dotnet / machinelearning

ML.NET is an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET.
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Possible deadlock when running Microsoft.ML.Tests #6996

Open ericstj opened 4 months ago

ericstj commented 4 months ago

Build Information

Build: Build error leg or test failing: Microsoft.ML.Tests.WorkItemExecution Pull request:

Error Message

Fill the error message using step by step known issues guidance.

  "ErrorMessage": [ "[Long Running Test] 'Microsoft.ML.Tests.Scenarios.Api.CookbookSamples.CookbookSamplesDynamicApi.TextFeaturization'", "[Long Running Test] 'Microsoft.ML.Tests.Transformers.WordEmbeddingsTests.TestWordEmbeddings'" ],
  "ErrorPattern": "",
  "BuildRetry": false,
  "ExcludeConsoleLog": false

sample output

[Long Running Test] 'Microsoft.ML.Tests.Scenarios.Api.CookbookSamples.CookbookSamplesDynamicApi.TextFeaturization', Elapsed: 00:58:09
[Long Running Test] 'Microsoft.ML.Tests.Transformers.WordEmbeddingsTests.TestWordEmbeddings', Elapsed: 00:58:08

Known issue validation

Build: :mag_right: Error message validated: [[Long Running Test] 'Microsoft.ML.Tests.Scenarios.Api.CookbookSamples.CookbookSamplesDynamicApi.TextFeaturization' [Long Running Test] 'Microsoft.ML.Tests.Transformers.WordEmbeddingsTests.TestWordEmbeddings'] Result validation: :white_check_mark: Known issue matched with the provided build. Validation performed at: 2/12/2024 4:36:55 PM UTC



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