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[Android] CarouselView behaves strangely when swiping vertically in view #22507

Open dhldn opened 2 months ago

dhldn commented 2 months ago
Ảnh màn hình 2024-05-18 lúc 23 35 27

Please refer to the image above. I'm facing the following issue: By default, CarouselView displays its items in a horizontal orientation. However, when swiping vertically, the mechanism behaves similarly to swiping horizontally, meaning it will transition to the next item:

Is there a way to prevent vertical swiping behavior in CarouselView? I want to handle it in this way, please help. All contributions and suggestions for solutions are welcomed.

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ThinhKVT commented 2 months ago

We encountered the same issue. Anyone has any suggestion for the problem. Please raise it up for more discussion.

ThinhKVT commented 2 months ago

Any update ?

dhldn commented 1 month ago

Link to public reproduction project repository: