The most likely issue is that MCP3008 needs a reset but there is no way to software reset it. The other possibility is that something got disconnected but this is a path on the PCB so it seems unlikely.
System.Device.Gpio.Tests.ProtocolsTests.SPI_Mcp3008CanRead [FAIL]
Assert.InRange() Failure: Value not in range
Range: (1018 - 1023)
Actual: 0
Stack Trace:
/_/src/System.Device.Gpio.Tests/ProtocolTests.cs(32,0): at System.Device.Gpio.Tests.ProtocolsTests.SPI_Mcp3008CanRead()
[Triage] Our best shot is to modify CreateAdc and try passing -1 as CS and manually set CS with LibGpiod - that will at least eliminate possiblity of CS not working through SpiConnectionSettings
The most likely issue is that MCP3008 needs a reset but there is no way to software reset it. The other possibility is that something got disconnected but this is a path on the PCB so it seems unlikely.
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