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Voice over is not announcing the hint as press control option space begin editing for Ingredients, Recipe, Review edit fields: A11y_.NET Core_Recipes App My Recipes New_New Recipe_screeReader #22943

Open kapilvaishna opened 3 weeks ago

kapilvaishna commented 3 weeks ago

"Check out Accessibility Insights! - Identify accessibility bugs before check-in and make bug fixing faster and easier."

GitHub Tags

A11yTCS;#A11yUsable;#E2E_.NETCore_Mac_Jun2024;#.NET Core;#DesktopApp;#Device;#FTP;#A11ySev4;#Mac;#ScreenReader;#Voiceover;

Environment Details:

Application: .NET Core Version 2 (2) Operating System: Sonoma 14.5

Repro Steps:

  1. Turn on voice over
  2. Install and open ".NET MAUI" app.
  3. Press control option right arrow to "My Recipes" group and Press control option shift down arrow.
  4. Press control option right arrow to "My Recipes" tab and Press control option space.
  5. Press control option right arrow to "New" button and Press control option space.
  6. Press control option right arrow to Ingredients, Recipe, Review edit fields.
  7. Observe that voice over is not announcing the hint as press control option space begin editing for Ingredients, Recipe, Review edit fields

Actual Result:

Voice over is not announcing the hint as press control option space begin editing for Ingredients, Recipe, Review edit fields.

Expected Result:

Voice over should announce the hint as press control option space begin editing for Ingredients, Recipe, Review edit fields.

User Impact:

Screen reader user will not know they need to press control option space begin editing for Ingredients, Recipe, Review edit fields.


github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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Yash14j commented 3 weeks ago


ninachen03 commented 3 weeks ago

Verified this issue with Visual Studio 17.6.12(build 410) (8.0.40&8.0.21). Can repro on Maccatalyst platform with sample project.