dotnet / orleans

Cloud Native application framework for .NET
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SiloHostBuilder design #2936

Closed jdom closed 6 years ago

jdom commented 7 years ago

What we want to do

Imitate ASP.NET Core's configuration and startup system, which is the evolution of very conscious improvements over several years. By standing on their shoulders we:

In its simplest form, an Orleans silo should be configured in a few lines of code, but allow more extensive configuration tweaking via code, or explicitly pulling in bits of declarative configuration (from XML, json, cfcfg, etc) via the built-in Options mechanism in ASP.NET Core and most .NET Standard hostable libraries (Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration and Microsoft.Extensions.Options are nuget packages not tied to ASP.NET itself)

The intention is to stop using the existing ClusterConfiguration object that is geared mainly towards declarative configuration in XML, and hence constraint a lot of what we can achieve with static configuration, as opposed to modifying the services collection directly and leveraging DI for configuration and using strongly typed objects or references to other live services.

ASP.NET Core introduction

These are some good resources to understand ASP.NET Core's approach, and will be extremely valuable to understanding the new design (especially the first 2 resources):

Applying it to Orleans

The most important aspect of the new configuration system is the Startup class that must be defined by the end user. In its most basic form, the user will need to provide a ConfigureServices method that configure certain aspects of it, and also a Configure method that runs after the DI container is initialized but before the Silo starts.

namespace MyOrleansHost
    public class Startup
        public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
            // Optionally set up a configuration that can bind values from several sources. 
            // Supports a ton of different configuration providers
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)
                .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true)
            Configuration = builder.Build();

        public IConfigurationRoot Configuration { get; }

        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container or configure Options.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.Configure<MessagingOptions>(options => options.ResponseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45));

            // Optionally specify default options so that individual providers can just fall back to using these values.
            // For example, if DataConnectionString is defined in those options, they will be automatically used by
            // the membership provider, storage providers, etc (unless explicitly overwritten when configuring them).


        public void Configure(ISiloBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)

            app.ConfigureStorageProviders(storageBuilder => storageBuilder.AddMemory("Default"));

    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var host = new SiloHostBuilder()


There is a lot of flexibility that the Startup class provides, such as using the environment name to optionally call different methods when configuring the services, or doing method injection on the Configure method. You can read more of these conventions in Application Startup.

Some aspects worth highlighting for people not familiar with this approach in ASP.NET:

Named services (providers)

Where possible, we would attempt to align to the configuration approach used in ASP.NET Core, EntityFramework Core and existing library implementations that follow this model. There are a few cases where we have some existing features that deviate a little from their usage, such as configuring named services (providers) that could potentially even be of the same type (ie: there might be two Azure Blob Storage providers configured with different settings). Most of ASP.NET deals with configuring THE single service that implement a certain service interface. For these, I have a proposal that looks like the following:

public class Startup
    // other aspects of the startup class excluded for brevity

    public void Configure(ISiloBuilder app)
        app.ConfigureStorageProviders(storageBuilder =>

            // can use default options (similar to how it works in the published release with SystemStore, by leverage configured default options).

            storageBuilder.AddAzureBlob("AzureBlobUsingExternal", Configuration.GetSection("StorageProviders:AzureBlob1"));

            storageBuilder.AddAzureBlob("AzureBlobOverriding", optionsBuilder =>
                    .Configure(options => options.ContainerName = "overriden AzureBlob2")

        app.ConfigureStreamProviders(streamBuilder =>
            streamBuilder.AddEventHub("EventHub", optionsBuilder =>
                optionsBuilder.Configure(options =>
                        options.CacheSizeMb = 100;
                        options.CheckpointerOptions.ConnectionString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("EventHub");
                        options.CheckpointerOptions.TableName = "mycheckpoints";

            streamBuilder.AddEventHub("EventHubConfig1", optionsBuilder => optionsBuilder.Configure(Configuration.GetSection("StreamProviders:EventHubConfig1")));


There's a few aspects worth highlighting since there is no precedent in ASP.NET Core for named services configuration:

Logging abstractions

As proposed in Issue #2814: Use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging for logging abstractions, we want to leverage this abstraction that is used mainly by ASP.NET Core (but others are picking it up too) so that we get out of the logging abstractions business. Using the existing LogManager that we currently have would require a few changes to make it non-static and also make it DI friendly for allowing different consumers that leverage the more flexible configuration system. Doing those upgrades would probably be costly, and also not align with our vision of externalizing what makes sense. Also, leveraging the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging abstraction means that every 3rd party integration built for it by users of ASP.NET will automatically work with Orleans. We can still provide a small adapter to hook up existing custom ILogConsumer implementations to it, to provide some easier backwards compatibility support. Design of this migration is outside of the scope of the Silo Builder, nevertheless it's a prerequisite to make the system as flexible as it intends.


There will be different ways to integrate with different hosts. For example, the whole AzureSilo façade that we have to integrate with Azure Cloud Services can be replaced with an extension method that hooks up to the Azure Configuration and environmental events for when the role is requesting to shut down, etc.

A (hand-wavy) example of how this could work is by doing:

public class WorkerRole : RoleEntryPoint
    public override void Run()
        var host = new SiloHostBuilder()
            .UseCloudServices() // this would configure ports, deployment ID, connection string from cscfg

        host.RunInCloudServices(); // will subscribe to environmental events and shut-down gracefully

Provider implementation example

public class AzureBlobStorageProvider : IStorageProvider
    private string name;
    private AzureBlobStorageOptions options;

    public AzureBlobStorageProvider(string name, IOptions<AzureBlobStorageOptions> optionsAccessor, ISomeInjectedService injectedService)
    { = name;
        this.options = optionsAccessor.Value;

    public Task Start() { ... }

    public Task Stop() { ... }

    public override string ToString()
        // Since there will not be a declarative XML config, have providers themselve provide a friendly string that can be used for troubleshooting and outputting to the log
        return $"{this.GetType().Name}: {} - {this.options.ConnectionString}";

public class AzureBlobStorageOptions : IConfigureSerializer
    public string ConnectionString { get; set; }
    public string ContainerName { get; set; }
    public IExternalSerializer Serializer { get; set; }

Notice the lack of the Init method (which in the current version receives the configuration property bag and a runtime to be able to resolve services (service location as opposed to dependency injection). The current approach also requires a parameterless constructor, whilst in the proposed version the provider is injected with its name, strongly typed options specific to that named provider, and any number of services coming from the container. Each provider is free to store the IOptions<TOptions> and subscribe to changes if that is appropriate, otherwise they can just access and read the options at activation time, which will likely be how we do our first migration to the new system, since it's how it works today.

Unit testing

Since we are getting rid of the serializable ClusterConfiguration, in order to set up the test cluster, developers will be encouraged to use a custom Startup type to configure it. The TestCluster infrastructure will support passing declarative settings to all silos in the cluster by leveraging the Configuration subsystem, so not all the configuration need to be statically determined by each silo individually.

Legacy support of ClusterConfiguration

Even though the old ClusterConfiguration will no longer be used internally, we will initially provide a way to re-use this legacy class and map that declarative data to the new configuration system, since the new approach is more flexible. This is to ease the migration process for existing users. Nevertheless, we'll mark this approach as obsolete and eventually get rid of it. That means that users that do not care about the more flexible configuration could just do:

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var clusterConfiguration = new ClusterConfiguration();
    // call clusterConfiguration.Load("OrleansConfiguration.xml") or configure programmatically
    var host = new SiloHostBuilder()


There is no need to specify a Startup type when using this approach.

For custom extensions (such as custom Storage or Stream provider implementations), we'll defer the decision of whether will require changes to the implementation to align with the new approach, or whether we can provide a bridge so that the existing implementations are source code compatible and can be recompiled without any changes. Which option we choose will be based both on feedback from the community and the shape that this Builder approach takes.

Changes to stream providers dynamic reconfiguration

Short version: we'll still allow adding and removing stream providers dynamically at the silo-level, but not automatically propagate the changes to the entire cluster. Each silo should implement this at the application level (ie: by all polling an external store with this information and reacting similarly). Long version: This is a niche feature that we added not so long ago, but since there will be changes to it, I wanted to make them explicit. Currently there is a way to use the ManagementGrain to add new stream providers after the cluster started (or remove existing ones). This call receives an updated ProviderCategoryConfiguration (part of the legacy configuration oject) with the new stream providers included, and it serializes it and sends it to all the silos in the cluster. They would then deserialize it and add or remove the new/removed providers in the list (but wouldn't update if there's changes in the existing running providers). Since this is a strange feature that can have unforseen consequences if a particular silo misses an update (because it was restarted, etc) and requires app-level code to have configurations in sync, we are considering dropping the feature. We will still provide an API to add or remove stream providers at runtime, but this can be done at the silo level, not at the cluster level. That means that all silos in a cluster should be polling for a certain external config change that would trigger addition or removal of a stream providers if their domain requires so. This removes the constraint that the entire configuration for each stream provider implementation must be serializable, which we are moving away from with the builder approach.

Working prototype

For the curious, I created a prototype that runs (although doesn't really hosts Orleans, just validates that configuration flows correctly to the right providers, and that the extension methods that take delegates are indeed achievable and not just hand-waving a design). The prototype references the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting package to avoid copying a few of the hosting classes, but in the real implementation we intend not to do so to avoid confusion with namespaces and other non-Orleans related hosting abstractions, and just copy from their sources and adapt them. Ideally at some point we can converge if they provide a hosting abstraction not so tightly coupled to ASP.NET, as is being discussed here.

The prototype is in jdom/Orleans.Hosting.

glennc commented 7 years ago

Lots of stuff here that I need to read, but a few things to make note of that I think will impact it while I get to reading.

We are in the process of generalizing some of the hosting concepts that I think will help with this. It falls into a few main features:

  1. Move IHostedService and the non-web specific part of IHostingEnvironment into an abstractions package that is separated from Hosting.
  2. Create a HostBuilder and Host that are distinct from WebHostBuilder and don't have as many of the web/ASP.NET specific stuff.

What that will give you is a HostBuilder that lets you setup Configuration, Logging, and DI the same was as ASP.NET Core, but not have any of the rest of the ASP.NET Core specific stuff. It will also not have Startup.cs, it would only allow configuring in Program.cs but there are some changes happening to the surface area of that to make that a bit more natural.

The IHost built by this HostBuilder would control the lifecycle of any IHostedServices that have been registered in DI ( A HostedService is just a type that has a Start and Stop method.

We are doing this so that folks can do exactly the sort of stuff that you are describing here. So we should talk more about it :).

A rough code example would be something like this:

            var host = new WebHostBuilder()
                .ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, builder) => builder
                               .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)
                               .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{context.HostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true)
                .ConfigureLogging(logger => logger
                .ConfigureServices(services => services


In this example the UseSomeHostedService method would add an IHostedService to DI, which means it could also be done in ConfigureServices if that made more sense.

Anyway, I need to read more of your issue but I wanted to get this information here for you to consider sooner rather than later.

jdom commented 7 years ago

That is great news @glennc, thanks for the feedback. 1) Is there a tentative release/timeframe that you are targeting? 2) What's the reason to not generalize the Startup convention too? Seems really useful to split host from application configuration. 3) After you finish reading, I'm particularly interested in feedback for the configuring named services (not just adding multiple hosted services of different types), as I couldn't find any parity in ASP.NET Core, but I'm certain that I'm missing something, as it's not a contrived feature.

I like that in this new generalized abstraction you can explicitly configure the configuration builder that's used by the host. BTW, I'm aware of IHostedService, and in my prototype I actually used it for some of the services. Nevertheless we still need to iterate a little bit more on it, since starting up an Orleans silo has a much longer lifecycle, where some services need to start at different stages. This might be solved by not using IApplicationLifecycle as-is, but have a more flexible lifecycle implementation.

cwe1ss commented 7 years ago

An alternative to your separate Configure method might be something that's also done by e.g. MVC and IdentityServer4, where you can configure these modules via a separate IMvcBuilder or IIdentityServerBuilder directly in ConfigureServices. This would allow you to add/change services to the DI within your Orleans configuration.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
jdom commented 7 years ago

Thanks @cwe1ss, I'll continue to look, but I'm initially not seeing how those 2 builders would help with configuring different named instances, since they both seem to be just configuring the wrapped IServiceCollection. So in theory if I had 2 different AzureBlobStorageProvider instances I want to configure and they both take different AzureBlobStorageOptions, they would end up configuring the single instance of the options in the service collection. I take it that having an IMvcBuilder and related helps with the configuration API discoverability, which is good, but doesn't tackle named service instances. Or were you suggesting this not as an alternative to configuring named services, but of something else?

The other thing I could take from your comment is that you might have been suggesting not to pass a delegate for configuring the named instance object, but instead return that builder. In that case, that could look something like this:

    public void Configure(ISiloBuilder app)
                    .Configure(options => options.ContainerName = "overriden");
                    // or even here potentially a different builder returned by each provider type, so that's it's more straightforward to configure

I actually implemented this in my prototype, but didn't put it in this design thread, as I thought it less readable, but if that's more aligned with ASP.NET, I would definitely consider so (TBH, I didn't polish that approach much, so it could be made more readable if that's the desired way to go). The

jason-bragg commented 7 years ago

We are in the process of generalizing some of the hosting concepts that I think will help with this.

@glennc, Great! My hope is that we can adapt Orleans Virtual Actor model to run on top of a service framework abstraction so we can focus more on our core value add, the virtual actor model itself, without having to maintain an entire service framework just to run the model on top of.

Asp's hosting is close to what we need, but is currently too specific to web. As Julian's "De-inventing the wheel" blog post points out, we're looking more to de-invent at this point, so if you all are already working on this, I'd much prefer we contribute to it's success than duplicate your effort.

cwe1ss commented 7 years ago

@jdom How about something like this? The advantage would be that adding services and configuration is in one place.

// Configuration usage
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // Set global orleans options (you could also add nicer extension methods for this)
        .Configure(options => 
            options.SomeGlobalFlag = true;

        // Extension methods for adding storage providers
        .AddAzureBlobStorageProvider("AzureBlob", options => ...)

        // Similar things would exist for stream providers
        .AddAzureEventHubStreamProvider("name", options => ...);

// If you want more fine-grained options classes instead of the one big OrleansOptions-class 
// you could certainly do that as well.
public class OrleansOptions
    // This will be set by the ConfigureOrleansOptions class below
    public IServiceProvider ApplicationServices { get; set;}

    public bool SomeGlobalFlag { get; set; }
    public Dictionary<string, IStorageProvider> StorageProviders { get; set; }
    public Dictionary<string, IStreamProvider> StreamProviders { get; set; }

// This will populate the service provider when OrleansOptions-instance is created.
public class ConfigureOrleansOptions : IConfigureOptions<OrleansOptions>
    private readonly _applicationServices;

    public ConfigureOrleansOptions(IServiceProvider applicationServices)
        _applicationServices = applicationServices;

    public void Configure(OrleansOptions options)
        options.ApplicationServices = _applicationServices;

public interface IOrleansBuilder
    public IServiceCollection Services { get; }

public class OrleansBuilder : IOrleansBuilder
    public IServiceCollection Services { get; }

    public OrleansBuilder(IServiceCollection services)
        Services = services;

public static class OrleansConfigurationExtensions
    public static IOrleansBuilder AddOrleans(this IServiceCollection services)
        var orleansBuilder = new OrleansBuilder(services);

        // Add global services
        orleansBuilder.Services.AddTransient<IConfigureOptions<OrleansOptions>, ConfigureOrleansOptions>();


        return orleansBuilder;

    // All Orleans-specific extensions hook onto IOrleansBuilder for nice IntelliSense

    public static IOrleansBuilder Configure(this IOrleansBuilder builder, Action<OrleansOptions> options)
        return builder;

    public static IOrleansBuilder AddMemoryStorageProvider(this IOrleansBuilder orleansBuilder, string name, Action<MemoryStorageProviderOptions> providerOptions = null)
        // Add provider-specific services to DI (if they don't yet exist)
        orleansBuilder.Services.TryAddTransient<IDependencyOfMemoryStorageProvider, SomeDependencyOfMemoryStorageProvider>();

        // Create the provider instance and add it to the options
        orleansBuilder.Configure(o =>
            // Create provider options instance from delegate
            MemoryStorageProviderOptions providerOptionsInstance = new MemoryStorageProviderOptions();

            // Create the provider by using the provider specific options
            // (ActivatorUtilities is from "Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection")
            MemoryStorageProvider provider = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<MemoryStorageProvider>(o.ApplicationServices, providerOptions);

            o.StorageProviders.Add(name, provider);

        return builder;

// Getting all storage providers
public class OrleansStorageProviderManager
    private readonly Dictionary<string, IStorageProvider> _storageProviders;

    public SomeOrleansService(IOptions<OrleansOptions> options)
        _storageProviders = options.Value.StorageProviders;

    public IStorageProvider GetStorageProvider(string name)
        return _storageProviders[name];

PS: this code was written in notepad so some stuff might be wrong.

cwe1ss commented 7 years ago

Seems like aspnet/Options will get some kind of support for named options as well - I haven't looked into that yet though.

galvesribeiro commented 7 years ago

I think the main point of named services is the ability to resolve it by a string name from DI container. Something similar to Named Services from Autofac and other containers. That enable what @jdom suggested to have multiple storage providers implementations. The idea is to have it on DI and not keep an internal collection I guess...

jason-bragg commented 7 years ago

The named service issue, imo, is not really related to the builder or a general hosting framework. It's related to the DI abstraction. It's come up as part of the hosting problem because our current custom infrastructure provides this for us so if we replace it with something more generic, then we'd need to solve this somehow.

My hope was that future versions of the DI abstraction would address this. Our wish to use DI for this is mainly so we can take advantage of the scoping support containers provide, and also, in part, due to the expectation that DI 'should' solve this because other containers (AutoFac) have this capability.

Having said all of that, our current logic that handles this problem does not provide scoping capabilities, so for simple feature parity, this is not hard to solve. It's only hard because we're trying to solve it in DI to get scoping.

In short, imo, this is a di problem not a generic framework problem, and resolving it is not necessary for the generic hosting framework to provide us feature parity with what we currently have.

galvesribeiro commented 7 years ago

I agree @jason-bragg.

My point is, according to @cwe1ss' suggestion, we would have a dictionary inside a OrleansStorageProviderManager to get the named provider.

What I meant, and you agree with, is that it must be resolvable thru DI and not that we have some collection to hold it. Like you said, the scope and naming of a dependency is something already sorted by most of the DI containers (i.e. AutoFac, Unity, etc.).

cwe1ss commented 7 years ago

yep - my suggestion would have application-wide instances. If you need named scoped services, you could store the metadata (name, type, providerOptions) in a global service (instead of the actual instances) and get the providers resolved within your scope.

ASP.NET MVC does something similar with their action filters:

See MvcOptions (stores the global FilterCollection), FilterCollection (contains the metadata about filters), ServiceFilterAttribute (creates instances of the filter using ActivatorUtilities).

But obviously, you would have to do this yourself as well. It's not too complicated though IMO and I guess the performance wouldn't be much worse than using a built-in feature of another container since it's a very small additional layer.

cwe1ss commented 7 years ago

PS: I agree that it would be nice to have named services in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection for your scenario, but I doubt that they will add it anytime soon because then some 3rd party containers probably can no longer comply.

PPS: I don't know anything about Orleans. If my input is not useful/helpful don't hesitate to tell me. :smile:

galvesribeiro commented 7 years ago

@cwe1ss no! Please, we appreciate your input :)

jdom commented 7 years ago

@cwe1ss this is very valuable, thanks. In fact, I was not aware of IConfigureNamedOptions. I had a similar design in an early prototype, but felt like I was re-inventing the entire Options package just to have that extra feature, so I dismissed that approach early. But it's good to know that something is coming to address a similar need to ours.

davidfowl commented 7 years ago

We just posted an update about this

sergeybykov commented 6 years ago

@jdom Should we close this one now?

SebastianStehle commented 6 years ago

I would really like to have a solution to use an existing service collection. A simple services.AddOrleans() would be awesome :)

jdom commented 6 years ago

We implemented a lot of this, and also a lot changed its shape to align with the generic HostBuilder from Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting (still not released).

All extension methods currently support ISiloHostBuilder and IServiceCollection, so it should be possible I think (unless of course we have bugs) Although there is nothing like just AddOrleans() with defaults and everything just works.

The plan is that when the generic HostBuilder is released, Orleans should be able to be hosted in that one (and of course allow co-hosting with ASP.NET Core and any framework that adds support for the generic host builder.

SebastianStehle commented 6 years ago

So you would implement a IHostLifetime, e.g. OrleansHostLifetime? And then I can have for example an AspNetHostLifetime, GrpcHostLifetime and OrleansHostLifetime in the same application?

ReubenBond commented 6 years ago

@SebastianStehle almost: we would implement IHostedService. IHostLifetime is for controlling the lifecycle of the application itself. Eg to map it to a Windows Service, Cloud Service, Console Application (Ctrl+C support / signal handling) etc.

RamanBut-Husaim commented 5 years ago

@ReubenBond Hello.

Sorry for asking in the closed issue but could not find any additional information regarding the current situation with Orleans and GenericHost. Are there any issue created for this - whether this is supported or someone is working on this? Interested in Console Application + Orleans.

Should it at the moment be created manually?

jdom commented 5 years ago

The generic host was released already. Nevertheless Orleans still doesn't support it natively. You can of course implement the integration manually, nevertheless most extension methods extend the OrleansHostBuilder and not IServiceCollection, so it might be a little bit challenging to support the generic HostBuilder externally. The work to do to support the generic host is not that much, so if you are willing, perhaps you could send a PR instead of maintaining your own version? There are a few design questions to answer (especially with regards to whether there is a sub-builder hanging from the generic host builder, and with regards to back compat), but if you are willing, we could answer those. @ReubenBond is currently out for a couple of weeks.

jdom commented 5 years ago

I forgot to mention that this OrleansHostBuilder we built is very similar to the generic host builder, it's just that we released earlier, but we still made it familiar so that migrating to the once-released generic host would be straightforward.

RamanBut-Husaim commented 5 years ago

@jdom Thanks a lot for the information. Understood. I'm just started working with Orleans and will play with it anyway. Once I get more familiar with the system and get a working version I'll come back with the options that I have.
