos are not working well. We are currently prioritizing the relational providers over the in-memory provider and Cosmos providers. * We are working on fixing the most significant breaks ready for EF Core 3.0-preview6, although some breaks will still remain in that release. Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * The [Entity Framework 6.3-preview5 package]( has been pushed to NuGet. See [the announcement]( for full details. * Note that command line tooling (for Migrations) and support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. * Tests have been ported to XUnit 2. Work is now in progress to get them passing on .NET Core 3.0. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * Work is currently on hold while provider-model and breaking changes are being made * Note that the Cosmos provider has not yet been updated to use the new query code and so currently does not work Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 5 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.4]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.8]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 5 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

June 6, 2019

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## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * We have now branched for EF Core 3.0-preview6! Expect to see it soon... * For preview7, as [previously announced](, EF Core now [targets .NET Standard 2.1]( * As part of this work we have [removed our dependency on the IX-Async package]( * More of the code for conventions (for database providers) has now been [made public]( * Also, these classes now have [API docs]( * Further progress has been made on the new query code: * `Include` for collections is now [supported for common cases]( * Equality comparisons between entity instances [are now translated]( * `FromSql` now [supports raw queries that use parameters and stored-procs]( * Note that the `FromSql` methods are now [defined only for `DbSet<>`]( and not for any `IQueryable` since they can only act as a query root * `SingleOrDefault` at the top-level of a query [now throws correctly]( * Query access to [properties on derived types]( * The old query pipeline has now been [removed from the master branch]( * Several more smaller bug fixes: [15967]( [15954]( [15951]( [15942]( [15927]( [15885]( [15882]( [15880]( [15966]( * EF6 now [targets LocalDb by default](, instead of SQL Express * The [MSBuild task to embed an EDMX]( has been made open-source and .NET Core ready * Minor [bug fix for Microsoft.Data.Sqlite]( * We are continuing with [API reviews]( and other internal tasks Community contributions: * @Muppets contributed [a `ValueConverter` for `string`\`URI` conversions]( * @Muppets contributed [`TimeSpan` overloads for SQL Server `DateDiff` translations]( A big thank you to @Muppets for all their contributions this week! ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working. This includes: * Queries involving owned types * We are currently working on: * Lots of work on re-enabling functionality in smaller areas * Queries against the in-memory database and Cosmos are not working well. We are currently prioritizing the relational providers over the in-memory provider and Cosmos providers. * We are working on fixing the most significant breaks ready for EF Core 3.0-preview6, although some breaks will still remain in that release. Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: * Tests now run against .NET Core 3.0 * Work is starting to get the command line tooling for Migrations working in .NET Core * Support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: (No change from last week) * Work is currently on hold while provider-model and breaking changes are being made * Note that the Cosmos provider has not yet been updated to use the new query code and so currently does not work Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 5 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.4]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.8]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 5 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

June 13, 2019

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## EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 has shipped! See the [announcement blog post]( for full details. In recent months, a lot of our efforts have been focused on a new LINQ implementation for EF Core 3.0. Although the work isn't complete and a lot of the intended functionality hasn't been enabled, before preview 6 we reached a point in which we couldn't make much more progress without integrating the new implementation into the codebase in the main branch. **IMPORTANT: Although as always, we want to encourage you to experiment with our preview bits in a controlled environment and to provide feedback, preview 6 has significant limitations in the LINQ implementation that we expect to affect any application that performs all but the most trivial queries. Given this, we want to explicitly recommend you against trying to update any applications you have in production to this preview.** **Temporary limitation: In-memory database and Cosmos DB providers aren't functional in this preview:** In the initial phase of the switch to the new implementation, we have prioritized getting our relational providers working. Functionality with in-memory database and Cosmos DB providers is broken, and we recommend you skip preview 6 if you have code that depends on these providers. We expect to gradually restore functionality in subsequent previews. ## Other highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * [EF 6.3-preview6]( has shipped! * Further progress has been made on the new query code: * [Entity equality]( (comparing two entity instances) is now implemented. * [Extension methods on `IAsyncEnumerable`]( for the old query pipeline have been removed * TPH translations no longer [pull in extra columns]( * [`AsAsyncEnumerable` has been introduced]( * A performance issue where [the connection was being opened twice]( has been fixed * Several more smaller bug fixes: [16029]( [16027]( [16020]( [16028]( [15968]( [15976]( [15963]( * [`IRelationalDatabaseCreator.HasTables` is now public]( for use in custom Migrations flows * [Core and relational logic that was in `ModelCustomizer`]( has now been moved to conventions * A [memory leak of `DiagnosticListener` instances]( caused by using `IsConfigured` has been fixed * An issue where application types were used when [building the Migrations history table]( has been fixed * We have reengaged working on the Cosmos provider. This includes: * [Updating to the lastest SDK]( * Making [`CosmosClient` a singleton]( to improve perf * The [core metadata `AddProperty` methods]( have been consolidated to better align with new property types * .NET Core fixed an [issue]( and we fixed an [issue]( to unblock more EF6 queries * [`SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.None`]( has been added so that all options can be explicitly specified * Code [locations for extension methods]( have been cleaned up * Even though `DbQuery` is obsoleted for 3.0, we have [aligned the no-tracking behavior]( to that of 2.2 * The [`ConditionalFact` and `ConditionalTheory` xUnit infrastructure]( has been re-worked to be more test-discovery friendly * We are continuing with API reviews and other internal tasks ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working. This includes: * Owned types * Collections reference on projections * GroupBy operator * Query tags * Global query filters * Queries against the in-memory database and Cosmos are generally not working--see the note at the top of this post Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: * Work is continuing to get the command line tooling for Migrations working in .NET Core * Support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * We have just re-enaged this work; look for updates in the coming weeks. * Queries against the in-memory database and Cosmos are generally not working--see the note at the top of this post Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.4]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 6 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

June 20, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core ## EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 See the [announcement blog post]( for important details about this preview. **IMPORTANT: Although as always, we want to encourage you to experiment with our preview bits in a controlled environment and to provide feedback, preview 6 has significant limitations in the LINQ implementation that we expect to affect any application that performs all but the most trivial queries. Given this, we want to explicitly recommend you against trying to update any applications you have in production to this preview.** ## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * We are patching EF Core 2.2 to fix the [memory leak of `DiagnosticListener` instances]( caused by using `IsConfigured` * We have [reverted the change to the default log level for SQL]( * `IDbCommandInterceptor` for [interception of `DbCommand` execution]( has been introduced * Further progress has been made on the new query code: * We have begun the work of [updating the Cosmos provider to use the new pipeline]( * Entity equality can now be [used in `Contains` and `OrderBy`]( * [Logging of the query execution plan]( is enabled * Generation of [standard SQL]( has been improved * Many [bugs in SQL generation]( have been fixed * Several more smaller bug fixes: [16052]( [16085]( [16131]( * The Cosmos provider can now use [configured partition keys]( * Most hash code calculations were updated to use [the BCL `HashCode` types]( * A bug was fixed in `Microsoft.Data.SQLite` to improve [handling of readers in non-queries]( * A [helper method `IsCosmos`]( to check if Cosmos is being used has been added * The [discriminator property can now be removed]( when using Cosmos with a type not in a hierarchy * The `DbContextOptionsExtension` class has been re-factored to [fix a perf issue and to better facilitate further evolution]( * The `CosmosModelCustomizer` is now [running as a convention]( to align it with the relational design Community contributions: * @Muppets contributed support for [generating table/column comments]( from Migrations A big thank you to @Muppets for their contribution this week! ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working. This includes: * Owned types * Collections reference on projections * GroupBy operator * Query tags * Global query filters * Queries against the in-memory database and Cosmos are generally not working--see the [preview 6 blog post]( for details Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * Work is continuing to get the command line tooling for Migrations working in .NET Core * Support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * We are making progress again--see the highlights section for the work completed this week * We have now merged preliminary support for queries in Cosmos Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.4]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 6 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

June 27, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core ## EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 See the [announcement blog post]( for important details about this preview. **IMPORTANT: Although as always, we want to encourage you to experiment with our preview bits in a controlled environment and to provide feedback, preview 6 has significant limitations in the LINQ implementation that we expect to affect any application that performs all but the most trivial queries. Given this, we want to explicitly recommend you against trying to update any applications you have in production to this preview.** ## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * Further progress has been made on the new query code: * Initial support for [translating query set operations]( (Union/Intersect/etc.) * Support for [collection materialization in async queries]( * Improved support for [string-based `Include` and inheritance]( * [Micro-benchmarks for query]( have been re-enabled * Better support for [function quoting logic across providers]( * Several smaller fixes and test improvements: [16168]( [16181]( [16167]( [16184]( [16208]( [16222]( * We have updated `Microsoft.Data.Sqlite` (and hence EF also) to the [new SQLitePCL.raw 2.0.0 package]( * Bonus: EF query tests found a [new regression in the SQLite engine]( * Database interception has been fleshed out: * The API now supports [common registration and multi-dispatch]( * [`IDbConnectionInterceptor` and `IDbTransactionInterceptor`]( have been added * `IDbCommandInterceptor` now includes [interception for execution errors]( * [The `DbContext` instance being used]( is now available from interception and diagnostics event data * We have updated to a [new Cosmos SDK]( * Since type mappings are now required in the finalized model, we made this explicit with [GetTypeMapping and GetRelationalTypeMapping methods]( * [`IConventionSetCustomizer` has been renamed to `IConventionSetPlugin`]( to align with other similar plugin APIs * We fixed a [visual bug in the EF6 Designer]( that manifested in some multi-screen setups. This is expected to ship with Visual Studio 16.2 Preview 4. ## Community contributions Community contributions to EF Core: * @pmiddleton contributed support for [parameter mapping in a `DbFunction`]( Community contributions to `Microsoft.Data.Sqlite`: * @AlexanderTaeschner contributed an [improvement to `GetFieldType` when null]( Community contributions to EF6: * @kosinsky contributed [performance improvements in the use of custom functions]( * @cjpearson contributed [performance improvements in query compilation]( * @phkelley and @chrisblock contributed [a fix for using `HasIndex` with multiple indexes]( A big thank you to all our great contributors for their contributions this week! Also, a big call-out to @ericsink for all his great work and collaboration on the [SQLitePCL.raw 2.0.0]( mentioned above. ## Issues remaining for 3.0 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.0. Some observations: * It's fairly clear from this chart that we will need to cut some more issues from the 3.0 release. However, keep in mind that many of the remaining issues are small compared to the issues that are already fixed. * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.0 ![image]( ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working. This includes: * Owned types * Collections referenced on projections * GroupBy operator * Query tags * Global query filters * Queries against the in-memory database and Cosmos are generally not working--see the [preview 6 blog post]( for details Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * Work is continuing to get the command line tooling for Migrations working in .NET Core * Support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * We are making progress again--see the highlights section for the work completed this week * We have now merged preliminary support for queries in Cosmos Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.4]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 6 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

July 5, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core ## EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 See the [announcement blog post]( for important details about this preview. **IMPORTANT: Although as always, we want to encourage you to experiment with our preview bits in a controlled environment and to provide feedback, preview 6 has significant limitations in the LINQ implementation that we expect to affect any application that performs all but the most trivial queries. Given this, we want to explicitly recommend you against trying to update any applications you have in production to this preview.** ## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * We have branched for EF Core 3.0 preview 7. Expect to see the blog post and release soon... * We have updated spatial support to use the [latest NetTopologySuite pre-release package]( * Further progress has been made on the new query code: * Support for [translation to SQL `GROUP BY`]( has been added * [Translation of `GroupBy` when an aggregate operator is applied]( is now supported * [`TagWith`]( is now supported * Support for [navigation in set operations]( has been added * Improved support for [collections in projections]( * Wrap-up of support for [materialization of collections]( * Support for [`IN` optimization when ordering]( has been added * Several smaller fixes and test improvements: [16302]( [16299]( [16249]( [16269]( [16338]( [16266]( [16345]( [16344]( [16347]( [16351]( [16361]( [16362]( [16366]( [16363]( [16399]( [16433]( [16437]( * Further progress has been made on the Cosmos provider: * [References to nested owned entities]( are now supported in the new query code * [Nested navigation properties]( are now supported in filters * Several improvements for testing: [16410]( [16404]( * EF Core now implements and calls [the new `IAsyncDisposable` API]( where appropriate * EF Core now calls into the [new async APIs introduced for ADO.NET]( in .NET Standard 2.1 * `DbContext` now [includes a correlation ID]( to help identify the context instance being used * Seeding of an in-memory database now leaves [the context in a clean state]( * We have fixed some bugs in database interception: [16337]( [16348]( * We reacted to a change made by Roslyn to [nullable reference types metadata]( * New `CloseAsync` APIs now [no longer accept a cancellation token]( * The exception text when the context is [used concurrently from multiple threads]( has been made clearer * [Indexed properties has been cut]( from the 3.0 release * Perf infrastructure is being updated to allow [comparisons to 2.2 perf]( * EF6 package installation/configuration has been updated to work with .NET Core: [952]( [953]( [954]( * More updates have been applied based on API review feedback: [16303]( [16357]( ## Community contributions Community contributions to EF Core: * @nschonni contributed fixes for [many spelling errors and typos]( Community contributions to EF6: * @nschonni also contributed fixes to EF6 for many spelling errors and typos: [957]( [959]( [977]( * @trs79 and @stowellt contributed an improvement to [custom aggregate functions with more than one argument]( * @brandondahler contributed an improvement to the [`TruncateTime` canonical function performance]( A big thank you to all our great contributors for their contributions this week! Also, a big call-out to all the folks from the NTS project including @airbreather and @FObermaier for all their great work and collaboration on [NetTopologySuite 2.0 preview]( release mentioned above. ## Issues remaining for 3.0 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.0. Some observations: * EF Core 3.0 is coming in hot; last week we postponed all issues that we did not absolutely need in order to ship the 3.0 release. Most of these were very painful cuts, but this was necessary to stay on track for shipping. * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.0 ![image]( ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working. This includes: * Owned types * Global query filters * Queries against the in-memory database are generally not working--see the [preview 6 blog post]( for details Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: * Work is continuing to get the command line tooling for Migrations working in .NET Core * Updates to the package install experience for .NET Core and the new project system have been made * Support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * We are making progress again--see the highlights section for the work completed this week * More Cosmos query support has now been added Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.4]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 6 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 5 years ago

July 11, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core ## EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 See the [announcement blog post]( for important details about this preview. **IMPORTANT: Although as always, we want to encourage you to experiment with our preview bits in a controlled environment and to provide feedback, preview 6 has significant limitations in the LINQ implementation that we expect to affect any application that performs all but the most trivial queries. Given this, we want to explicitly recommend you against trying to update any applications you have in production to this preview.** ## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * We are completing validation and preparation for EF Core 3.0 preview 7. Expect to see the blog post and release soon... * We have shipped the [EF Core 2.2.6 servicing release]( * This release includes an important fix for a [memory leak when using DiagnosticListener]( * We have updated to a [new pre-release of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient]( * Which unblocks [calling spatial methods on parameterized values]( * We have updated to a [new pre-release of the Cosmos API]( * Further progress has been made on the new query code: * Better support for [eager-loaded navigation properties]( * Support for [parameter and constant member access]( in entity equality * Support for [order-by lifting in collection queries]( * Improved [provider support for type mappings]( in queries * [Different collection types are now better handled]( to help ensure reference equality is used internally * Database type names are now [stored in the model snapshot](, helping make migrations more robust * Providers now have [more flexibility in constructing database type names]( * EF Core no longer [attempts to find a constructor binding]( if one has been explicitly set ## Community contributions A special call-out this week to @Wraith2 who contributed [a feature to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient]( that unblocked [important spatial scenarios for EF Core]( Many thanks! ## Issues remaining for 3.0 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.0. Some observations: * Burn-down is on-track for shipping after the recent painful cuts * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.0 ![image]( ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working. This includes: * Owned types * Global query filters * Queries against the in-memory provider * Explicitly compiled queries Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * Work is continuing to get the command line tooling for Migrations working in .NET Core * Updates to the package install experience for .NET Core and the new project system have been made * Support in the VS Designer is not yet ready to ship. Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * We are making progress again, this week focusing on some big changes to support more queries Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.6]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 6 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

July 18, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core ## EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 See the [announcement blog post]( for important details about this preview. **IMPORTANT: Although as always, we want to encourage you to experiment with our preview bits in a controlled environment and to provide feedback, preview 6 has significant limitations in the LINQ implementation that we expect to affect any application that performs all but the most trivial queries. Given this, we want to explicitly recommend you against trying to update any applications you have in production to this preview.** ## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * EF Core 3.0 preview 7 is validated and prepped. Expect to see the blog post and release soon... * EF6 Migrations infrastructure has been moved [out-of-proc from Visual Studio]( * This allows [EF6 Migrations commands in the VS Package Manager Console]( to work with .NET Core projects! * A lot of time this week has been spent on our final pass of API reviews * Further progress has been made on the new EF Core query code: * [Owned references]( are now working with the new query code * The [in-memory database is being updated]( to use the new query code * [Recursive null check removal]( is implemented * An issue has been fixed for [translation of lambda expressions wth parameters]( * We updated test coverage in several areas: * We added more coverage for the [ASP.NET MusicStore model and queries]( * We added coverage for the [ASP.NET Identity model and its migrations]( * We added coverage for the [.NET app workshop Conference Planner model and queries]( * We [re-enabled more query tests]( * Other smaller test additions: [16607]( [16624]( * A fix has been merged to [stop silently using existing tracked entities]( when attaching a conflicting graph * EF Core now uses [both the field and property types]( when creating a navigation collection ## Community contributions Community contributions to EF Core: * @ralmsdeveloper contributed [a translation for ISDATE on SQL Server]( A big thank you to @ralmsdeveloper for their contribution this week! ## Issues remaining for 3.0 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.0. Some observations: * Burn-down slowed slightly this week due to API reviews and other internal work * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.0 ![image]( ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working. This includes: * Owned types - owned references now work; owned collections coming soon * Global query filters * Queries against the in-memory provider is currently in progress * Explicitly compiled queries - this should be complete in the coming days Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: * Migrations commands are now working for .NET Core projects in the Visual Studio Package Manager Console! * Support in the VS Designer will now ship sometime after the runtime release Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * Changes related to the query overhaul will be addressed after the merge of that work. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * Many of the planned breaking changes have now been merged * Remaining planned breaking changes are mostly around the query overhaul and provider model updates * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * Good progress is being made on queries for owned entities Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.6]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 6 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

July 25, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.0 Preview 7 and EF6.3 Preview 7 have shipped! See the [announcement blog post]( for full details. **We encourage you to install these previews to try the new features, and to validate that all the functionality required by your applications is available and works correctly. As always, we hope you’ll report any issues you find on GitHub.** ## Nightly builds The state of EF Core 3.0 is evolving rapidly--at the time of writing, 45 issues have been fixed since we branched for preview 7. Therefore, we recommend [switching to nightly builds]( if you are running into issues with preview 7. ## Highlights from the last week Some items of interest from the last week: * We have been focussing heavily on API reviews to lock down the API surface for preview 8. Specifically: * A big refactoring of the new query code to finalize [namespaces and the public/internal surface]( * Changes to [`InterceptionResult` for usability]( * Consolidation of [overloads in `MigrationsSqlGenerator`]( * Naming consistency in [interceptors, null propagation, and function mapping]( * Naming consistency for [related entity types]( * Cosmos [naming and namespace consistency]( * [Consistent use of `IReadOnlyList`]( and other naming consistency changes * Further progress has been made on the new EF Core query code: * [Explicitly compiled queries]( are now supported * Better support for [integer/enum conversions]( * [Internal query updates for case expressions]( * Some test fixes: [16693]( [16640]( [16700]( * `IDbCommandInterceptor` now supports [interception of command creation]( * The Cosmos provider now supports [embedded collections]( * Updated testing for [ASP.NET Identity model snapshots]( * A bug has been fixed in [expression printing of `InExpression`]( ## Community contributions Community contributions to EF Core: In his role as one of the maintainers of the [Npgsql database provider](, @roji has [updated the provider]( to work with preview 7 of EF Core. This week, @ErikEJ contributed: * [Reverse engineering support for database table and column comments]( * A change to [always reverse engineer `[Key]` attributes](, even when not needed for EF * A fix to [exclude reverse engineering of indexes]( for hidden columns A big thank you to @ErikEJ for all his contributions this week and over the years! ## Issues remaining for 3.0 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.0. Some observations: * Burn-down is picking up again now API reviews have finished * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.0 ![image]( ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working, but are coming soon. This includes: * Owned collections * Global query filters * Better support for queries against the in-memory provider Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core (Done) What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: * Major feature work for the EF6.3 release is now complete. * We are [eliciting feedback]( on the usefulness of creating a `dotnet-ef6` tool. * Support in the VS Designer will now ship sometime after the runtime release Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates (Done) What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: * API reviews have been completed and the surface area for providers is now locked down. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback from external providers. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes (Done) What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * We have now completed all the significant breaking changes we plan to make for the 3.0 release. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback. * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * As referenced above, collections embedded in documents are now supported Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 7 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.6]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 7 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

August 1, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.0 Preview 7 and EF6.3 Preview 7 have shipped! See the [announcement blog post]( for full details. **We encourage you to install these previews to try the new features, and to validate that all the functionality required by your applications is available and works correctly. As always, we hope you’ll report any issues you find on GitHub.** ## Nightly builds The state of EF Core 3.0 is evolving rapidly--at the time of writing, **75** issues have been fixed since we branched for preview 7. Therefore, we recommend [switching to nightly builds]( if you are running into issues with preview 7. ## Highlights from the last week EF Core pull requests from the last week: * EF Core 3.0 query overhaul: * Set operations over [different types of projections]( * Entity-equality support for [non-anonymous DTOs]( * Bug fixed in using [navigation properties in derived types]( * Bug fixed using [`Find` with the in-memory database]( * Choose to use the field or property as appropriate [when materializing]( * Bug fixed to ignore [Convert nodes from nullable to non-nullable]( * Cleanup in [`RelationalSqlTranslatingExpressionVisitor`]( * Cosmos provider: * Update to the [RTM/GA Cosmos SDK]( * Avoid [persisting keys for embedded entities]( * Handle [projected collections]( * Bug fixed when `NotMapped` is [overridden by explicit configuration]( * API review mop-up: * Obsoleting/renaming of [provider-specific builder methods]( * Renaming of [provider-specific core metadata extensions]( * Dependency objects for [query services]( * Make public [types required by the Cosmos provider]( * Change [`IResettableService.ResetStateAsync` to return `Task` not `ValueTask`]( * Expose `IndentedStringBuilder` APIs on [`ExpressionPrinter`]( * [`SqlExpressionVisitorDependency -> QuerySqlGeneratorDependencies`]( * [`SpatialDimension -> GeometricDimension`]( * Move [`RelationalStrings.NoElements` to Core]( * [Make `EvaluableExpressionFilter` public]( * Bug fixed when using [`Remove-Migration` or `dotnet ef migrations remove`]( * Bug fixed with [SQLite type affinity and value conversions]( * Bug fixed with [non-nullable reference type handling]( * Bug fixed in [`DateTime` literal generation]( * Cleanup/fixes for [comments on database objects]( * Bug fixed in model differ when [column comment changes]( * Bug fixed [applying column comments when creating tables]( * Cleanup of [PowerShell assets]( * Cleanup of [migration tests SQL assertions]( * Enhancement to start [using `StringBuilder.AppendJoin`]( * Bug fixed when generating content for [PowerShell module development]( * [Build cleanup]( * Reorganization of [benchmarks]( * [Tests for auto-loaded owned references]( EF6 pull requests from the last week: * EF6 can now be built (as well as run) on [macOS and Linux]( * EDMX files are now [automatically included in SDK-style projects]( * Bug fixed with [`InternalsVisibleTo` and `Moq`]( * Bug fixed to correctly [flow version into the PowerShell files]( * [Build cleanup]( ## Issues remaining for 3.0 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.0. Some observations: * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.0 * Current counts and trends: * Open for 3.0: 72 * Burn rate (July): 23/week (trending up) * Incoming that land in 3.0: (July): 10/week (flat) ![image]( ### Some additional stats The team prepared some additional statistics for a management review this week. We are sharing them here in case others are interested. There were 220 issues opened against EF Core in July. This chart shows the breakdown of how those issues were resolved: ![image]( We have fixed a total of 249 issues in preview 6, 7, 8, and so far for preview 9. 72 issues remain to be fixed in the 3.0 release. ![image]( ## TechEmpower perf update We switched perf infrastructure over to use the latest Npgsql provider and the new query pipeline. We haven't done performance optimization work yet, so it it pleasing to see no regressions for EF Core in "Fortunes" and "Data Updates", and only small regressions in "Single Query" and "Multi Query". ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ### NuGet Trends We have been enjoying playing with the [NuGet Trends]( site; here are a couple of interesting comparisons. Clearly EF Core is trending in the right direction, and it's great to see Dapper continuing to do well, and nHibernate continuing to be a great solution for those that prefer it. ![image]( ![image]( ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working, but are coming soon. This includes: * Owned collections * Global query filters * Better support for queries against the in-memory provider Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core (Done) What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * Major feature work for the EF6.3 release is now complete. * We are [eliciting feedback]( on the usefulness of creating a `dotnet-ef6` tool. * Support in the VS Designer will now ship sometime after the runtime release Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates (Done) What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * API reviews have been completed and the surface area for providers is now locked down. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback from external providers. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes (Done) What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * We have now completed all the significant breaking changes we plan to make for the 3.0 release. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback. * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * Work is moving along nicely for an RTM release with 3.0--see highlights section above for details. Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 7 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.6]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 7 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

August 8, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.0 Preview 7 and EF6.3 Preview 7 are on NuGet See the [announcement blog post]( for full details. **We encourage you to install these previews to try the new features, and to validate that all the functionality required by your applications is available and works correctly. As always, we hope you’ll report any issues you find on GitHub.** ## Nightly builds The state of EF Core 3.0 is evolving rapidly--at the time of writing, **107** issues have been fixed since we branched for preview 7. Therefore, we recommend [switching to nightly builds]( if you are running into issues with preview 7. ## Highlights from the last week EF Core pull requests from the last week: * EF Core 3.0 query overhaul: * Significant updates to [expansion of navigation properties]( * Added back support for [owned collections]( * Wrap-up of support for [owned entities]( * Consolidation of [eager-loading Include and normal Include]( * No-tracking queries [do not allow cycles in the Include path]( * Entity equality now works with [non-extension Contains]( * The in-memory provider now [supports reference Include]( * Many test updates: [16889]( [16890]( [16892]( [16900]( [16905]( [16901]( [16916]( [16957]( [16967]( [16974]( [16996]( * Cosmos provider: * Applications can now [specify the connection mode]( * Bug fixed in [enum mapping]( * EF Core now depends on the [RTM/GA release of SQLitePCL.raw 2.0.0]( * Consolidation of [IDENTITY annotations]( * Improved support for [non-nullable reference types]( * Bug fixed where an Added entity that was detached [didn't correctly cascade the detach]( * Reverted to an [older version of Homebrew]( to work around an issue with SpatialLite * Bug fixed when attempting to track an [owned entity without its owner]( * Bug fixed in building of a [deeply nested owned graph]( * Bug fixed in generation of [conflicting `nameof` in reverse engineering]( * Bug fixed when saving entities with [variable length binary keys]( EF6 pull requests from the last week: * Bugs fixed in [cross-platform tests]( ## Community contributions Community contributions to EF Core: * @chiasottis contributed a change to allow applications to [specify the Cosmos connection mode]( Many thanks to @chiasottis for their contribution. ## Issues remaining for 3.0 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.0. Some observations: * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.0 ![image]( ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working, but are coming soon. This includes: * Global query filters * Better support for queries against the in-memory provider Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core (Done) What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * Major feature work for the EF6.3 release is now complete. * We are [eliciting feedback]( on the usefulness of creating a `dotnet-ef6` tool. * Support in the VS Designer will now ship sometime after the runtime release Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates (Done) What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * API reviews have been completed and the surface area for providers is now locked down. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback from external providers. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes (Done) What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * We have now completed all the significant breaking changes we plan to make for the 3.0 release. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback. * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider (Done) What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: * All the major features we plan to ship in 3.0 are now done. Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 7 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.6]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Nightly builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 7 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

August 15, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.0 Preview 8 and EF6.3 Preview 8 have shipped! The [EF Core 3.0 preview 8 package]( and [EF 6.3 preview 8 package]( are now available for download from NuGet. See the [announcement blog post]( for full details. Please install these previews to validate that all the functionality required by your applications is available and works correctly. Please report any issues you find as soon as possible to either the [EF Core issue tracker]( or the [EF 6 issue tracker]( on GitHub. At this point, **we are especially interested in hearing about all issues blocking you from upgrading to the new releases**, but please also try new functionality and provide general feedback. ## Daily builds The state of EF Core 3.0 is evolving rapidly--at the time of writing, **80 issues have been fixed since we branched for preview 8!** Therefore, we recommend [switching to daily builds]( if you are running into issues with preview 8. Note that the daily builds require the [.NET Core preview 8 SDK]( to be installed. ## Highlights from the last week EF Core pull requests from the last week: * EF Core 3.0 query overhaul: * The new pipeline now supports [translation of `SelectMany` for relational providers]( * The new pipeline now supports [query filters using navigation properties]( * The in-memory provider now supports [Collection `Include`]( and [Async Collection `Include`]( * The in-memory provider now supports [basic inheritance]( * The state manager will not track [keyless entity instances (formerly known as query types)]( * Treat `FromSql` as a [root when performing navigation expansion]( * Constant expression [`FromSql` parameters are now handled]( * Some expression evaluation to constants have [moved into the translation pipeline]( * Bug fixes in various areas of [entity equality]( * Bug fix to [throw when a compiled query references context indirectly]( * Bug fixed in [handling nulls in entity equality]( * Bug fixed in [tracking of weak entities]( * Updates to [service lifetimes for query services]( * A lot of cleanup and test updates: [17130]( [17168]( [17153]( [17119]( [17113]( [17107]( [17104]( [17079]( [17073]( [17034]( [17039]( [17035]( [17012]( [17016]( * EF Core now depends on the [latest preview of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient]( * Allow ignoring of the [ambient transaction exception in SQLite]( * Sugar methods for [`IsSqlServer`, etc. added to MigrationBuilder]( * Further consolidation of [query types and entity types]( * Detection of [concurrent use of the `DbContext` has been re-enabled]( * Bug fixed in [cascade deletion of dependents in model data]( * Bug fixed in [changing comments when altering a table]( * Bug fixed in [creation of check constraints when creating a table]( * Bug fixed in [configuring value generation for composite key properties]( * Bug fixed in [formatting of default values in migrations]( * Bug fixed in [changing the type of a shadow property]( * Bug fixed in [matching FK properties to PK properties]( * Bug fixed in [creating unique index names across all tables]( * We now use [filtered solutions](; Also [17061]( EF6 pull requests from the last week: * Bug fixed when [`GetAncestor` returns the root node]( * Many [small typo/wording fixes]( ## Community contributions Community contributions to EF Core: * @xaviergxf contributed the sugar methods for [`IsSqlServer`, etc. added to MigrationBuilder]( * @mirol-h contributed the bug fix for [formatting of default values in migrations]( Community contributions to EF6: * @iosebyte contributed the bug fix for when [`GetAncestor` returns the root node]( * @nschonni contributed many [small typo/wording fixes]( Many thanks to all our contributors this week for their hard work! ## Issues remaining for 3.0 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.0. Some observations: * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.0 ![image]( ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We have merged more progress on the new query pipeline--see Highlights above for details. * At this time several important features are not fully working, but are coming soon. This includes: * Better support for queries against the in-memory provider Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core (Done) What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * Major feature work for the EF6.3 release is now complete. * We are [eliciting feedback]( on the usefulness of creating a `dotnet-ef6` tool. * Support in the VS Designer will now ship sometime after the runtime release Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates (Done) What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * API reviews have been completed and the surface area for providers is now locked down. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback from external providers. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes (Done) What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * We have now completed all the significant breaking changes we plan to make for the 3.0 release. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback. * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider (Done) What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: (No change from last week) * All the major features we plan to ship in 3.0 are now done. Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 8 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.6]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 8 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

August 22, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.0 and EF6.3 have branched for preview 9! Preview 9 won't be on NuGet for a while yet, but please don't wait! Instead, get your feedback in early by using the [daily builds]( which include **117 issues fixed since preview 8!** Note that the daily builds require the [.NET Core preview 8 SDK]( to be installed. Please report any issues you find as soon as possible to either the [EF Core issue tracker]( or the [EF 6 issue tracker]( on GitHub. At this point, we are especially interested in hearing about all **issues blocking you from upgrading to 3.0**, but please also try new functionality and provide general feedback. See the [preview 8 announcement blog post]( for more general information as well as information specific to preview 8. ## Highlights from the last week EF Core pull requests from the last week: * EF Core 3.0 query overhaul: * Reduced duplication of code for [joins in `SelectExpression`]( * Improvement to [skipping of constants in group-by queries]( * Bug fixed to [convert lateral joins to predicate joins only when appropriate]( * Bug fixed in [state management in `GroupJoinFlatteningExpressionVisitor`]( * Bug fixed to [block aggregate functions and OrderBy on unsupported types]( * Added support for [constants/parameters appearing in group-by key]( * Added support for [population of collections before evaluation of projection]( * Bug fixed in [funcletization of member accesses]( * Reduce untested surface area by [disabling defining query for keyed entity types]( * Improved exception messages [when query translation fails]( * Improved exception messages [when query processing hits an error]( * Support for [table-splitting of non-owned types]( * Allow providers to [create a sub-query translating visitor]( * Bug fixed to [prevent client evaluation in queryable method projections]( * Bug fixed to allow a [query filter to reference the filtered entity type]( * Added support for [conversion of lateral joins to joins]( * Support generating a [single query for projected non-scalar single result]( * Throw appropriately for [`SingleOrDefault` and similar]( * Support for [navigation expansion in group-by]( * Support [`OfType` and `is` for the in-memory database]( * Cleanup of new API surface in a [final round of API reviews]( * Enhancement to allow [checking for type mappings without using annotations]( * Made [`CoreAnnotationNames` internal again to help prevent misuse]( * Removed [type parameter from `RegisterTypeParameter`]( * Improvements to the [design for set operations]( * Cleanup of [Migrations APIs]( * Cleanup of [metadata APIs]( * Fix semantics of [lateral joins to more appropriate cross/outer-apply]( * Bug fixed [to prevent errors when loading a model snapshot]( * Bug fixed in [mapping of properties included in indexes]( * Support for [generating table comments in SQLite]( * Bug fixed when [`KeyAttribute` is overridden by fluent configuration]( * Bug fixed where [`ForeignKeyAttribute` prevents an inverse navigation from being picked up]( * Bug fixed in [finalization of `SqliteCommand`/`SqliteConnection`]( * Bug fixed in [interpretation of `Required` on navigation properties]( * Cleanup and test updates: [17155]( [17199]( [17295]( [17329]( [17335]( [17327]( [17351]( [17359]( EF6 pull requests from the last week: * Support for [creating a `DbMigrator` with an explicit `DbContext` instance]( * Bug fixed when [using PMC commands without a config file]( * [NuSpec cleanup]( ## Community contributions Community contributions to EF Core: * @skalpin contributed the support for [generating table comments in SQLite]( * @kosinsky contributed the improvement to [skipping of constants in group-by queries]( * @mirol-h contributed the bug fix for [mapping of properties included in indexes]( Many thanks to all our contributors this week for their hard work! ## Issues remaining for 3.0 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.0. Some observations: * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.0 - we are now at **517** issues fixed! * We have two issues still being worked on for 3.0: * Finishing [query support for the in-memory provider]( * Updating to [RTM packages for SqlClient and NTS]( * We are not planning anything else for 3.0, but high-priority fixes may still get made with director-level approval ![image]( ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * Currently the only remaining work planned for 3.0 is better support for queries against the in-memory provider Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core (Done) What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * Major feature work for the EF6.3 release is now complete. * We are [eliciting feedback]( on the usefulness of creating a `dotnet-ef6` tool. * Support in the VS Designer will now ship sometime after the runtime release Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates (Done) What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * API reviews have been completed and the surface area for providers is now locked down. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback from external providers. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes (Done) What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * We have now completed all the significant breaking changes we plan to make for the 3.0 release. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback. * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider (Done) What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: (No change from last week) * All the major features we plan to ship in 3.0 are now done. Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 8 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.6]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 8 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

August 29, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## Try EF Core 3.0 and EF6.3 now! Preview 9 won't be on NuGet for a while yet, but please don't wait! Instead, get your feedback in early by using the [daily builds]( which include **134 issues fixed since preview 8!** Note that the daily builds require the [.NET Core preview 8 SDK]( to be installed. The current daily builds are close to what we will ship for 3.0, other than a few areas in the in-memory provider. Please **try it now** while there is still time to fix any serious issues found. Report any issues you find as soon as possible to either the [EF Core issue tracker]( or the [EF 6 issue tracker]( on GitHub. See the [preview 8 announcement blog post]( for more general information as well as information specific to preview 8. ## Highlights from the last week EF Core pull requests from the last week: * EF Core 3.0 query overhaul: * Fixed [casting to interfaces and related patterns]( * Support for [`SelectMany` with the in-memory provider]( * Support for [set operations with the in-memory provider]( * Support for [collection projections with the in-memory provider]( * Support for [non-scalar single results with the in-memory provider]( * Support for [spatial queries with the in-memory provider]( * Support for [null propagation/protection with the in-memory provider]( * Support for [`DefaultIfEmpty` with the in-memory provider]( * Support for [`GroupBy` with aggregate in the in-memory provider]( * Fix to [improve exception messages when translation fails]( * Fix in-memory provider to [not use multiple queries for Include]( * In-memory [test updates]( * In-memory [refactoring]( * Update to the [GA/RTM release of Net Topology Suite]( * Update to the [GA/RTM release of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient]( * Bug fixes for the 3.1 release: * Fixed [mis-identification of collection navigation properties]( * Fixed issue with [non-implied properties in the Cosmos provider]( * Fixed several issues in [removing a primary key when overridden]( * Improve [command line output when project is building]( * Regression test added for [explicit null-checks of navigation properties]( * Remove unused reference to [System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions]( * Fixed [non-deterministic behavior in cross-apply tests]( * [Northwind test database update for SQLite]( * [Code cleanup]( * [Test code cleanup]( ## Community contributions Community contributions to EF Core: * @skalpin contributed the [improvement to tooling output while building]( Many thanks to @skalpin for their contribution! ## Issues remaining for 3.0 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.0. Some observations: * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.0 - we are now at **536** issues fixed! * We have one issue still being worked on for 3.0: * Finishing [query support for the in-memory provider]( * We are not planning anything else for 3.0, but high-priority fixes may still make it to the release with director-level approval ![image]( ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * Currently the only remaining work planned for 3.0 is better support for queries against the in-memory provider Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core (Done) What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * Major feature work for the EF6.3 release is now complete. * We are [eliciting feedback]( on the usefulness of creating a `dotnet-ef6` tool. * Support in the VS Designer will now ship sometime after the runtime release Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates (Done) What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * API reviews have been completed and the surface area for providers is now locked down. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback from external providers. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes (Done) What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * We have now completed all the significant breaking changes we plan to make for the 3.0 release. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback. * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider (Done) What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: (No change from last week) * All the major features we plan to ship in 3.0 are now done. Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 8 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.6]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 8 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

September 5, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.0 and EF6.3 preview 9 released! These are the **last planned previews** before we release the final versions later this month. We have almost completely stopped making changes to the product code, but we are still actively monitoring feedback for any important bugs that may be reported. So please install the previews to validate that all the functionality required by your applications is available and works correctly, and **report any issues you find** to either the [EF Core issue tracker]( or the [EF 6 issue tracker]( on GitHub. Even if we may not be able to fix many more issues in EF Core 3.0 at this point, we’ll consider important bugs and regressions for the upcoming 3.1 release. See the [preview 9 announcement blog post]( for more general information as well as information specific to preview 9. ## Consider installing daily builds In Preview 9 the functionality of the in-memory provider is still very limited, but this is already fixed in our daily builds. In fact, we have already fixed more than 20 issues that aren’t included in Preview 9, and we may still fix a few more before RTM. Detailed instructions to install daily builds, including the necessary NuGet feeds, can be found in the [How to get daily builds of ASP.NET Core]( article. ## What are we doing now? Now that 3.0 is wrapping up, the EF team is transitioning to working on: * Bug fixes for 3.1. * 3.1 will be a LTS (Long Term Support) release, so we're stabilizing and fixing bugs for this release * 3.1 will not have new features without .NET Director-level approval * Technical debt * Code cleanup, additional testing, test reliability, etc. * Documentation * Updating docs to be cover changes in the 3.0 release * An overhaul of the getting started docs to make them more approachable/easier to follow * Re-organization of docs to make things easier to find and to add cross-references * Adding more details and clarifications to existing docs * Updating the samples and adding more examples * Planning and process improvements ## Pull requests from the last week ### EF Core * EF Core 3.0 query overhaul: * Merge of [in-memory query work into the 3.0 release branch]( * In-memory support for [weak/owned entity types]( * In-memory improvements for [null protected and propagation]( * In-memory provide update to [preserve type of ValueBuffer expressions in SelectMany]( * Updates to [query-logging tests]( * In-memory provider [clean-up]( * Scrub and re-enabling of [in-memory tests]( * Bug fixes for the 3.1 release: * Bug fixed to [avoid infinite loop when processing InversePropertyAnnotation]( * Bug fixed to [throw a better exception when deriving from an owned type]( * Bug fixed to [enable non-rowid store-generated keys]( in SQLite * Bug fixed to [throw a better exception when composing over a client projection]( * Bug fixed to [stop validating Cosmos partition keys on embedded types]( * Bug fixed in [visiting children for pending collections]( * Bug fixed in [support for ICollection.Contains]( * Perf optimization for [SelectExpression.VisitChildren]( * Tests added for [verification of GroupBy with conditional aggregate]( * Tests added for [tracking with coalless/conditional]( * Tests added for [FirstOrDefault with empty result]( * Tests added for [casting in a closure]( ### Documentation * Added a [clarification on use of multiple query filters]( * Typos/formatting/grammar: [1682]( ## Community contributions Community contributions to documentation: * @ronnelsantiago contributed the [a typo/grammar fix]( Many thanks to @ronnelsantiago for their contribution! ## Issues remaining for 3.0 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.0. Some observations: * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.0 - we are now at **551** issues fixed! * We are not planning anything else for 3.0, but high-priority fixes may still make it to the release with director-level approval (You may be wondering why the count of issues fixed in 3.0 keeps going up even though we are done with 3.0. This is because we have a lot of issues that we think are fixed for 3.0, but which we haven't verified as fixed. Once we have verified that an issue has been fixed in 3.0, then we move that closed issue into the 3.0 milestone to reflect this.) ![image]( ## Major areas While engineers frequently work on multiple things in parallel, these are the high-level areas that we are focusing on for the EF Core 3.0 release. ### Query pipeline overhaul (Done) What: The way LINQ queries are translated is getting a major overhaul for EF Core 3.0. Part of this involves removal of automatic client evaluation, except in the final projection. Status: * We are done with planned work for 3.0. Additional bug fixes and stabilization are happening for the 3.1 LTS release. Tracking issue: ### Porting EF6 to .NET Core (Done) What: Support EF6 on .NET Core. Status: (No change from last week) * Major feature work for the EF6.3 release is now complete. * We are [eliciting feedback]( on the usefulness of creating a `dotnet-ef6` tool. * Support in the VS Designer will now ship sometime after the runtime release Tracking issue: ### Provider model updates (Done) What: We are promoting some internal types and concepts to public so that they can be consumed safely from database providers. Status: (No change from last week) * API reviews have been completed and the surface area for providers is now locked down. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback from external providers. Tracking issue: ### Breaking changes (Done) What: We are making a number of breaking changes for EF Core 3.0 to improve the experience and functionality of EF Core in various important ways. Status: (No change from last week) * We have now completed all the significant breaking changes we plan to make for the 3.0 release. There may still be some small tweaks before release based on feedback. * Breaking changes, including mitigations, are documented in the [EF Core breaking changes doc]( Tracking issue: ### Cosmos database provider (Done) What: We are continuing work on the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos. Status: (No change from last week) * All the major features we plan to ship in 3.0 are now done. Tracking issue: ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: EF Core 3.0 Preview 9 - see [the .NET Core announcement post]( * Current: [EF Core 2.2.6]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: EF 6.3 Preview 9 - see [the announcement post]( * Current: [EF 6.2.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

divega commented 4 years ago

September 19, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.0 and EF6.3 GA around the corner! Team focused on documentation updates and EF Core 3.1 improvements We previously [said that preview 9]( would be your last chance to test EF Core 3.0 and EF 6.3 before general availability. It turns out we made enough improvements to our libraries and across the whole of .NET Core 3.0 to justify publishing a release candidate build. Hence the packages for [EF Core 3.0 RC1]( and [EF 6.3 RC1]( are now available. These are the **last previews** (this time for real! :smile:) before we release the final versions on September 23 during [.NET Conf]( We hope you can tune in for the talk *Entity Framework Core 3.0 and beyond*, at 3:00 PM PDT (22:00 UTC), with @divega and @smitpatel! ## Consider installing daily builds Even the RC1 builds come form branches that were frozen a couple of weeks ago, so there are at least a few additional bug fixes in our daily builds. At this point we have completely stopped making changes to the product code in the release branches, an unless something really critical comes up, the current state of our daily builds is what we will release. Anyway, if you find a bug now, please report it as soon as possible in either the [EF Core issue tracker]( or the [EF 6 issue tracker]( on GitHub. Even if we won't be able to fix any more issues in EF Core 3.0, we’ll consider them for 3.1. Detailed instructions to install daily builds, including the necessary NuGet feeds, can be found in the [How to get daily builds of ASP.NET Core]( article. ## What are we doing now? Now that 3.0 is wrapping up, our team is focused on making sure the documentation is ready for the imminent release, coding improvements to be included in EF Core 3.1 (to be released later this year), and paying technical debt. ### EF Core 3.1 EF Core 3.1 will be a LTS (Long Term Support) release, so the focus is on stabilizing and fixing bugs rather than adding features. In fact, including new features in 3.1 requires .NET team's director-level approval. The full set of issues fixed in 3.1 can seen by [querying our issue tracker]( Here are some worth mentioning: * Fixes and improvements for issues found in the last minute for Cosmos DB provider * Fixes and improvements for issues found in the last minute in the new LINQ pipeline * Lots of regressions tests added for issues verified as fixed in 3.0 * Test stability improvements (investigating and fixing remaining flaky tests) * Code cleanup. ### Documentation updates There are several kinds of updates we are making to our documentation: 1. New articles that cover new features in 3.0, like the [Cosmos DB provider docs]( 2. Update existing articles to reflect the actual behavior and API changes in the new releases, like the new [Keyless Entity Types document that replaces Query Types]( and the [updated EF 6.3 release notes]( 3. Overhaul of the getting started docs to make them more approachable and easier to follow (work in progress). 4. General re-organization of docs and additional cross-references to make things easier to find 5. Adding more details and clarifications to existing docs 6. Updating the samples and adding more examples ### EF Core “5.0” We took [another community PR]( for the next major version of EF Core last week. Thank you @SARAVANA1501 for your contribution.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

October 17, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

After a few weeks break while I have been away, EF weekly updates are now back! ## EF Core 3.1 What you need to know about EF Core 3.1: * The release cycle is short--EF Core 3.1 is scheduled for release on December 3. * The goal of this release is stabilize 3.0 and fix bugs to prepare 3.1 for long term support (LTS) * We have fixed 83 issues so far * EF Core 3.1 contains no new significant features ## Builds to use * The [daily builds]( are the most up-to-date available. * Using the daily builds is a great way to find issues and provide feedback as early as possible. The sooner we get such feedback, the more likely it will be actionable before the next official release. * We work hard to keep the daily builds in good shape by running over 50,000 tests per TFM for each build. * Currently we have daily builds for 3.1 and for "5.0". Most work is currently going into the 3.1 builds. * [EF Core 3.1 preview 1]( is available now on NuGet. * Preview releases on NuGet are a reasonable way to help find issues and provide feedback. However, keep in mind that these releases tend to lag a couple weeks from what is happening on GitHub, and so are usually not as good an option as the daily builds. For example, the daily builds of 3.1 contain fixes for 34 issues not in the preview 1 release. * Current: [EF Core 3.0.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.14]( ## What are we doing now? We are currently spending most of our time fixing bugs for the 3.1 release--see above. In addition, we are working on: * Technical debt * Code cleanup, additional testing, test reliability, etc. * Documentation * Updating docs to be cover changes in the 3.0 release * An overhaul of the getting started docs to make them more approachable/easier to follow * Re-organization of docs to make things easier to find and to add cross-references * Adding more details and clarifications to existing docs * Updating the samples and adding more examples * Planning and process improvements Planning for the "5.0" release (i.e. the one after 3.1) will start in the coming weeks. ## Pull requests from the last week ### EF Core * Query bug fixes: * Fixed [escaping in StartsWith]( * Better exception message when using [FromSql methods with non-composable SQL]( * Better [parameter printing for null values]( * Support for [Expression.Invoke]( * Ensure [owned entities are loaded when projecting non-mapped property]( * Fixed [Union combined with OrderBy/Skip/Take]( * Fixed [creation of arrays in the top-level projection]( * Migrations/tooling bug fixes: * Fixed [migration batching when seed data has read-only columns]( * Fixed [output when dropping a database to include database name]( * Fixed issue with [type hierarchies and navigation properties in seed data]( * Other fixes: * Corrected [log level for CommandExecuting/CommandExecuted]( * Dependency updates: * Updated to use [Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos 3.3.1]( * Add [support for more platforms in 3.1]( * Test improvements: * Fixed [connection leak in cross-store tests]( * Fixed [cleaning of local Cosmos databases]( ### Documentation * Samples updated to [use 3.0.0]( * More information added on [configuration of DbContext]( * Updated [link to multiple collection Include]( * Updated [query-tracking documentation]( * Updated [documentation for test doubles]( ## Community contributions * @crowet contributed the fix to [migration batching when seed data has read-only columns]( * @guftall [fixed a typo]( Many thanks to both for these contributions! ## Issues remaining for 3.1 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.1. Some observations: * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.1 - we are at **83** issues fixed ![image]( ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: [EF Core 3.1 Preview 1]( * Current: [EF Core 3.0.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.14]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: [EF 6.4 Preview 1]( * Current: [EF 6.3.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

October 24, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.1 What you need to know about EF Core 3.1: * The release cycle is short--EF Core 3.1 is scheduled for release on December 3. * The goal of this release is stabilize 3.0 and fix bugs to prepare 3.1 for long term support (LTS) * We have fixed **110** issues so far * EF Core 3.1 contains no new significant features ## Builds to use * The [daily builds]( are the most up-to-date available. * Using the daily builds is a great way to find issues and provide feedback as early as possible. The sooner we get such feedback, the more likely it will be actionable before the next official release. * We work hard to keep the daily builds in good shape by running over 50,000 tests per TFM for each build. * Currently we have daily builds for 3.1 and for "5.0". Most work is currently going into the 3.1 builds. * [EF Core 3.1 preview 1]( is available now on NuGet. * Preview releases on NuGet are a reasonable way to help find issues and provide feedback. However, keep in mind that these releases tend to lag a couple weeks from what is happening on GitHub, and so are usually not as good an option as the daily builds. For example, the daily builds of 3.1 contain fixes for **61** issues not in the preview 1 release. * Current: [EF Core 3.0.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( ## What are we doing now? We are currently spending most of our time fixing bugs for the 3.1 release--see above. In addition, we are working on: * Technical debt * Code cleanup, additional testing, test reliability, etc. * Documentation * Updating docs to be cover changes in the 3.0 release * An overhaul of the getting started docs to make them more approachable/easier to follow * Re-organization of docs to make things easier to find and to add cross-references * Adding more details and clarifications to existing docs * Updating the samples and adding more examples * Planning and process improvements Planning for the "5.0" release (i.e. the one after 3.1) will start in the coming weeks. ## Pull requests from the last week ### EF Core * Query: * Performance improvement through [second-level query caching based on parameter nullability]( * Fixed [second-level query cache to use MemoryCache]( * Performance improvement through [optimization of SQL based on parameter nullability]( * Fixed [entity equality in query filters]( * Fixed handling of [ListInitExpression in entity equality]( * Fixed issues with [nullability and set operations]( * Fixed [translation of GroupBy-Aggregate when using result selector]( * Improved readability of [expressions in client evaluation exceptions]( * Fixed [building the query root for reloading entities]( * Fixed use of [NewExpression without constructor]( on some platforms * Fixed [matching object.Equals method in translation]( * Fixed [projection mapping when pushing down SelectExpression]( * Fixed [NullableMemberTranslator to only use `Nullable`]( * Improve [exception when translating Count with predicate on grouping]( * Fixed [translation of correlation predicate on owned collection]( * Model building: * Improved exception message for [incorrect owned type configuration]( * Fixed [mapping of owned types to owner view]( * Fixed [relationship uniqueness when removing navigation to dependent]( * Tweaked [API for Azure database creation]( * Fixed [reading of nested owned types in 2.x model snapshots]( * Fixed [clearing of discriminator when discovering new non-root base type]( * Change tracking: * Fixed [loaded state of navigation properties when attaching entities]( * Fixed [detaching tracked owner with un-tracked owned entity]( * Reverted change to [remove references to entities when detaching]( * Migrations/tooling: * Fixed [NuGet tools package to remove `lib`]( * Cosmos: * Fixed [handling of nested types and collections]( * Other fixes: * Added [`SELECT 1` to Exists/CanConnect checks to handle silent network disconnects]( * Cleanup to [use null coalescing assignment]( * Dependency updates: * Updated [Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos dependency to 3.3.2]( * Test improvements: * Testing for [nullable reference types used with inheritance]( * Testing for [set operation over FromSql]( ### EF6 * Re-added functions to the [Package Manager Console Export-ModuleMember calls]( ### Microsoft.Data.Sqlite: * Updated [encryption sample for 3.0 release]( ### Documentation * Documented [change to use Microsoft.Data.SqlClient]( * Updated [table-of-contents for complex query operators page]( * Removed [outdated sample for field-only properties]( ## Community contributions * @pacoweb contributed a scaffolding fix to [include using directive for model namespace]( * @mistachkin fixed an issue in EF6 when [building fully-qualified path names]( * @gurmeetsinghdke fixed some [documentation formatting]( * @vanillajonathan fixed documentation to [use IANA domain]( * @riccikl fixed some [documentation markdown formatting]( Many thanks for your contributions! ## Issues remaining for 3.1 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.1. Some observations: * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.1 - we are at **110** issues fixed ![image]( ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: [EF Core 3.1 Preview 1]( * Current: [EF Core 3.0.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: [EF 6.4 Preview 1]( * Current: [EF 6.3.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

October 31, 2019

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## EF Core 3.1 What you need to know about EF Core 3.1: * The release cycle is short--EF Core 3.1 is scheduled for release on December 3. * The goal of this release is stabilize 3.0 and fix bugs to prepare 3.1 for long term support (LTS) * We have fixed **129** issues so far * EF Core 3.1 contains no new significant features ## Builds to use * The [daily builds]( are the most up-to-date available. * Using the daily builds is a great way to find issues and provide feedback as early as possible. The sooner we get such feedback, the more likely it will be actionable before the next official release. However, note that the builds are currently a few days old as we work through infrastructure issues. * We work hard to keep the daily builds in good shape by running over 50,000 tests per TFM for each build. * Currently we have daily builds for 3.1 and for "5.0". Most work is currently going into the 3.1 builds. * [EF Core 3.1 preview 1]( is available now on NuGet. * Preview releases on NuGet are a reasonable way to help find issues and provide feedback. However, keep in mind that these releases tend to lag a couple weeks from what is happening on GitHub, and so are usually not as good an option as the daily builds. For example, the daily builds of 3.1 contain fixes for **61** issues not in the preview 1 release. * Current: [EF Core 3.0.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( ## What are we doing now? We are currently spending most of our time fixing bugs for the 3.1 release--see above. In addition, we are working on: * Technical debt * Code cleanup, additional testing, test reliability, etc. * Documentation * Updating docs to be cover changes in the 3.0 release * An overhaul of the getting started docs to make them more approachable/easier to follow * Re-organization of docs to make things easier to find and to add cross-references * Adding more details and clarifications to existing docs * Updating the samples and adding more examples * Planning and process improvements Planning for the "5.0" release (i.e. the one after 3.1) will start in the coming weeks. ## Pull requests from the last week ### EF Core * Query * Fixed [incorrect queryable conversion for sources that are not queryable]( * Refactored [shaped query compilation visitors]( * Fixed [several issues in navigation expansion]( * Fixed [conditional and null-coalescing handling in parameter extraction]( * Removed internal [in-memory operator provider]( * Fixed [Contains translation for arbitrary collection types]( * Mitigate [usability of IX-Async and EF Core together]( * Optimization of [null semantics when checking if expression is null]( * Model building: * Fixed [generation of non-static members]( * Warn when [converting collection property without comparer]( * Fixed [incorrect seeding of store-generated properties]( * Fixed [snapshot for spurious model diffs when using owned types]( * Stop showing [auto-property backing fields in debug view]( * Migrations/tooling: * Fixed tools NuGet package to [not include dependency group]( * Fixed [scaffolding of value-generation facets]( * Fixed [snapshotting temporary values for Added entities]( * Other: * [Code cleanup]( * Fixed SQLite provider to treat [in-memory databases as always existing]( * Test improvements: * Test for [constant projection after set operation]( ### EF6 * [Reverted ef6.exe to use .NET Core 3.0]( ### Microsoft.Data.Sqlite: * Fixed [possible exceptions when disposing SQLite readers]( ### Documentation * Added [mark-down linter to docs build]( ## Community contributions * @riccikl contributed [a change to move doc code samples into compilable projects]( * @chrfin contributed an [improvement to EF6 query compilation performance]( * @ite-klass contributed [formatting improvements in EF6 API docs]( * @OOberoi contributed [improved wording for EF Core 3.0 query documentation]( * @Psypher9 contributed [a typo fix for the EF6 documentation]( Many thanks for your contributions! ## Issues remaining for 3.1 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.1. Some observations: * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.1 - we are at **129** issues fixed ![image]( ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: [EF Core 3.1 Preview 1]( * Current: [EF Core 3.0.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: [EF 6.4 Preview 1]( * Current: [EF 6.3.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

November 7, 2019

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## EF Core 3.1 EF Core 3.1 [Preview 2]( is on NuGet! However, we still recommend using the [daily builds]( below. What you need to know about EF Core 3.1: * The release cycle is short--EF Core 3.1 is scheduled for release on December 3. * The goal of this release is to stabilize 3.0 and fix bugs to prepare 3.1 for long term support (LTS) * We have fixed **140** issues so far * EF Core 3.1 contains no new significant features ## Builds to use * The [daily builds]( are the most up-to-date available. * Using the daily builds is a great way to find issues and provide feedback as early as possible. The sooner we get such feedback, the more likely it will be actionable before the next official release. * We work hard to keep the daily builds in good shape by running over 50,000 tests per TFM for each build. * Currently we have daily builds for 3.1 and for "5.0". Most work is currently going into the 3.1 builds. * [EF Core 3.1 preview 2]( is available now on NuGet. * Preview releases on NuGet are a reasonable way to help find issues and provide feedback. However, keep in mind that these releases tend to lag a couple weeks from what is happening on GitHub, and so are usually not as good an option as the daily builds. For example, the daily builds of 3.1 contain fixes for **36** issues not in the preview 2 release. * Current: [EF Core 3.0.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( ## What are we doing now? We are currently spending most of our time fixing bugs for the 3.1 release--see above. In addition, we are working on: * Technical debt * Code cleanup, additional testing, test reliability, etc. * Documentation * Updating docs to be cover changes in the 3.0 release * An overhaul of the getting started docs to make them more approachable/easier to follow * Re-organization of docs to make things easier to find and to add cross-references * Adding more details and clarifications to existing docs * Updating the samples and adding more examples * Planning and process improvements Planning for the "5.0" release (i.e. the one after 3.1) will start in the coming weeks. ## Pull requests from the last week This week we have merged **12** pull requests from community contributors! Way to go, community! Thanks so much! ### Community contributions * @pmiddleton fixed [metadata for function mapping to use namespace-qualified names]( * @chrfin fixed a [concurrency issue in EF6 and re-enabled some perf improvements]( * @breyed [fixed a typo]( * @morrisjdev added the [FileContextCore database provider to the external providers list]( * @gurmeetsinghdke added several links and small improvements to the EF6 documentation: [1859]( [1858]( [1860]( [1873]( * @EricStG updated documentation for [Npgsql spatial transformations]( * @Psypher9 [fixed a typo]( * @vanillajonathan [fixed code formatting]( * @StefH [fixed double quote characters]( ### EF Core * Query * Fix [query filters against null navigations]( * Fix [connection resiliency/Azure retries for queries]( * More fixes to [improve optimization of null expansions]( * Fix to [improve null handling with flags enums]( * Fix to [handle casts in navigation expansion]( * Fix to [generate correct default for FirstOrDefault in sub-queries]( * Unwrap [query nodes around entity before doing member lookup]( * Deprecated [NullConditionalExpression]( * Deprecated [UseRowNumberForPaging API, since it is no longer functional]( * Improvements to [expression printing]( * Other: * Updated [Cosmos dependency to 3.3.3]( * Updated [SQLitePCL.raw dependency to 2.0.2]( * [Code cleanup]( * Test improvements: * Remove [unnecessary element sorters]( * Test [older model snapshots with owned types]( * Fix [some pseudo-non-determinism in tests]( * Apply [element sorter in AssertIncludeQuery]( * Ignore [line-endings in test assertions]( * More [test coverage for null semantics]( * Test for [coalesce with not equals]( * Improve [reliability of Cosmos tests]( * Disable flakey Cosmos tests: [18683]( [18726]( * Documentation: * Updated [Cosmos provider documentation]( ## Issues remaining for 3.1 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.1. Some observations: * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.1 - we are at **140** issues fixed ![image]( ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: [EF Core 3.1 Preview 2]( * Current: [EF Core 3.0.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: [EF 6.4 Preview 2]( * Current: [EF 6.3.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

November 14, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.1 EF Core 3.1 [Preview 3]( is on NuGet! This is the **last preview before GA/RTM** and contains almost everything we plan to ship in 3.1. Please try it now! What you need to know about EF Core 3.1: * The release cycle is short--EF Core 3.1 is scheduled for release on December 3. * The goal of this release is to stabilize 3.0 and fix bugs to prepare 3.1 for long term support (LTS) * We have fixed **145** issues so far * EF Core 3.1 contains no new significant features ## Builds to use * The [daily builds]( are the most up-to-date available. * Using the daily builds is a great way to find issues and provide feedback as early as possible. The sooner we get such feedback, the more likely it will be actionable before the next official release. * We work hard to keep the daily builds in good shape by running over 50,000 tests per TFM for each build. * Currently we have daily builds for 3.1 and for "5.0". Most work is currently going into the 3.1 builds. * [EF Core 3.1 preview 3]( is available now on NuGet. * Preview releases on NuGet are a reasonable way to help find issues and provide feedback. However, keep in mind that these releases tend to lag a couple weeks from what is happening on GitHub, and so are usually not as good an option as the daily builds. * Current: [EF Core 3.0.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( ## What are we doing now? The 3.1 release is now locked down; we don't expect to put any more changes into 3.1. Planning for the "5.0" release (i.e. the one after 3.1) has started! We will share more in the coming weeks. In addition, we are working on: * Technical debt * Code cleanup, additional testing, test reliability, etc. * Documentation * Updating docs to be cover changes in the 3.0 release * An overhaul of the getting started docs to make them more approachable/easier to follow * Re-organization of docs to make things easier to find and to add cross-references * Adding more details and clarifications to existing docs * Updating the samples and adding more examples * Planning and process improvements ## Pull requests from the last week ### Community contributions * @vanillajonathan [fixed formatting issues]( * @jtheisen submitted an update to the [external extensions list]( Many thanks to @vanillajonathan and @jtheisen! ### EF Core * Query * Fixed [culture-specific comparison causing query failures for some languages]( * Ported the fix for [filtering against null reference types]( to 3.1 * Fixed [joins where key selector is anonymous with single property]( * Added support for [non boolean bitwise compliment]( * Other: * Updated [README]( * Removed [obsolete code ready for 5.0]( * Test improvements: * Fixed [query assertions]( * Added [regression tests for parameter reuse]( * Added [regression tests for GroupBy on keyless entities]( * Enabled [more null semantics tests]( * Switched to using declarations in many tests: [18816]( [18801]( * Cleaned up [test output helpers]( * Cleaned up [parameter naming in async tests]( * Documentation: * Clarifications for [owned-types documentation]( * New documentation for [setting Azure SQL database options]( * Show how to [map multiple columns to the same property when using TPH]( * Clarifications for [value generation of primary key values]( ## Issues remaining for 3.1 This is the burn-down chart we use internally to track progress towards EF Core 3.1. Some observations: * As stated above, we don't have any more changes planned for 3.1. * The gray bar at the top represents all the issues already fixed for 3.1 - we are at **145** issues fixed ![image]( ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: [EF Core 3.1 Preview 3]( * Current: [EF Core 3.0.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.11]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: [EF 6.4 Preview 3]( * Current: [EF 6.3.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

November 21, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.1 EF Core 3.1 [Preview 3]( is on NuGet! This is the **last preview before GA/RTM** and contains almost everything we plan to ship in 3.1. Please try it now! What you need to know about EF Core 3.1: * The release cycle is short--EF Core 3.1 is scheduled for release on December 3. * The goal of this release is to stabilize 3.0 and fix bugs to prepare 3.1 for long-term support (LTS) * We have fixed **150** issues so far * EF Core 3.1 contains no new significant features ## Builds to use * The [daily builds]( are the most up-to-date available. * Using the daily builds is a great way to find issues and provide feedback as early as possible. The sooner we get such feedback, the more likely it will be actionable before the next official release. * We work hard to keep the daily builds in good shape by running over 50,000 tests per TFM for each build. * Currently we have daily builds for 3.1 and for "5.0". Most work is currently going into the 3.1 builds. * [EF Core 3.1 preview 3]( is available now on NuGet. * Preview releases on NuGet are a reasonable way to help find issues and provide feedback. However, keep in mind that these releases tend to lag a couple weeks from what is happening on GitHub. This means daily builds are often a better option. * Current: [EF Core 3.0.1]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.14]( ## What are we doing now? The 3.1 release is now locked down; we don't expect to put any more changes into 3.1. Critical bugs in 3.1 are now being considered for patch releases. Planning for the "5.0" release (i.e. the one after 3.1) has started and we are making good progress. We will have something to share soon. In addition, we are working on: * Technical debt * Code cleanup, additional testing, test reliability, etc. * Documentation * Updating docs to be cover changes in the 3.0 release * An overhaul of the getting started docs to make them more approachable/easier to follow * Reorganization of docs to make things easier to find and to add cross-references * Adding more details and clarifications to existing docs * Updating the samples and adding more examples * Planning and process improvements ## Pull requests from the last week ### Community contributions * @ptjhuang fixed queries with deep nesting by [flattening Case expressions]( * @ivaylokenov fixed a [typo in ParameterExtractingExpressionVisitor]( * @Youssef1313 updated [docs metadata for dotnet commands]( * @jfoshee fixed a [typo in the SDK link]( Many thanks to all our contributors this week! ### EF Core * Query * Fixed issue with [complex OrderBy/ThenBy using navigations]( * Fixed comparisons of spatial types to [not use topological semantics]( * Corrected [SqlFunctionExpression to accept SqlExpression]( * Enable optimizations by [injecting SearchConditionConvertingExpressionVisitor into ParameterValueBasedSelectExpressionOptimizer]( * Make [ParameterBasedQueryTranslationPostprocessor public]( * Stop using [VisitAndConvert in ProjectionBindingExpressionVisitor]( * Cosmos * Renamed [Get/SetPropertyName to Get/SetJsonPropertyName]( * Dependency updates: * Updated [Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos dependency to 3.4.1]( * Updated [Microsoft.Data.SqlClient dependency to 1.1.0]( * Other: * Make health checks more robust by [catch exceptions in CanConnect]( * Stop [exposing ICurrentDbContext on QueryCompilationContextDependencies]( * Test improvements: * Improve developer experience by [splitting large test classes]( * Switched to [using declarations in remaining tests]( * Documentation: * Fixed [typo in owned entity docs]( * Cleaned up [doc links]( ## Issues remaining for 3.1 The 3.1 release is now closed down. The burn-down will return for 5.0 once the plan is ready. ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Latest preview: [EF Core 3.1 Preview 3]( * Current: [EF Core 3.0.1]( * LTS: [EF Core 2.1.14]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Latest preview: [EF 6.4 Preview 3]( * Current: [EF 6.3.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

December 5, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.1 The [GA/RTM release of EF Core 3.1]( is out and [available on NuGet]( now! ### What's new in 3.1? The primary goal of EF Core 3.1 is to polish the features and scenarios we delivered in EF Core 3.0. EF Core 3.1 will be a long term support (LTS) release, supported for at least 3 years. To this end we have fixed over [150 issues]( for the 3.1 release, but there are no major new features to announce. ### Support for .NET Standard 2.0 EF Core 3.1 reintroduces support for .NET Standard 2.0, rather than requiring .NET Standard 2.1 as was the case for EF Core 3.0. This means EF Core 3.1 will run on .NET Framework versions supported by the standard. ## Builds to use * The [daily builds]( are the most up-to-date available. * Using the daily builds is a great way to find issues and provide feedback as early as possible. The sooner we get such feedback, the more likely it will be actionable before the next official release. * We work hard to keep the daily builds in good shape by running over 50,000 tests per TFM for each build. * Daily builds now contain work scheduled for release in EF Core 5.0. * Current: [EF Core 3.1.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 3.1.0]( ## EF 6.4 The [GA/RTM release of EF 6.4]( is also out and [available on NuGet]( now. Similar to EF Core, the primary goal of EF 6.4 is to polish the features and scenarios we delivered in EF 6.3. To this end we have fixed [important issues found in EF 6.3]( to create a more stable release. ## What are we doing now? Critical bugs in 3.1 are now being considered for patch releases. The first patch release is tentatively scheduled for January. Planning for the "5.0" release (i.e. the one after 3.1) has started and we are making good progress. We will have something to share soon. In addition, we are working on: * Technical debt * Code cleanup, additional testing, test reliability, etc. * Documentation * Updating docs to be cover changes in the 3.0 and 3.1 releases * An overhaul of the getting started docs to make them more approachable/easier to follow * Reorganization of docs to make things easier to find and to add cross-references * Adding more details and clarifications to existing docs * Updating the samples and adding more examples * Planning and process improvements * Holiday spirit and recovering from the intense 3.0/3.1 release! ## New features in EF Core 5.0 As stated above, planning of 5.0 major features is ongoing, but in addition to bug fixes we have already merged a few small features/enhancements. ### Simple Logging This [feature]( is the moral equivalent of `Database.Log` in EF6. That is, it provides a simple way to get logs from EF Core without the need to configure any kind of external logging framework. EF Core replaces `Database.Log` with a `LogTo` method called on DbContextOptionsBuilder in either AddDbContext or OnConfiguring. For example: ```C# protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder) => optionsBuilder.LogTo(Console.WriteLine); ``` Overloads exist to: * Set the minimum log level * Example: `.LogTo(Console.WriteLine, LogLevel.Information)` * Filter for only specific events: * Example: `.LogTo(Console.WriteLine, new[] {CoreEventId.ContextInitialized, RelationalEventId.CommandExecuted})` * Filter for all events in specific categories: * Example: `.LogTo(Console.WriteLine, new[] {DbLoggerCategory.Database.Name}, LogLevel.Information)` * Use a custom filter over event and level: * Example: `.LogTo(Console.WriteLine, (id, level) => id == RelationalEventId.CommandExecuting)` Output format can be minimally configured (API is in flux) but the default output looks something like: ``` warn: 12/5/2019 09:57:47.574 CoreEventId.SensitiveDataLoggingEnabledWarning[10400] (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure) Sensitive data logging is enabled. Log entries and exception messages may include sensitive application data, this mode should only be enabled during development. dbug: 12/5/2019 09:57:47.581 CoreEventId.ShadowPropertyCreated[10600] (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation) The property 'BlogId' on entity type 'Post' was created in shadow state because there are no eligible CLR members with a matching name. info: 12/5/2019 09:57:47.618 CoreEventId.ContextInitialized[10403] (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure) Entity Framework Core 5.0.0-dev initialized 'BloggingContext' using provider 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer' with options: SensitiveDataLoggingEnabled dbug: 12/5/2019 09:57:47.644 CoreEventId.ValueGenerated[10808] (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking) 'BloggingContext' generated temporary value '-2147482647' for the 'Id' property of new 'Blog' entity. ... ``` ### Translation of Contains on byte arrays Queries using Contains on byte[] properties are now translated to SQL. For example: ```C# var blogs = context.Blogs.Where(e => e.Picture.Contains((byte)127)).ToList(); ``` Translates to the following on SQL Server: ``` info: 12/5/2019 11:42:42.022 RelationalEventId.CommandExecuted[20101] (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command) Executed DbCommand (1ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30'] SELECT [b].[Id], [b].[Picture], [b].[Title] FROM [Blogs] AS [b] WHERE CHARINDEX(0x7F, [b].[Picture]) > 0 ``` ## Pull requests from the last two weeks ### Community contributions * @cincuranet [reintroduced GeneratePseudoFromClause for use by external providers]( * @OOberoi fixed [grammar in getting started documentation]( * @rmarskell contributed a [clarifying change to a parameter name]( * @ozantopal fixed a [typo in index documentation]( Many thanks to all our contributors! ### EF Core * Query * Fixed invalid SQL when using [conditional expression with null-valued parameter]( * This issue is approved for the 3.1.1 patch release. * Fixed exception thrown from [Avg/Min/Max when result is zero]( * This issue is approved for the 3.1.1 patch release. * Fixed [incorrect exception message for SingleAsync]( * Support for [Contains on byte arrays with SQLite]( * Support for [Contains on byte arrays with SQL Server]( * Dependency updates: * Pin dependencies to [3.1 versions]( * Other: * Fixed [incorrect Obsolete link]( * This issue is approved for the 3.1.1 patch release. * Implementation of [simple logging]( * Implemented a [debug view for the state manager]( * Implemented a [shorter debug view for the model]( * Updated [private nested classes to avoid virtual methods]( * Moved [GitHub wiki pages to markdown in repo]( * Removed [unused SqlServerOptions]( * Tests: * Updates to [null-expansion regression tests]( * Improvements to [query validation tests]( * Test [cleanup]( * More test [cleanup]( * Fixed [simple logging test failure]( * Fixed a [SQLite test reliability issue]( * Added [byte array property to test model]( * Documentation: * Added [breaking change documentation for IMemoryCache]( * Fixed [SQLite documentation metadata]( * Improvements to [relationship documentation]( * Fixed [typo in owned entities documentation]( * Updated [EF6 guidance for for using transactions and execution strategy]( ## Issues remaining for 5.0 The burn-down will return for 5.0 once the plan is ready. ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Current: [EF Core 3.1.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 3.1.0]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Current: [EF 6.4.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

December 12, 2019

Expand to see status from this week...

## EF Core 3.1 The [GA/RTM release of EF Core 3.1]( is out and [available on NuGet]( now! ## Builds to use * The [daily builds]( are the most up-to-date available. * Using the daily builds is a great way to find issues and provide feedback as early as possible. The sooner we get such feedback, the more likely it will be actionable before the next official release. * We work hard to keep the daily builds in good shape by running over 50,000 tests per TFM for each build. * Daily builds now contain work scheduled for release in EF Core 5.0. * Current: [EF Core 3.1.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 3.1.0]( ## What are we doing now? Critical bugs in 3.1 are now being considered for patch releases. The first patch release is tentatively scheduled for January. Planning for the "5.0" release (i.e. the one after 3.1) has started and we are making good progress. We need to sync with the .NET directors before we can share publicly. In addition, we are working on: * Technical debt * Code cleanup, additional testing, test reliability, etc. * Documentation * Updating docs to be cover changes in the 3.0 and 3.1 releases * An overhaul of the getting started docs to make them more approachable/easier to follow * Reorganization of docs to make things easier to find and to add cross-references * Adding more details and clarifications to existing docs * Updating the samples and adding more examples * Planning and process improvements * Holiday spirit and recovering from the intense 3.0/3.1 release! ## New features in EF Core 5.0 As stated above, planning of 5.0 major features is ongoing, but in addition to bug fixes we have already merged a few small features/enhancements. ### Debug views Debug views are an easy way to look at the internals of EF Core when debugging issues. A debug view for the Model was implemented some time ago. For EF Core 5.0, we have made the model view easier to read and added a new debug view for tracked entities in the state manager. #### Model debug view Drill down into the Model property of the DbContext in your debugger of choice and expand the `DebugView` property. ![image]( The `LongView` is the model view we have had for some time. The `ShortView` is new and doesn't include model annotations, which make it much easier to read. For example, here is one of our test models: ``` Model: EntityType: Chassis Properties: TeamId (int) Required PK FK AfterSave:Throw Name (string) Version (no field, byte[]) Shadow Concurrency BeforeSave:Ignore AfterSave:Ignore ValueGenerated.OnAddOrUpdate Navigations: Team (_team, Team) ToPrincipal Team Inverse: Chassis PropertyAccessMode.Field Keys: TeamId PK Foreign keys: Chassis {'TeamId'} -> Team {'Id'} Unique ToDependent: Chassis ToPrincipal: Team EntityType: Driver Properties: Id (int) Required PK AfterSave:Throw ValueGenerated.OnAdd CarNumber (Nullable) Championships (int) Required Discriminator (no field, string) Shadow Required FastestLaps (int) Required Name (string) Podiums (int) Required Poles (int) Required Races (int) Required TeamId (int) Required FK Index Version (no field, byte[]) Shadow Concurrency BeforeSave:Ignore AfterSave:Ignore ValueGenerated.OnAddOrUpdate Wins (int) Required Navigations: Team (_team, Team) ToPrincipal Team Inverse: Drivers PropertyAccessMode.Field Keys: Id PK Foreign keys: Driver {'TeamId'} -> Team {'Id'} ToDependent: Drivers ToPrincipal: Team Indexes: TeamId EntityType: Engine Properties: Id (int) Required PK AfterSave:Throw ValueGenerated.OnAdd EngineSupplierId (int) Required FK Index Concurrency Name (string) Concurrency Navigations: EngineSupplier (_engineSupplier, EngineSupplier) ToPrincipal EngineSupplier Inverse: Engines PropertyAccessMode.Field Gearboxes (_gearboxes, ICollection) Collection ToDependent Gearbox PropertyAccessMode.Field StorageLocation (Location) ToDependent Location PropertyAccessMode.Field Teams (_teams, ICollection) Collection ToDependent Team Inverse: Engine PropertyAccessMode.Field Keys: Id PK Foreign keys: Engine {'EngineSupplierId'} -> EngineSupplier {'Id'} ToDependent: Engines ToPrincipal: EngineSupplier Indexes: EngineSupplierId EntityType: EngineSupplier Properties: Id (int) Required PK AfterSave:Throw ValueGenerated.OnAdd Name (string) Navigations: Engines (_engines, ICollection) Collection ToDependent Engine Inverse: EngineSupplier PropertyAccessMode.Field Keys: Id PK EntityType: Gearbox Properties: Id (int) Required PK AfterSave:Throw ValueGenerated.OnAdd EngineId (no field, Nullable) Shadow FK Index Name (string) Keys: Id PK Foreign keys: Gearbox {'EngineId'} -> Engine {'Id'} ToDependent: Gearboxes Indexes: EngineId EntityType: Location Properties: EngineId (no field, int) Shadow Required PK FK AfterSave:Throw ValueGenerated.OnAdd Latitude (double) Required Concurrency Longitude (double) Required Concurrency Keys: EngineId PK Foreign keys: Location {'EngineId'} -> Engine {'Id'} Unique Ownership ToDependent: StorageLocation EntityType: Sponsor Properties: Id (int) Required PK AfterSave:Throw ValueGenerated.OnAdd ClientToken (no field, Nullable) Shadow Concurrency Discriminator (no field, string) Shadow Required Name (string) Version (no field, byte[]) Shadow Concurrency BeforeSave:Ignore AfterSave:Ignore ValueGenerated.OnAddOrUpdate Keys: Id PK EntityType: SponsorDetails Properties: TitleSponsorId (no field, int) Shadow Required PK FK AfterSave:Throw ValueGenerated.OnAdd ClientToken (no field, Nullable) Shadow Concurrency Days (int) Required Space (decimal) Required Version (no field, byte[]) Shadow Concurrency BeforeSave:Ignore AfterSave:Ignore ValueGenerated.OnAddOrUpdate Keys: TitleSponsorId PK Foreign keys: SponsorDetails {'TitleSponsorId'} -> TitleSponsor {'Id'} Unique Ownership ToDependent: Details EntityType: Team Properties: Id (int) Required PK AfterSave:Throw Constructor (string) ConstructorsChampionships (int) Required DriversChampionships (int) Required EngineId (no field, Nullable) Shadow FK Index FastestLaps (int) Required GearboxId (Nullable) FK Index Name (string) Poles (int) Required Principal (string) Races (int) Required Tire (string) Version (no field, byte[]) Shadow Concurrency BeforeSave:Ignore AfterSave:Ignore ValueGenerated.OnAddOrUpdate Victories (int) Required Navigations: Chassis (_chassis, Chassis) ToDependent Chassis Inverse: Team PropertyAccessMode.Field Drivers (_drivers, ICollection) Collection ToDependent Driver Inverse: Team PropertyAccessMode.Field Engine (_engine, Engine) ToPrincipal Engine Inverse: Teams PropertyAccessMode.Field Gearbox (_gearbox, Gearbox) ToPrincipal Gearbox PropertyAccessMode.Field Keys: Id PK Foreign keys: Team {'EngineId'} -> Engine {'Id'} ToDependent: Teams ToPrincipal: Engine Team {'GearboxId'} -> Gearbox {'Id'} Unique ToPrincipal: Gearbox Indexes: EngineId GearboxId Unique EntityType: TestDriver Base: Driver EntityType: TitleSponsor Base: Sponsor Navigations: Details (_details, SponsorDetails) ToDependent SponsorDetails PropertyAccessMode.Field ``` #### State manager debug view The state manager is a little mode hidden than the model. To find it, drill down into the ChangeTracker property of the DbContext in your debugger of choice and then look in the `StateManager` property and expand the `DebugView`. ![image]( The short view of the state manager shows: * Each entity being tracked * Its primary key value(s) * The entity state - one of Added, Unchanged, Modified, or Deleted. * The values of an foreign key properties For example: ``` Engine (Shared) {Id: 1} Unchanged FK {EngineSupplierId: 1} Location (Shared) {EngineId: 1} Unchanged FK {EngineId: 1} Team (Shared) {Id: 4} Modified FK {EngineId: 1} FK {GearboxId: } ``` The long view shows everything in the short view together with: * The current value of each property * Whether or not the property is marked as modified * The original value of the property, if different from the current value * The entity referenced by a reference navigation using the referenced entity's primary key value * The list if entities referenced by a collection navigation, again using primary key values For example: ``` Engine (Shared) {Id: 1} Unchanged Id: 1 PK EngineSupplierId: 1 FK Name: 'FO 108X' EngineSupplier: Gearboxes: StorageLocation: {EngineId: 1} Teams: [{Id: 4}] Location (Shared) {EngineId: 1} Unchanged EngineId: 1 PK FK Latitude: 47.64491 Longitude: -122.128101 Team (Shared) {Id: 4} Modified Id: 4 PK Constructor: 'Ferrari' ConstructorsChampionships: 16 DriversChampionships: 15 EngineId: 1 FK Modified Originally 3 FastestLaps: 221 GearboxId: FK Name: 'Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro' Poles: 203 Principal: 'Stefano Domenicali' Races: 805 Tire: 'Bridgestone' Version: '0x000000000001405A' Victories: 212 Chassis: Drivers: [] Engine: {Id: 1} Gearbox: ``` ## Pull requests from the last two weeks ### Community contributions * @svengeance fixed an issue when [concatenating null with strings]( * @cincuranet contributed several fixes for SQL Server-specific ordering in provider tests: [19217]( [19223]( [19221]( * @redoz Fixed a [typo in the change tracking documentation]( Many thanks to all our contributors! ### EF Core * Query: * Fixed issue preventing [both constructor and property initializers being used in a projection]( * This issue is approved for the 3.1.1 patch release. * Improved [MemberInfo matching for explicitly built expression trees]( * Cleanup: [19191]( [19271]( * Added [argument checking for InExpression]( * Cosmos: * Fixed [corruption of owned collection when updating in same context as query]( * This issue is approved for the 3.1.1 patch release. * Dependency updates: * Pin dependencies to [3.1 versions]( * Other: * Warn when an [AddEntityFramework... method is called from application code]( * This issue is approved for the 3.1.1 patch release. * Updated [nullable metadata and checking for query and Cosmos]( * Replaced [Debug.Assert with less complex alternative]( * Updated [LogTo logging based on design meeting feedback]( * Tests: * Query regression tests: [19195]( [19198]( [19197]( [19196]( * Documentation: * Merging of [relational table documentation]( ### Microsoft.Data.Sqlite * Huge [documentation overall for Microsoft.Data.Sqlite including lots of new information]( * Connection Strings * Data Types * Parameters * Database Errors * Transactions * Batching * Metadata * In-Memory Databases * Encryption * Online Backup * User-Defined Functions * Custom SQLite Versions * Collation * BLOB I/O * Interoperability * Extensions * Using with Entity Framework Core * Using with Dapper * Compare to System.Data.SQLite * Using with Xamarin ## Issues remaining for 5.0 The burn-down will return for 5.0 once the plan is ready. ## Latest releases EF Core: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [follow the instructions from the wiki]( * Current: [EF Core 3.1.0]( * LTS: [EF Core 3.1.0]( EF6: * Daily builds: install the latest preview SDK, then [use the feeds listed on the repo homepage]( * Current: [EF 6.4.0]( ## More Information See the top of this issue for links to more information. Comments are disabled on this issue to reduce noise. Please use [the related discussion issue]( for any comments on these status updates.