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Subscribe to an Observable.Timer, No output at all #3526

Closed hjy1210 closed 2 months ago

hjy1210 commented 2 months ago

The package and version I'm asking about: Polyglot Notebooks extension v1.0.5208010


Execute the cell with content:

using System.Reactive.Linq;
var timer = Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
    x=> Console.WriteLine($"get {x}"), 
    () => Console.WriteLine("completed"));

No ouput at all, only a check symbol appeared with message 1.3s, see image below.


jonsequitur commented 2 months ago

This is a little unintuitive but it's working as intended. What's happening is that the cell execution completes before the 1 second has elapsed, and kernel events from that cell execution longer get published.

You can see the output if you prevent the cell execution from completing so quickly:


hjy1210 commented 2 months ago

@jonsequitur Thanks a lot.

jonsequitur commented 2 months ago

@hjy1210 You're welcome!