dotnet / maui

.NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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.Net Maui Blazor Hybrid has an issue with iOS Screen when you double click a button #22555

Open sardar97 opened 1 month ago

sardar97 commented 1 month ago


when I start just using default template maui blazor hybrid and run it on iOS I have this issue. when I double click on Click Me button to increment the counter on the Counter page the iPhone screen goes down I explain it more in this video :

Steps to Reproduce

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Link to public reproduction project repository

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Version with bug

8.0.3 GA

Is this a regression from previous behavior?

Yes, this used to work in .NET MAUI

Last version that worked well

8.0.3 GA

Affected platforms


Affected platform versions

iOS 17.5

Did you find any workaround?

No response

Relevant log output

No response

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Felix-Dev commented 1 month ago

We are also facing this issue in our Blazor Hybrid page (MAUI page scrolls down when double-clicking a html button inside a BlazorWebView).

sardar97 commented 1 month ago

so can I fix it manually or I have to wait till you fix it in an update ?

Zhanglirong-Winnie commented 1 month ago

Verified this issue with Visual Studio 17.10 Preview 7 (8.0.40 & 8.0.3 ) & 17.6.12(Build410). Can repro on iOS(17.5&17.2) platform. This issue works fine on iOS 17.0.