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Talkback is not announcing Recipes as Headings: A11y_.NET Core_Recipes App Home Screen_Home Screen_Screen reader. #22968

Open keerthiduvvuri opened 1 month ago

keerthiduvvuri commented 1 month ago

GIT Hub Tags

AI Limited; #A11yTCS; #A11ySev2; #.NET Core; #E2E-.NET Core-Android-MAUI-JUNE2024; #Talkback; #Android; #WCAG1.3.1; #Info and Relationship; #FTP; #A11yMAS; #ScreenReader; #Elemet:Headings;

Environment and OS details:

Android Version 14

Reproduction Steps

  1. Install and open ".NET MAUI" app.
  2. "Home Screen" will open.
  3. Swipe till "Recipes Heading"
  4. Observe that Talkback is not announcing Recipes as Headings.

Actual behavior

Talkback is not announcing Recipes as Headings. NOTE: Issue is also is reproducing for Search breakfast Recipes and for Existing Recipes like salmon Bake.

Expected behavior

Talkback should be announcing Recipes as Headings.

User Impact

Screen reader users will face difficulty if Talkback is not announcing Recipes as Headings.


github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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ninachen03 commented 1 month ago

Verified this issue with Visual Studio 17.11.0 Preview 2(8.0.40 & 8.0.21 & 8.0.3). Can repro it.

Yash14j commented 1 month ago


tj-devel709 commented 2 weeks ago

Verified that the word "Header" is not being stated here

tj-devel709 commented 1 day ago

Seems like all the TitleViews for Page, NavigationPage, and Shell are not registering the titles as headers on Android. Something like the below may lead towards the right direction. In iOS, these are registered as headers but not sure where that is happening.

        // something like this seems to work for getting the screen reader to say header
        var label = new Label();
        label.Text = "What To Eat TJ";
        SemanticProperties.SetHeadingLevel(label, SemanticHeadingLevel.Level1);
        Shell.SetTitleView(this, label);
tj-devel709 commented 16 hours ago

@keerthiduvvuri Creating a sample app on Android Studio shows that the titles are not listed as headers as well, so I think it makes sense that our title's are also not listed as headers in this recipe app. On android, the title is just listed as a string that we set so there is not really a way to set the semanticProperties on the titleView. There is a small hack above that could help but I think this is more so by design.