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Maui.Controls.Compatibility.StackLayout; add children, chidlren.clear, re-add children -> System.Object.DisposedException #22575

Open HoGo72 opened 1 month ago

HoGo72 commented 1 month ago


On Android -14-Simulator I get "System.ObjectDisposedException" after re-adding a Microsoft.Maui-Compatibility.StackLayout to another Stacklayout. iOS-Simulator: OK Tizen: not testet Mac: not testet Windows: not tested because of "The handler's Maui-Context cannot be null."-Exception during UseMauiCompatibility

Steps to Reproduce

Create Sample-Maui-Project, replace MainPage with this: using CStackLayout=Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.StackLayout;

namespace MauiApp1 {

public class MainPage : ContentPage
    CStackLayout m_ContentStack= new CStackLayout();
    Label m_LabelA = new Label { Text = "some Text A" };
    Label m_LabelB = new Label { Text = "some Text B" };
    Button m_Button;
    CStackLayout m_MainView;

    public MainPage()

        m_Button = new Button { Text = "Update", Command = new Command(OnUpdate) };
        m_MainView = new CStackLayout();
        Content = m_MainView;

    void AddContentNow()

    void OnUpdate()



Change to Android-Simulator, start program, press "Update"-Button -> Exception is thrown

Btw: 1) change to "using CStackLayout = Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackLayout;" repairs the problem. But I migrate from Xamarin, so I have to use Compatibility. 2) In my real- life project I get in similar case Java.Lang.IllegalStateException: 'The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.' I hope that's the same problem...

Link to public reproduction project repository

Version with bug

8.0.40 SR5

Is this a regression from previous behavior?

No, this is something new

Last version that worked well


Affected platforms


Affected platform versions

Android 14

Did you find any workaround?

No response

Relevant log output

No response

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PureWeen commented 1 month ago

@HoGo72 if you don't use a compatibility StackLayout does the same thing happen?

HoGo72 commented 1 month ago

@HoGo72 if you don't use a compatibility StackLayout does the same thing happen?

No, Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackLayout works. But I migrate from Xamarin with heavy use of Forms.StackLayout./...AndExpand. So I cannot use this.

PureWeen commented 1 month ago

@HoGo72 you can maybe workaround this by calling disconnecthandler on the child views

(view.Handler.DisconnectHandler) before adding it to the new view.

HoGo72 commented 1 month ago

@HoGo72 you can maybe workaround this by calling disconnecthandler on the child views

(view.Handler.DisconnectHandler) before adding it to the new view. Thx, yes, workaround works. But you'll need also to handle sub-children, even if view.Handler is null.