dotnet / issue-labeler

An issue labeler bot for use in dotnet repositories.
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Enable stdout logging in deployment #59

Closed jeffhandley closed 1 year ago

jeffhandley commented 1 year ago

Fixes #58

I've deployed the service with this change in place and verified that stdout logging was enabled with the deployment. And I saw the expected effects on the deployed web.config file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <remove name="aspNetCore" />
      <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" />
    <aspNetCore processPath=".\Microsoft.DotNet.Github.IssueLabeler.exe" arguments="" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile="\\?\%home%\LogFiles\stdout" hostingModel="inprocess" />

After deployment, I also ran the tests included from #57 and saw the expected results in the stdout logs. Another piece of evidence that the deployment is working as expected is dotnet/aspnetcore#30000, where the app is now applying the untriaged label to issues in that repository. I removed the label, ran the tests, and the app reapplied the label.