Setting entry.IsPassword for a password field simply maps to setting textField.SecureTextEntry in the underlying macOS native control.
However, on macOS, setting SecureTextEntry alone triggers the system to display a password hint popup whenever the field gains focus. This behavior is native in macOS and isn’t explicitly managed or customized within MAUI.
Description of Change
To prevent the appearance of password hints in .NET MAUI on macOS and iOS, we set textField.TextContentType = UITextContentType.OneTimeCode.
This property avoids triggering password autofill suggestions or security prompts that are typically displayed when SecureTextEntry is enabled. By specifying OneTimeCode, we effectively restrict the macOS system from showing password hints.
It prioritizes the detection of one-time codes, which can affect the display of password hints. This is because the system recognizes the field as intended for a one-time code rather than a password, and thus, it doesn’t show password suggestions.
Root cause
Description of Change
Issues Fixed
Fixes #17105
Tested the behaviour in the following platforms
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