Open Martinn2 opened 3 years ago
very promising, Self draw system need be light, community and fast improve, so fluter way maybe a good way, and maui’s abtract/handler/render solution is too heavy!!! to fit the need.
why not mix blazor/xaml&self draw&wpf control code to create a ready to use solution? as wpf itself is directly rendered.
Make ui coding be a happy easy and intuition driven things, which maybe one reason why web so successfully. although so much nonstandard and chaos happens at the same times. I think this always happen at the same time. That’s ecosystem
render is much lighter, we need drawn control but what we need is uno or swiftui way, which take advantage of native drawing api rather than skia.
i support self draw controls, MAUI's now using native controls is no way,It will certainly not be popular. Dealing with cross-platform APIs on your own is very painful. And native controls greatly increase this pain.
it's really one of my wishes to develop web apps with just Xaml and C# :) and I know there is UnoPlatform but :) Xamarin/MAUI is my thing.
I see the Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Controls experimental repo has been archived recently.
So how are you going to proceed with drawn controls? How can we get material design controls cross-platform?
Maui is unlikely to become popular. So I think we can consider giving up Maui. Maybe Avalonia and Uno are better choices. Especially Avalonia, it is the potential Flutter on the .net platform, while Uno's self-drawing is not thorough.
Integrate MAUI graphics controls (repo: to .NET MAUI.
Intended Use Case
We would like to be able to share drawn controls across all platforms (MAUI platforms, Linux, Blazor). We would like to also be able to draw on whole screen canvas, layouts (grid, flex etc.) would be included in the library. With that approach, no XAML, HTML or CSS would be needed.