dotnet / maui

.NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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.NET Maui Shell colors behavior is not the same as Xamarin Forms and difficult to comprehend #6718

Open AndreduToit opened 2 years ago

AndreduToit commented 2 years ago


David Ortinau previously published "Exploring Colors in Xamarin.Forms Shell" ( Sample code made available here: Creating an new .NET Maui project and porting the code from above to this project. The .NET Maui project does not replicate the demonstrated behavior in Xamarin.Forms. It is also impossible to figure out what Shell properties control which colors in the UI. There are differences in the behavior of Shell color properties between Android and Windows (iOS not tested).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a project > new .NET Maui App
  2. To the project Resources/Fonts > add FontAwesomeSolid font file - Property Build Action = MauiFont
  3. To the project MauiProgram.cs > Add fonts.AddFont("FontAwesome5Solid.otf", "FontAwesome");
  4. In the project replace AppShell.cs with the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Shell x:Class="MauiApp1.AppShell" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MauiApp1" xmlns:common="clr-namespace:Common" xmlns:app="clr-namespace:MauiApp1" BackgroundColor="#111111" FlyoutBackgroundColor="#cccccc" Shell.ForegroundColor="White" Shell.DisabledColor="Aquamarine" Shell.TabBarBackgroundColor="#333333" Shell.TabBarTitleColor="#ff3300" Shell.TabBarUnselectedColor="#f1f1f1"

  1. Appearance of Shell in UI is not the same as in Xamarin.Forms as demonstrated here:

Version with bug

Release Candidate 2 (current)

Last version that worked well


Affected platforms

Android, Windows

Affected platform versions

Android 11.0 and Windows Machine

Did you find any workaround?

No workaround found.

Relevant log output

No response

VincentBu commented 2 years ago

repro on Android with vs main build. On Android: image

but it works fine on Windows and IOS image


edgiardina commented 2 years ago

Voting for this; have found that in converting my Xamarin forms app to MAUI here that I there are several differences in what styles apply where. Styling using Shell doesn't work the same. It's also unclear how to apply styles to toolbaricons as well; previously xam forms applied the Foreground text color to the icons and back button in a navigation page; but there's no MAUI way to style them currently.

macdonja commented 2 years ago

Voting for this. I would expect to be able to customise the appearance of the shell tabbar similar to the tabbedpage

bangnguyen794 commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same problem

ghost commented 2 years ago

We've moved this issue to the Backlog milestone. This means that it is not going to be worked on for the coming release. We will reassess the backlog following the current release and consider this item at that time. To learn more about our issue management process and to have better expectation regarding different types of issues you can read our Triage Process.

MGohil commented 1 year ago

This also an issue in TabbedPage. I have tested this in TabbedPage via Font icons as well as png icons. First two tabs uses FontAwesome icons while other two are using png icons from resources. As you can see, Android behaves pretty good here but iOS icon shows as white icons. Even if you select, only text color changes but font icon color remains unchanged. However, if we use png images, the selection color works good in both platforms. The selection applies to icon and text together. image

To overcome above white icon issue for FontAwesome in iOS, as @davidortinau mentioned, we have to explicitly provide the Color to the icon, which solves this problem but again as you can see in below, the selected tab icon still remains unchanged. Only text color changes. image

No matter whether we use FontIcon or png both should behave same as it behave in Android.

Adelzu commented 1 year ago

This also an issue in TabbedPage. I have tested this in TabbedPage via Font icons as well as png icons. First two tabs uses FontAwesome icons while other two are using png icons from resources. As you can see, Android behaves pretty good here but iOS icon shows as white icons. Even if you select, only text color changes but font icon color remains unchanged. However, if we use png images, the selection color works good in both platforms. The selection applies to icon and text together. image

To overcome above white icon issue for FontAwesome in iOS, as @davidortinau mentioned, we have to explicitly provide the Color to the icon, which solves this problem but again as you can see in below, the selected tab icon still remains unchanged. Only text color changes. image

No matter whether we use FontIcon or png both should behave same as it behave in Android.

I Wish it ends here! If you specify the color in the FontImageSource to overcome the color issue, you lose the ability to have dark theme. Use AppThemeBinding (to provide different icons based on theme, not change the color based on theme, as the color in FontImageSource is not bindable) and your app works well in Visual Studio. But once it is uploaded to AppStoreConnect and tested in TestFlight, it will not launch and crash immediately! (nothing useful in logs)

The only solution we found so far is to force one theme in the app (dark or light) until this is fixed.

I don't think MAUI is near ready for production use. We are spending more time debugging the tools rather than debugging the app, unfortunately.

arahmancsd commented 1 year ago

I am facing the exact same issue as @Adelzu mentioned. In iOS the FontImageSource doesn't inherit the color of the Selected/Unselected Tab if not assigned. However, changing FontImageSource color to a static/dynamic resource will also affect the loss of selected/unselected tab color behavior. The same works fine in Android.

        <Tab Title="Discover">
            <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate homeTabViews:HomePage}" />
                <FontImageSource Glyph="{x:Static util:FontAwesomeIcons.Home}" FontFamily="Fas"/>
                <!--<FontImageSource Color="{Binding Source={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Shell}}, Path=TabBarTitleColor}" Glyph="{x:Static util:FontAwesomeIcons.Home}" FontFamily="Fas"/>-->
        <Tab Title="Playlist">
            <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate playlistTabViews:PlaylistHomePage}" />
                <FontImageSource Glyph="{x:Static util:FontAwesomeIcons.ListMusic}" FontFamily="Fas"/>
Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 22 50 56 Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 22 51 19
nicjay commented 1 year ago

On iOS, I can confirm the identical issue as the previous posts. Icons are invisible without setting a color, and then when explicitly giving it a color, Shell selection doesn't change the icon color, only the text color.

My workaround is just avoiding icons altogether and instead using SVGs provided from FontAwesome (and custom sizing them).

Adelzu commented 1 year ago

Persists on net7 using both vs2022 on windows and on MAC ARM.

Blinchik91 commented 1 year ago

still not fixed, why does something important take so long ?!

arahmancsd commented 1 year ago

@Blinchik91 maybe this helps

Blinchik91 commented 1 year ago

@arahmancsd I don’t want a „static“ Color, I want the same behaviour like on Android with the unfocused/unselected color, the grey one and if selected my custom color

SliemBeji-FBC commented 10 months ago

Its still an issue on IOS 17 tested with an Iphone 11

dylix commented 10 months ago

Also converting Xamarin app to Maui and running into this issue....