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Add support for Apache.Arrow.Types.Decimal128Type #7082

Open piyushdubey opened 3 months ago

piyushdubey commented 3 months ago

System Information (please complete the following information):

Describe the bug I am getting the below exception

Unhandled exception. System.NotImplementedException: decimal128 at Microsoft.Data.Analysis.DataFrame.AppendDataFrameColumnFromArrowArray(Field field, IArrowArray arrowArray, DataFrame ret, String fieldNamePrefix) at Microsoft.Data.Analysis.DataFrame.FromArrowRecordBatch(RecordBatch recordBatch) at Program.

To Reproduce Take a .arrow file with one column of type Apache.Arrow.Types.Decimal128Type var dataframe = DataFrame.FromArrowRecordBatch(recordBatch); It will throw above exception

Expected behavior The record batch should transform to DataFrame with appropriate type to handle decimal128