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Method 'call' in type 'Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp.NasBert.Models.TransformerEncoder' from assembly 'Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp #6779

Open aarindam10 opened 12 months ago

aarindam10 commented 12 months ago

the bug was reported earlier in following post. though the bug was marked as resolved and closed the thread, but still the issues is there.

Reopening the issue:

Now I am using following versions. PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ML" Version="2.0.1" PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp" Version="0.20.1" PackageReference Include="TorchSharp" Version="0.100.3" PackageReference Include="TorchSharp-cpu" Version="0.100.3"

still getting following errors

System.TypeLoadException HResult=0x80131522 Message=Method 'call' in type 'Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp.NasBert.Models.TransformerEncoder' from assembly 'Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' does not have an implementation. Source=Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp StackTrace: at Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp.NasBert.NasBertTrainer2.TrainerBase..ctor(NasBertTrainer2 parent, IChannel ch, IDataView input) at Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp.NasBert.TextClassificationTrainer.Trainer..ctor(NasBertTrainer2 parent, IChannel ch, IDataView input) at Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp.NasBert.TextClassificationTrainer.CreateTrainer(NasBertTrainer2 parent, IChannel ch, IDataView input) at Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp.NasBert.NasBertTrainer2.Fit(IDataView input) at Microsoft.ML.Data.EstimatorChain1.Fit(IDataView input) at Microsoft.ML.Data.EstimatorChain`1.Fit(IDataView input) at CustomerReview.CustomerReviewAnalysis.ReviewAnalysis() in F:\MachineL\MLNet\CustomerReviewAnalysis\CustomerReviewAnalysis.cs:line 80 at Program.

$(String[] args) in F:\MachineL\MLNet\CustomerReviewAnalysis\Program.cs:line 6

gabriele-ricci-kyklos commented 9 months ago

@aarindam10 as pointed out in the issue you linked, you need to install the TorchSharp-cpu version 0.98.1: I had the exact same issue and solved by installing the correct nuget package version

GeorgeS2019 commented 9 months ago

@michaelgsharp Please add deep-learning label to all TorchSharp issues image