dotnet / efcore

EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
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How to correctly reference other table using EF Core and CHAR(2) foreign key? #34543

Closed SetTrend closed 22 hours ago

SetTrend commented 2 weeks ago

Using Entity Framework Core, I created a Language entity with the 2-letter ISO code as key:

public class Language(string id)
  [Length(2, 2)]
  public string Id { get; init; } = id;

Next, I created a dependant entity referencing that table:

[PrimaryKey(nameof(Id), nameof(Language))]
public class DataText(string id, Language language, string text)
  [Length(2, 200)]
  public string Id { get; init; } = id;

  public virtual Language Language { get; init; } = language;

  [Length(2, 3000)]
  public string Text { get; set; } = text;

Now, using the SQLite provider, I'd like to reference the Language entity from the DataText entity using a foreign key. This doesn't seem possible. In OnModelCreating() I'm getting the following error message:

System.InvalidOperationException: The 'Language' property 'DataText.Language' could not be mapped because the database provider does not support this type. Consider converting the property value to a type supported by the database using a value converter. See for more information. Alternately, exclude the property from the model using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'.

Same is true for SQL Server provider. So, I guess EF Core is not able to create foreign keys on strings, although a CHAR(2) foreign key is more efficient than an INT foreign key. Adding an additional INT proxy primary key column would require to introduce an unnecessary burdon to the database.

ajcvickers commented 2 weeks ago

This issue is lacking enough information for us to be able to fully understand what is happening. Please attach a small, runnable project or post a small, runnable code listing that reproduces what you are seeing so that we can investigate.

SetTrend commented 2 weeks ago

I see … So here's the MRE.

Just run/debug through the sole test in the MSTest project (DatabaseBackEndTests.CreateDatabaseTests.SuccessfullyCreateDatabaseAndDelete()).

Thanks for taking the time to investigate on this issue! 👍

ajcvickers commented 2 weeks ago

@SetTrend It is your intention to map Language as an entity type mapped to its own table?

SetTrend commented 2 weeks ago

Does it help if I provide the intended target database diagram?

Database diagram

Here is the T-SQL code I manually created for this diagram to appear (click Details to view the code):

```sql SET NOCOUNT ON USE master IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'DbTest') = 1 DROP DATABASE DbTest GO CREATE DATABASE DbTest ON PRIMARY ( NAME = 'DbTest' ) GO USE DbTest CREATE TABLE Languages ( Id CHAR(2) PRIMARY KEY CHECK (LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(Id))) = 2) ) CREATE TABLE DataTexts ( Id VARCHAR(200) , Language CHAR(2) -- , Text NVARCHAR(3000) NOT NULL CHECK (LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(Text))) > 1) -- , CONSTRAINT PK_DataTexts PRIMARY KEY (Id, Language) , CONSTRAINT FK_Language_Id FOREIGN KEY (Language) REFERENCES Languages (Id) ) GO INSERT INTO Languages VALUES ('de'), ('en') INSERT INTO DataTexts VALUES ('ProfileItem.Label.1', 'de', N'Titel') , ('ProfileItem.Label.1', 'en', N'Title') , ('ProfileItem.Label.2', 'de', N'Zuletzt aktualisiert am {0:d}') , ('ProfileItem.Label.2', 'en', N'Last modified on {0:d}') , ('ProfileItem.Label.3', 'de', N'Verfügbar ab {0:d}') , ('ProfileItem.Label.3', 'en', N'Available from {0:d}') , ('ProfileItem.Label.4', 'de', N'Davon zu {0:P0} vor Ort verfügbar') , ('ProfileItem.Label.4', 'en', N'With on-site availability up to {0:P0}') ```

The Language entity is supposed to serve as filter and dropdown data source later in the future application.

SetTrend commented 1 week ago

Do you see any path to get this working soon?

SetTrend commented 1 day ago

Hello, @AndriySvyryd,

I'm using EF Core for a commercial project, and I need support. I'm an MS Enterprise customer. Do you see ANY way for me to go to get immediate support for this case?

roji commented 1 day ago

@SetTrend you can contact Microsoft Support for EF like for other Microsoft products - see our support docs. Otherwise you'll have to be patient until we get around to investigating this - there are many things going on at the moment.

AndriySvyryd commented 22 hours ago and would be needed to enable your scenario.

For now, something like this would be the closest:

                .HasOne(d => d.Language)
                .HasPrincipalKey<DataText>(d => d.LanguageId)
                .HasForeignKey<Language>(l => l.Id);

        [PrimaryKey(nameof(Id), nameof(LanguageId))]
        public class DataText(string id, string languageId, string text)
            [Length(2, 200)]
            public string Id { get; init; } = id;

            [Length(2, 2)]
            public string LanguageId { get; init; } = languageId;
            public virtual Language Language { get; set; } = new Language(languageId);

            [Length(2, 3000)]
            public string Text { get; set; } = text;