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SqlServerConnection should use a more robust way of cloning the connection #1796

Closed divega closed 1 year ago

divega commented 9 years ago

Currently in SqlServerConnection.CreateMasterConnection() we just create a new connection with a modified connection string in order to get a connection to the master database. But we know that SqlConnection.Open() will by default strip out the password from the connection string so by the time we get the connection string it might have already been mangled.

There is also SqlCredentials which was added in recent versions of SqlClient as an alternative to having credentials embedded in the connection string.

Incidentally ((ICloneable)sqlConnection).Clone() can handle all of this, but the functionality isn't available in CoreCLR.

rowanmiller commented 9 years ago

This was already tracked by but the info here is more detailed so we can probably close the other one

divega commented 9 years ago

Ah! @ajcvickers you pick which one you want to close.

rowanmiller commented 9 years ago

Need to start by driving ability to clone in CoreCLR

divega commented 9 years ago

We have followed up with the SqlClient folks and a connection clone method won't be part of SqlClient in the RTM time frame.

We should start using it as soon as it is available though. Until then CreateMasterConnection() will any time credentials are required that are not included in the connection string.

Removing myself and the release from the issue so that we can decide in triage how to track it.

divega commented 7 years ago

SqlConnection now implements ICloneable. If we can test that credentials stripped out from the connection string does not affect the cloned connection then we are not blocked anymore. Otherwise we should file an issue in SqlClient.

cc @saurabh500, @ajcvickers

ajcvickers commented 7 years ago

There are complications around doing this in our current code:

Given that this isn't really a major issue in EF Core I propose we leave the code as-is for now and only revisit if there is customer feedback.

jnm2 commented 4 years ago

We're using SqlConnection.Credential and struggling with this. Would you take a fix?

What is the recommended workaround in the meantime? Putting the username and password in the connection string and setting PersistSecurityInfo = true?

jnm2 commented 4 years ago

It looks like User ID and Password do work without PersistSecurityInfo.

What if connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString was replaced with new SqlConnection(connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString, DbConnection.Credential)?

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

@jnm2 It would be good to understand what are you doing that causes you to hit this issue?

jnm2 commented 4 years ago

This is a desktop tool. When creating a new project, the user enters an instance name and optionally SQL credentials and the name of a SQL database to create to store the project in. The UI password entry control provides a SecureString instance which we attach to the SqlConnection with NetworkCredential.

To keep things simple, we're creating and passing around a Func<SqlConnection> connectionFactory which returns new SqlConnection(builtConnectionString, networkCredential). We were hoping to use context.Database.MigrateAsync. The class which implements database management uses this code to create a new database:

using var connection = connectionFactory.Invoke();
using var context = new FooContext(connection);

await context.Database.MigrateAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

// ...
// (further initialization and data import specified by the user)

MigrateAsync throws a SqlException with the message Login failed for user ''. The call stack showed that the uncaught SqlException was thrown inside the _databaseCreator.CreateAsync call:

SqlServerConnection.CreateMasterConnection disregards the SqlConnection.Credential property, and that looks like the sole problem.

ajcvickers commented 4 years ago

@jnm2 A couple of things. First, SecureString is not recommended anymore: see

Second, I suspect that the best approach here is to not use EF to create the database instance. Connecting to master is one of those fragile things that can easily be broken by different SQL and client permissions and settings. Instead, I would recommend creating an empty database instance using a connection to master that you create appropriately. MigrateAsync is designed to treat such as database as new and run all the rest of the schema creation for you. EF doesn't need to create to master for that.


(Also, your scenario is just about the only situation where I approve of running Migrate in code. 😉)

jnm2 commented 4 years ago

That helps, thank you!