dotnet / efcore

EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
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In a one-to-many query, if AutoInclude is configured, when querying 'many', there will be an extra 'many' in 'one' of 'many' #34502

Open z505985755 opened 3 weeks ago

z505985755 commented 3 weeks ago

I know this is hard to understand. Let me give you an example. There are two entities, factories and areas. One factory corresponds to multiple areas, and one area has one factory. There is a set of data, one factory and one area. When I query the area, I expect it should be a area, a factory under the area, and a area under the factory. But in fact, it is a area, a factory under the area, and two area under the factory, and these two area are the same.


public class Factory : CommonEntity<Factory>, IEntityTypeBuilder<Factory>
    public string? Description { get; set; }
    public UniversalType Type  { get; set; }
    public List<Area> Areas { get; set; }
    public new void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Factory> entityBuilder, DbContext dbContext, System.Type dbContextLocator)
        base.Configure(entityBuilder, dbContext, dbContextLocator);
        //entityBuilder.HasMany(x => x.Areas).WithOne(x => x.Factory);
        entityBuilder.Navigation(x => x.Areas).AutoInclude();
        //entityBuilder.HasOne(x => x.Type);
        entityBuilder.Navigation(x => x.Type).AutoInclude();


public class Area : CommonEntity<Area>, IEntityTypeBuilder<Area>
    public string? Description { get; set; }
    public Factory? Factory { get; set; }
    public UniversalType Type { get; set; }
    public new void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Area> entityBuilder, DbContext dbContext, Type dbContextLocator)
        base.Configure(entityBuilder, dbContext, dbContextLocator);
        entityBuilder.Navigation(x => x.Factory).AutoInclude();
        entityBuilder.Navigation(x => x.Type).AutoInclude();


    private TEntity GetOneObject<TEntity>(int Id, string Name)
        where TEntity : CommonEntity<TEntity>, new()
        using (var repository = Db.GetRepository<TEntity>())
            return repository.Context.Set<TEntity>().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Id || x.Name == Name);

result image

roji commented 3 weeks ago

Can you please post a fully runnable, minimal console program that shows the problem? Snippets and a screeshot do not allow us to easily understand and reproduce the problem.

z505985755 commented 3 weeks ago

Can you please post a fully runnable, minimal console program that shows the problem? Snippets and a screeshot do not allow us to easily understand and reproduce the problem. of course

ajcvickers commented 3 weeks ago

Notes for team: the issue here is that the auto-Include creates a cycle which is not detected or resolved. Executing the query with the Includes added manually:

var area = db.Area
    .Include(e => e.Factory)
    .ThenInclude(e => e.Areas)

Results in:

Unhandled exception. System.InvalidOperationException: The Include path 'Factory->Areas' results in a cycle. Cycles are not allowed in no-tracking queries; either use a tracking query or remove the cycle.
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.NavigationExpandingExpressionVisitor.IncludeExpandingExpressionVisitor.VerifyNoCycles(IncludeTreeNode includeTreeNode)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.NavigationExpandingExpressionVisitor.IncludeExpandingExpressionVisitor.ExpandInclude(Expression root, EntityReference entityReference)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.NavigationExpandingExpressionVisitor.IncludeExpandingExpressionVisitor.VisitExtension(Expression extensionExpression)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.NavigationExpandingExpressionVisitor.ExpandingExpressionVisitor.Expand(Expression expression, Boolean applyIncludes)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.NavigationExpandingExpressionVisitor.PendingSelectorExpandingExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression expression)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.NavigationExpandingExpressionVisitor.Expand(Expression query)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.QueryTranslationPreprocessor.Process(Expression query)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.QueryCompilationContext.CreateQueryExecutor[TResult](Expression query)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.Database.CompileQuery[TResult](Expression query, Boolean async)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryCompiler.CompileQueryCore[TResult](IDatabase database, Expression query, IModel model, Boolean async)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryCompiler.<>c__DisplayClass9_0`1.<Execute>b__0()
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.CompiledQueryCache.GetOrAddQuery[TResult](Object cacheKey, Func`1 compiler)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryCompiler.Execute[TResult](Expression query)
   at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.EntityQueryProvider.Execute[TResult](Expression expression)
   at EFTest.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\code\repros\EFTest\EFTest\EFTest\Program.cs:line 14

Note that the query generated by the single Include is:

      SELECT "a"."Id", "a"."FactoryId", "a"."Name", "f"."Id", "f"."Name"
      FROM "Area" AS "a"
      LEFT JOIN "Factory" AS "f" ON "a"."FactoryId" = "f"."Id"
      LIMIT 1

The query generated by the double auto-Include is:

      SELECT "t"."Id", "t"."FactoryId", "t"."Name", "t"."Id0", "t"."Name0", "a0"."Id", "a0"."FactoryId", "a0"."Name"
      FROM (
          SELECT "a"."Id", "a"."FactoryId", "a"."Name", "f"."Id" AS "Id0", "f"."Name" AS "Name0"
          FROM "Area" AS "a"
          LEFT JOIN "Factory" AS "f" ON "a"."FactoryId" = "f"."Id"
          LIMIT 1
      ) AS "t"
      LEFT JOIN "Area" AS "a0" ON "t"."Id0" = "a0"."FactoryId"
      ORDER BY "t"."Id", "t"."Id0"