dotnet / machinelearning

ML.NET is an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET.
MIT License
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Add a stub packageSourceMapping #7171

Open directhex opened 3 weeks ago

directhex commented 3 weeks ago

Without packageSourceMapping, you may receive NuGet warning NU1507. Building with WarnAsError will elevate this to a fatal error.

C:\d\source-indexer\bin\repo\machinelearning\test\Microsoft.ML.CpuMath.UnitTests\Microsoft.ML.CpuMath.UnitTests.csproj : error NU1507: Warning As Error: There are 9 package sources defined in your configuration. When using central package management, please map your package sources with package source mapping ( or specify a single package source. The following sources are defined: dotnet-public, dotnet-tools, dotnet-libraries, dotnet-eng, vs-buildservices, dotnet5-roslyn, mlnet-daily, mlnet-assets, dotnet8 [C:\d\source-indexer\bin\repo\machinelearning\Microsoft.ML.sln]

Using * as a pattern means any repo can supply any package, the pattern can be further refined later.