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SQLite: Translate TimeSpan members #18844

Open bricelam opened 4 years ago

bricelam commented 4 years ago

We can enable these by registering two UDFs on the connection:

CreateFunction("ef_days", (TimeSpan value) => value.TotalDays);
CreateFunction("ef_timespan", (double value) => TimeSpan.FromDays(value));

The following translations are enabled.

timeSpan1 + timeSpan2 ef_timespan(ef_days($timeSpan1) + ef_days($timeSpan2))
timeSpan1 - timeSpan2 ef_timespan(ef_days($timeSpan1) - ef_days($timeSpan2))
timeSpan1 / timeSpan2 ef_days($timeSpan1) / ef_days($timeSpan2)
timeSpan / d ef_timespan(ef_days($timeSpan) / $d)
timeSpan1 > timeSpan2 ef_days($timeSpan1) > ef_days($timeSpan2)
timeSpan1 >= timeSpan2 ef_days($timeSpan1) >= ef_days($timeSpan2)
timeSpan1 < timeSpan2 ef_days($timeSpan1) < ef_days($timeSpan2)
timeSpan1 <= timeSpan2 ef_days($timeSpan1) <= ef_days($timeSpan2)
d * timeSpan ef_timespan($d * ef_days($timeSpan))
timeSpan * d ef_timespan(ef_days($timeSpan) * $d)
-timeSpan ef_timespan(-ef_days($timeSpan))
dateTime + timeSpan datetime(julianday($dateTime) + ef_days($timeSpan))
dateTime - timeSpan datetime(julianday($dateTime) - ef_days($timeSpan))
dateTime1 - dateTime2 ef_timespan(julianday($dateTime1) - julianday($dateTime2))
timeSpan.Days CAST(ef_days($timeSpan) AS INTEGER)
timeSpan.Hours ef_days($timeSpan) * 24 % 24
timeSpan.Milliseconds ef_days(%timeSpan) * 86400000 % 1000
timeSpan.Minutes ef_days($timeSpan) * 1440 % 60
timeSpan.Seconds ef_days($timeSpan) * 86400 % 60
timeSpan.Ticks CAST(ef_days($timeSpan) * 864000000000 AS INTEGER)
timeSpan.TotalDays ef_days($timeSpan)
timeSpan.TotalHours ef_days($timeSpan) * 24
timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds ef_days(%timeSpan) * 86400000
timeSpan.TotalMinutes ef_days($timeSpan) * 1440
timeSpan.TotalSeconds ef_days($timeSpan) * 86400
timeSpan.Duration() ef_timespan(abs(ef_days($timeSpan)))
timeSpan.Fromef_days(value) ef_timespan($value)
TimeSpan.FromHours(value) ef_timespan($value / 24)
TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(value) ef_timespan($value / 86400000)
TimeSpan.FromMinutes(value) ef_timespan($value / 1440)
TimeSpan.FromSeconds(value) ef_timespan($value / 86400)
TimeSpan.FromTicks(value) ef_timespan($value / 864000000000)
Max(t => t.TimeSpan) ef_timespan(max(ef_days(t.TimeSpan)))
Min(t => t.TimeSpan) ef_timespan(min(ef_days(t.TimeSpan)))


bricelam commented 3 years ago

I made some good progress in bricelam:timespan, but I ran into floating-point precision issues and wanted to re-examine how we handle TimeSpan and DateTime literals and parameters on SQLite before moving forward.

Assert.Equal() Failure
Expected: 00:01:00
Actual:   00:00:59.9999964

In order to get this to round to the correct time we need to re-create the TimeSpan (and possibly DateTime) instances in various places using a constructor overload that doesn't take double.

bricelam commented 3 years ago

We could also consider adding a collation.

OrderBy(t => t.TimeSpan) ORDER BY t.TimeSpan COLLATE EF_TIMESPAN
OrderByDescending(t => t.TimeSpan) ORDER BY t.TimeSpan COLLATE EF_TIMESPAN DESC
bricelam commented 1 year ago

Note, we can use the mod function from #18843 (which works with non-integer values) to simplify some translations (including the one for DateTime.Millisecond) which should also avoid overflows.