Closed WRFan closed 3 years ago
Hi WRFan, for further investigation, could you provide the command line you run when you hit this issue? Or detailed steps to manually reproduce this ourselves? Thanks!
To reproduce this bug is very easy. Just compile ANY file with BOTH flags set:
/openmp:experimental /openmp:llvm
Let's say you have a C file:
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow)
Now just compile it and you get:
C4005: "_OPENMP": macro redefinition
if both "/openmp" flags are used.
Now maybe I wasn't clear why I want to use both flags during compilation. I mentioned Tesseract. Now take a look at this file:
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(10)
If you try to compile this file with just "/openmp:experimental" ("/openmp:llvm" NOT set), you get:
C3016: 'var' : index variable in OpenMP 'for' statement must have signed integral type
But these files:
specifically require "/openmp:experimental" being set.
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp simd reduction(+ : total)
So if you just set "/openmp:llvm" (to satisfy the compilation requirement for par_control.cpp - above), "dotproduct.cpp" etc. will throw:
C7660: "simd": requires "-openmp:experimental" command line option(s)
So that's why I set BOTH "/openmp" flags, to avoid the errors on all files. But since the compiler (c1xx.dll) sets the "_OPENMP" macro for each "/openmp" directive passed to it, this results in a macro re-definition I mentioned above:
C4005: "_OPENMP": macro redefinition
I could of course disable the warning altogether:
but that would suppress ALL macro redefinition warnings, not just this particular one, and that won't do.
Now you might ask me why I don't set the compiler flags individually for each source file. Sure, I could do that:
Using cmake:
foreach(obj ${BuildTargets})
set_source_files_properties(${obj} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/openmp:experimental")
foreach(obj ${BuildTargets})
set_source_files_properties(${obj} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/openmp:llvm")
And then build it:
set CompilerFlags=/D _WINDOWS /D _WIN32_WINNT=0x0a00 /D WINVER=0x0a00 /D NDEBUG /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D _AFXDLL /W3 /utf-8 /GR- /EHsc /nologo /FC /Oi /Ot /Ob3 /GF /Gy /favor:INTEL64 /GL /cgthreads8 /GS- /wd4101 /we4013 /I\"%programfiles%/visual studio/windows kits/10/include/10.0.22000.0/km\" /MP /arch:AVX /arch:AVX2 /D __MMX__ /D __SSE__ /D __SSE2__ /D __SSE3__ /D __SSSE3__ /D __SSE4_1__ /D __SSE4_2__ /D __FMA__ /D __BMI2__ /std:c17 /std:c++latest /Zc:__cplusplus
set LinkerFlags=/INCREMENTAL:NO /OPT:REF,ICF /LTCG /MANIFESTUAC:NO /DYNAMICBASE:NO /LIBPATH:\"%programfiles%/visual studio/windows kits/10/lib/10.0.22000.0/km/x64\" /NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt
cmake --build . --config Release
This results in these msbuild directives (as created by cmake):
%(AdditionalOptions) /utf-8 /Ob3 /favor:INTEL64 /cgthreads8 /Zc:__cplusplus
<ClCompile Include="C:\Copy\Packs\tesseract\src\legacy\par_control.cpp">
<AdditionalOptions Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
%(AdditionalOptions) /openmp:llvm
But then I would have to adjust the compiler flags for EACH single source file, and that for EACH single project I build, meaning I would have more work to do so YOU have less. I think we do it the other way around - you just fix the bug, then YOU do the work so we can simply set both "/openmp" flags without being nagged by those "macro redefinition" warnings.
Why are there two "/openmp" flags anyway? Why is the "/openmp:experimental" not sufficient to compile ANY source file containing "#pragma omp"? If somebody wants to use openmp, then they obviously want to use it on all files in a project, i.e., a single flag would suffice to enable/disable openmp? If both flags should still be necessary for some reason, the compiler should set the "_OPENMP" macro only once, even if both flags are there. I can't find out where this macro is being set, otherwise I'd fix it myself. It's not set by SDK header files as far as I can see, it must be compiled into c1xx.dll.
I don't know if this is the right repository to post about this issue, since technically, this is a compiler issue, not an msbuild one, but I don't work for MS, I don't know your internal group structure. If your group is responsible for msbuild only, then notify the people responsible for the MSVC compiler.
@WRFan Thanks for your reply! According to your description, it looks like this isn't an MSBuild issue. You can open a feedback for compiler(via your VS -> clicking "Help" -> "Send Feedback" -> "Report a Problem.." or "").
Why is the "/openmp:experimental" not sufficient to compile ANY source file containing "#pragma omp"?
@yuehuang010 can you help with routing this, or is a feedback ticket the way to go here?
Created a feedback ticket for this:
@WRFan there's activity on the feedback ticket, if you reply there we can help solve your issue. Thanks!
This does not appear to be fixed.
@peekxc but it's still not an MSBuild bug. The right place to track is still on the Developer Community site.
Issue Description
If I set:
I get:
If I set
I get
If I set both flags (like you said above!):
I get:
The last one is a warning, so at least stuff compiles, but I get tons of warnings.
If I set:
the result is not the same as with the real "/openmp:" flags, so this is not a solution. What's "_OPENMP_LLVM_RUNTIME"? Undocumented.
Anything I can set you don't whine about? You first force me to set the _OPENMP flag twice, then warn me about it. We warn you that we forced you! Bah!
Steps to Reproduce
I don't know. Compile something? Like tesseract, for example?
Expected Behavior
What I expect... right. Who designed this template?!
Actual Behavior
Your brains?
Versions & Configurations
14.28.29910 10.0.22000.0
Hope you know what those numbers mean, cause I don't
Windows [Version 10.0.19042.804] x64