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CA1067 on C# record implementing a VB.NET interface #2172

Open enrij opened 2 months ago

enrij commented 2 months ago


I'm experiencing a curious behavior using dotnet format --verify-no-changes command and I also managed to reproduce it in a new project from scratch using .NET core 8 (version 8.0.201).

Take the following C# record definition as reference

public record MyRecord(string A, string B, long C);

if you create an interface in the same C# project and implement it in the record, dotnet format works like a charm

public interface IMyInterface
    string A { get; }
    string B { get; }
    long C { get; }

public record MyRecord(string A, string B, long C) : IMyInterface;`

BUT (🍑)... If the same interface comes from another class library project created using VB.NET

Public Interface IMyInterfaceVB
    ReadOnly Property A As String
    ReadOnly Property B As String
    ReadOnly Property C As Long
End Interface

dotnet format --verify-no-changes now fails throwing a warning

warning CA1067: Type DotnetFormatCA1067Bug.MyRecord should override Equals because it implements IEquatable

and dotnet format effectively tries to implement Equals method on the record

public record MyRecord(string A, string B, long C) : IMyInterfaceVB
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return Equals(obj as MyRecord);

Am I missing something? 🤔

For reference: