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Extension scripts fail when imported from F# context (or written in F# and imported from C# context) #1808

Open cyberillithid opened 2 years ago

cyberillithid commented 2 years ago

Preface: I recently got inspired to try F# again when I learned that this tool exists (and overall I guess you're doing a great job). Thus I am sorry if I use the terminology I haven't grokked yet incorrectly, or even if some things I expect to work are actually incongruent with the tool as it is now.

Bug description

Referencing packages with extension scripts from F# context execution block

What I expected: If you reference an assembly (i.e., NuGet package of the RandomNumber extension from dotnet/interactive samples/extension/RandomNumber) with extension script from an F# context execution block, #r succeds and extension scripts works normally. What I got: The namespaces are inaccessible whether the extension script is written in F# or C#. (In the RandomNumber example you get CS0246 for "types/namespaces" RandomNumberExtension and RandomNumberGenerator, and so no commands are registered.

Referencing packages with F# extension scripts from C# context execution block

What I expected: You can use the magic commands written in F# when working from C# mode. What I got: DotNet (in Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive) and thus KernelInvocationContext are inaccessible from the F# script invoked from running #r in C#-mode, which thus fails to typecheck.

Steps to reproduce

With a NuGet-available package

The only one I found is Interactive.Journey from this same repo. So, the minimal reproduction of the bug is to run:

#r "nuget:Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Journey,1.0.0-beta.21602.1"

which fails with CS0234, as demonstrated on the picture attached While the same #r command in #!csharp mode executes the extension script successfully.

Other reproductions

The same behaviour can be observed (and debugged a bit more easily) with the RandomNumber extension from dotnet/interactive samples/extension/RandomNumber.

If you add the following to the beginning of the extension.dib of the RandomNumber extension:

open Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive
open RandomNumberExtension

and try to import the RandomNumber package from either F# or C# contexts, F# invocation will fail with F# typecheck error around RandomNumberExtension, while C# invocation will fail with F# typecheck error around DotNet.

Environment info

Windows 10:

Binder: started from link from the docs/

Things that look tangentially relevant

Issue #1307 Also probably the fact about split of C# and F# kernels, as described in

Since I performed most of the experiments locally, not to clutter screenshots with non-English compiler output, the only picture attached is the reproduction in Binder. image

WhiteBlackGoose commented 2 years ago

Another repro.


<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <None Include="extension.dib" Pack="true" PackagePath="interactive-extensions/dotnet" />

    <PackageReference Include="AngouriMath" Version="1.3.0" />



namespace Consumer;

public class Foo
    public void Method2() => Console.WriteLine(AngouriMath.MathS.FromString("1 + 1"));

(Class1.cs is needed to verify that the dep is correct)



using AngouriMath;

Console.WriteLine("Hello, world");

To pack, I do

rm -r ~/.nuget/packages/consumer
dotnet pack -c release -p:Version=10.0.0

Now, this notebook cell:

#i "/main/tmp/repro/cs2cs/Consumer/bin/release"
#r "nuget:Consumer"

(of course replace the path to yours)

C# context image

F# context image