dotnet / maui

.NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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The color of hamburger icon in FlyoutPage always be changed to the white in Maui. #23087

Open Jiang-Junjie opened 3 weeks ago

Jiang-Junjie commented 3 weeks ago


My project is using FlyputPage as follows:

<FlyoutPage xmlns=""
        <local:FlyoutMenuPage x:Name="flyoutPage" />
                <local:ContactsPage />

You could see that I set a hamburger.png icon in FlyoutMenuPage:

<ContentPage xmlns=""
             Title="Personal Organiser">



The origin color of hamburger icon is blue, however it always show white when program is running.

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 08 51 51

Maybe it's a bug of Maui, we need to find a solution to solve this.

Note: We are using .net 7.0 with Visual Studio Community 2022 for Mac Version 17.6.12 (build 410), and running it in iOS 17.3 devices.

Thanks for taking care of this problem in advance.

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Version with bug


Is this a regression from previous behavior?

Yes, this used to work in .NET MAUI

Last version that worked well


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Zhanglirong-Winnie commented 2 weeks ago

This issue has been verified using Visual Studio 17.6.12(build410)(.net7&.net8). Can be reproduced on iOS platform.

Thaldoras commented 2 weeks ago

NavigationPage has a BarTextColor property. This color is used to recolor the hamburger icon. You can set it to what you want. Additionally you can use the following method inside your pages to change the icon color NavigationPage.SetIconColor(this, AppColours.PrimaryDark);

Jiang-Junjie commented 1 week ago

NavigationPage has a BarTextColor property. This color is used to recolor the hamburger icon. You can set it to what you want. Additionally you can use the following method inside your pages to change the icon color NavigationPage.SetIconColor(this, AppColours.PrimaryDark);

Hi, whether you have a try this in FlyoutPage? it not works for me.

Thaldoras commented 1 week ago

Hi, whether you have a try this in FlyoutPage? it not works for me.

Inside "ContactsPage" you can use that method. Or on your NavigationPage you can set BarTextColor.

var navigationPage = new NavigationPage { BarTextColor = AppColours.PrimaryDark };

Sorry I don't use xaml so don't know how to show it in your code example.