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EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
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Add support for value converters to HasDbFunction in order to better support value objects #33788

Open jscarle opened 3 months ago

jscarle commented 3 months ago

As a follow up to, I'm attempting to use HasDbFunction with my GeoCoordinate value object to call the database function STDistance.

I already have a value converter as defined below:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion;
using NetTopologySuite;
using NetTopologySuite.Geometries;

internal sealed class GeoCoordinateConverter : ValueConverter<GeoCoordinate, Point>
    private static readonly GeometryFactory _geoFactory =

    public GeoCoordinateConverter()
        : base(valueObject => ConvertToValue(valueObject), value => ConvertToGeoCoordinate(value))

    private static Point ConvertToValue(GeoCoordinate geoCoordinate)
        var coordinate = new Coordinate(geoCoordinate.Longitude.ToDouble(), geoCoordinate.Latitude.ToDouble());
        var point = _geoFactory.CreatePoint(coordinate);
        return point;

    private static GeoCoordinate ConvertToGeoCoordinate(Point point)
        var coordinate = point.Coordinate;
        return GeoCoordinate.Convert(coordinate.Y, coordinate.X);

internal static class GeoCoordinateExtensions
    public static void ConfigureGeoCoordinate(this ModelConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder)

The value converter does work when reading and writing entities that contain the GeoCoordinate value object. However, when defining the database function as below:

public static double DistanceInMeters(GeoCoordinate coordinate1, GeoCoordinate coordinate2)
    => throw new NotImplementedException();
modelBuilder.HasDbFunction(typeof(MyDbContext).GetMethod(nameof(DistanceInMeters), new[]
    typeof(GeoCoordinate), typeof(GeoCoordinate)
    b => b.HasTranslation(
        e =>
            new SqlFunctionExpression(

The following exception is thrown when the DbContext is instantiated:

System.InvalidOperationException: The parameter 'coordinate1' for the DbFunction 
'MyDbContext.DistanceInMeters(GeoCoordinate,GeoCoordinate)' has an invalid type 'GeoCoordinate'.
Ensure the parameter type can be mapped by the current provider.
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure.RelationalModelValidator.
      ValidateDbFunctions(IModel model, IDiagnosticsLogger`1 logger)

It seems that HasDbFunction does not take value converters into consideration.

Note: This is being developed and tested in .NET 8.0 with EF Core 8.0.

jscarle commented 3 months ago

Seems related to

jscarle commented 2 months ago

I confirmed in a different project that there seems to be absolutely no way to configure a User Defined Function in such a way to make it possible to use parameters that are not a C# primitive type such as int, decimal, or string.

alandryz83 commented 2 months ago
