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FeaturizeText outputTokens uses a magical string to name a new column #2957

Closed rogancarr closed 5 years ago

rogancarr commented 5 years ago

When using OutputTokens=true, FeaturizeText creates a new column called ${OutputColumnName}_TransformedText. This isn't really well documented anywhere, and it's odd behavior. I suggest that we make the tokenized text column name explicit in the API.

My suggestion would be the following:

What do you all think?

rogancarr commented 5 years ago

@justinormont @TomFinley @sfilipi @Ivanidzo4ka Your thoughts?

Ivanidzo4ka commented 5 years ago

I would vote to hide that option in general and switch our examples to chain of estimators like we do here:

rogancarr commented 5 years ago

@Ivanidzo4ka I agree with what you're saying, but FeaturizeText is a "grab-bag" transform that does a bunch of stuff in one go, so unless we drop it from the APIs, we should fix this directly.

Update: I see what you're saying. You are saying to keep the transform, but turn off the "introspection" pieces.

justinormont commented 5 years ago

Exploding the text transform in to it's subparts will make the WordEmbedding quite error prone to use. For instance, users will often forget to lowercase their text, causing a silent degradation as it will still semi-work. I strongly prefer the explorability and simplicity of using a single transform instead of the seven or so sub-components.

On the original topic of creating an explicit tokens column: Does the API allow for multiple columns to be handled independently? Eg: Title => NgramsTitle and Description => NgramsTitle? If so we also produce NgramsTitle_TransformedText & NgramsTitle_TransformedText; reducing to just token means we can only handle one input column.

Ivanidzo4ka commented 5 years ago

So we have this chunky transform which do lot of stuff, and have plenty of knobs. One of this knobs is OutputTokens. It's involves half of other knobs, and independent from extractors and normalization part.

I see main purpose of FeaturizeText transform to, you know, take text and produce something we can consume in trainers, which is vector of floats. And I like then transform or function in general does one thing.

OutputTokens for me feels like some dangling peace of functionality which we added because we could add it, but unnecessary because we should add it.

I understand it can be error prone to convert text into tokens, but no one stops us from introducing another transform which would do that (and inside would be same just chain of already existing transformers) and only that, rather than having one transform which does two things.

To answer @justinormont question regarding current behavior for multiple columns -> We just concat them together into one column and process it as one column.

justinormont commented 5 years ago

Another reason it's nice for the FeaturizeText to produce the tokens: the winning combo is generally keeping both the ngrams & the word embedding. Not just the word embedding by itself.

abgoswam commented 5 years ago

As suggested by @Ivanidzo4ka if users want to extract tokens as part of the pipeline , we can point them to use the TokenizeIntoWords featurizer estimator (which is an API designed specifically for that task)

For V1.0 I feel it makes sense to hide the OutputTokens option from the FeaturizeText API.

p.s. @rogancarr @Ivanidzo4ka @justinormont let me know if we have consensus on this -- i can get going on this issue

rogancarr commented 5 years ago

If we add a separate step for outputting tokens, then that is actually a completely different pass through the data to create tokens that we already have. I would recommend keeping the output option, but letting the user specify a name.

abgoswam commented 5 years ago

In other places of the API we have moved away from adding "smarts" (no-auto normalization, no-auto calibration). Should we adhere to this motto for FeaturizeText as well ?

If we expose OutputTokens in V1.0 we are fixing the behavior of FeaturizeText to always tokenize without giving us the flexibility to modify this behavior in the future.


justinormont commented 5 years ago

@abgoswam in addition, there's various more steps needed than just TokenizeIntoWords to get the ngrams to the form the pretrained word embeddings need (diacritics, lowercasing, sometimes stopwords).

rogancarr commented 5 years ago

So is the concern that we may want FeaturizeText to not tokenize in future releases?

abgoswam commented 5 years ago

@rogancarr . Yeap that's my primary concern. Specifically, if a user uses the TokenizeIntoWords, followed by FeaturizeText .. do we promise to tokenize it again in FeaturizeText?

@justinormont . Am not getting you.

justinormont commented 5 years ago

@abgoswam: Ahh. Ok. I know of two uses of the <colname>_FeaturizedText output:

  1. The WordEmbeddings estimator takes in the munged/cleaned tokens from FeaturizeText as its input (see: example)
  2. For debugging purposes to see how the FeaturizeText is munging/cleaning their input text
abgoswam commented 5 years ago

@justinormont Thanks for the clarification.

I created a small sample for this. Kindly take a look at this example #2985

  1. It uses ApplyWordEmbedding as a step in the pipeline to get the SentimentEmbeddingFeatures . Note, having <colname>_FeaturizedText is not a requirement .

  2. FeaturizeText is doing much more than what is supposed to do. Hiding OutputTokens gives us a chance to fix some of its behavior in the future. The same holds true for other "smarts" it does behind the scenes (e.g. lower casing etc).

  3. The example in #2985 also highlights the scenario described above

justinormont commented 5 years ago

@abgoswam: Your example #2985 rather misses the reason you want the FeaturizeText before the ApplyWordEmbedding.

The word embedding needs to run thru the steps in the FeaturizeText. You need to match the pre-trained wordembeddings. For instance you have to match the casing of the fastText (and other) models or your word lookup will fail.

For instance all of our, included, pre-trained word embeddings are lowercase. There is no "Cat" in the model, but there is a "cat". Beyond the hard failure of case, for most pre-trained word embeddings, having the FeaturizeText remove punctuation, diacritics, and stop words will lead to gains.

abgoswam commented 5 years ago

One of the invariants of the FeaturizeText API is that it works on tokens, and this is irrespective of the "smarts" built into the API or presence of another tokenizing API TokenizeIntoWords in ML.NET

As such, the recommendation by @rogancarr above seems reasonable.

Here is the proposal: