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JSON data type not showing up in query results when using Kusto #2164

Open claudiaregio opened 2 years ago

claudiaregio commented 2 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

I connected to a VSCode internal table and queried for a specific event. The columns I was after contained JSON as a data type and all showed up as null making it a dead end for my analysis

Can provide code example on request


AbhitejJohn commented 2 years ago

Reach out to the ADS team about this.

jonsequitur commented 2 years ago

A code sample or other repro would be helpful.

torshy commented 1 year ago


i "nuget:"

r "nuget:Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Kql,-""


!connect kql --kernel-name test --cluster "" --database "Samples"



print dynamic({'hello':123})

This prints out the following: print_0 null

Should have been: print_0 { "hello": 123 }

ludwhe commented 1 year ago

Any news on this ? Would really have use in this if/when it gets fixed :smile: