Closed JoshStardock closed 9 years ago
This shouldn't be happening. Can you provide more details about why the role fails to start?
Also, does exactly the same setup when compiled with Release starts? Did you actually try to compile yourself in Release and deploy?
The same exact setup works when compiled with release and it does start, although the properties we set with msbuild are different. Here are the full parameters we use on msbuild when the role will NOT startup:
/p:Configuration=Debug /p:DeployOnBuild=True
/p:DeployTarget=Package /p:OutputPath=C:\Output
/p:DeployIisAppPath=$ApplicationName /p:TargetProfile=Cloud
/p:publishDir=C:\Dir /p:EnableIntelliTrace=True
/p:IntelliTraceConnectionString=""";Protocol=https;AccountName=$storageAccountName;AccountKey=$StorageKey""" /p:IntelliTraceCollectionCabPath="C:\IntelliTrace\"
/p:DefaultCloudToolsPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Windows Azure Tools\2.5\" /p:CloudToolsInstallPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Tools\Visual Studio 12.0\2.5\\"
/p:AzureDeployEnvironment=Cloud /p:EnableRemoteDebugger=true
/p:VSX64RemoteDebuggerPath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\" /p:RemoteDebuggerConnectorCertificateThumbprint="$thumbprint"
/p:RemoteDebuggerConnectorVersion="2.5" /t:publish
/p:VisualStudioVersion=12.0 `
Here are the parameters we use when the orleans worker role DOES startup:
/p:Configuration=Release /p:DeployOnBuild=True
/p:DeployTarget=Package /p:OutputPath=$AppOutputDir
/p:DeployIisAppPath=$ApplicationName /p:TargetProfile=Cloud
/p:publishDir=$MSBuildPubDir\ /p:VisualStudioVersion=12.0
/p:DefaultCloudToolsPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Windows Azure Tools\2.5\" /p:CloudToolsInstallPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Tools\Visual Studio 12.0\2.5\\"
/t:publish `
Maybe you can try building with exactly the same properties and only change /p:Configuration=Debug and see if that works?
Ok will do, give me just a minute.
Why is the role failing to start? Are you getting any specific errors, anything in the log. Orleans codebase shouldn't be sensitive to debug vs. release.
[2015-04-14 19:14:40.839 GMT 4 INFO 100423 OrleansSiloHost ] Setting silo type Secondary
[2015-04-14 19:14:45.203 GMT 11 INFO 100801 OrleansSiloInstanceManager ] Attached to Azure storage table OrleansSiloInstances
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.468 GMT 10 INFO 100836 OrleansSiloInstanceManager ] Initialized schema for Azure storage table OrleansSiloInstances
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.500 GMT 10 WARNING 100815 OrleansSiloInstanceManager ] Slow access to Azure Table OrleansSiloInstances for InitTable, which took 00:00:05.2861109.
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.515 GMT 4 INFO 100434 OrleansSiloHost ] Setting silo Liveness Provider Type=AzureTable
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.531 GMT 4 INFO 100434 OrleansSiloHost ] Setting silo Reminder Service Provider Type=AzureTable
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.531 GMT 4 INFO 100434 OrleansSiloHost ] Setting Expected Cluster Size to=1
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.546 GMT 4 INFO 100270 OrleansSiloInstanceManager ] Registering silo instance: OrleansSilo [ Deployment=9d8408a332c84abe908e3034d020c7d6 LocalEndpoint= LocalPort=11111 Generation=166734880 Host=RD00155D55F1CE Status=Created ProxyPort=30000 Primary= RoleName=Tachyon.Orleans Instance=Tachyon.Orleans_IN_0 UpgradeZone=0 FaultZone=0 StartTime=2015-04-14 19:14:41.011 GMT IAmAliveTime=]
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.765 GMT 4 INFO 100406 OrleansSiloHost ] Setting Deployment Id to 9d8408a332c84abe908e3034d020c7d6 and data connection string to DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=tachyondev;AccountKey=<--SNIP-->
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.781 GMT 4 INFO 100407 OrleansSiloHost ] Setting silo endpoint address to
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.796 GMT 4 INFO 100408 OrleansSiloHost ] Setting silo proxy endpoint address to
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.812 GMT 4 INFO 100403 OrleansSiloHost ] Initializing Silo Tachyon.Orleans_IN_0 on host=RD00155D55F1CE CPU count=1 running .NET version='4.0.30319.34014' Is .NET 4.5=True OS version='Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0'
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.812 GMT 4 INFO 100404 OrleansSiloHost ] Silo running with GC settings: ServerGC=False GCLatencyMode=Batch
[2015-04-14 19:14:46.812 GMT 4 WARNING 100405 OrleansSiloHost ] Note: Silo not running with ServerGC turned on - recommend checking app config :
[2015-04-14 19:15:01.733 GMT 4 INFO 100403 Silo] -------------- Initializing Secondary silo on RD00155D55F1CE at, gen 166734880 --------------
[2015-04-14 19:15:01.889 GMT 4 INFO 100415 Silo] Starting silo Tachyon.Orleans_IN_0 with runtime Version=' IsRelease.' Config=
Config File Name: E:\approot\OrleansConfiguration.xml
Host: RD00155D55F1CE
Start time: 2015-04-14 19:15:01.733 GMT
Primary node: null
Platform version info:
.NET version: 4.0.30319.34014
Is .NET 4.5=True
OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
GC Type=Client GCLatencyMode=Batch
Global configuration:
System Ids:
ServiceId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
DeploymentId: 9d8408a332c84abe908e3034d020c7d6
Seed nodes:
Response timeout: 00:00:30
Maximum resend count: 0
Resend On Timeout: False
Maximum Socket Age: 10675199.02:48:05.4775807
Drop Expired Messages: True
Silo Sender queues: 1
Gateway Sender queues: 1
Use standard (.NET) serializer: False
Buffer Pool Buffer Size: 4096
Buffer Pool Max Size: 10000
Buffer Pool Preallocation Size: 250
Use Message Batching: False
Max Message Batching Size: 10
Maximum forward count: 2
LivenessEnabled: True
LivenessType: AzureTable
ProbeTimeout: 00:00:10
TableRefreshTimeout: 00:01:00
DeathVoteExpirationTimeout: 00:02:00
NumMissedProbesLimit: 3
NumProbedSilos: 3
NumVotesForDeathDeclaration: 2
UseLivenessGossip: True
IAmAliveTablePublishTimeout: 00:05:00
NumMissedTableIAmAliveLimit: 2
MaxJoinAttemptTime: 00:05:00
ExpectedClusterSize: 1
ConnectionString: DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=tachyondev;AccountKey=<--SNIP-->
Deactivate if idle for: 02:00:00
PlacementStrategy: Default Placement Strategy: RandomPlacement Deployment Load Publisher Refresh Time: 00:00:01 Activation CountBased Placement Choose Out Of: 2 Grain directory cache: Maximum size: 1000000 grains Initial TTL: 00:00:30 Maximum TTL: 00:04:00 TTL extension factor: 2.00 Directory Caching Strategy: Adaptive Grain directory: Lazy deregistration delay: 00:01:00 Client registration refresh: 00:05:00 Reminder Service: ReminderServiceType: AzureTable Consistent Ring: Use Virtual Buckets Consistent Ring: True Num Virtual Buckets Consistent Ring: 30 Providers: BootstrapProviders: Name=TachyonBootstrap, Type=Tachyon.Grains.TachyonBootstrap, Properties=[]
Silo configuration: Silo Name: Tachyon.Orleans_IN_0 Generation: 166734880 Host Name or IP Address: DNS Host Name: RD00155D55F1CE Port: 11111 Subnet: Preferred Address Family: InterNetwork Proxy Gateway: IsPrimaryNode: False Scheduler: Max Active Threads: 1 Processor Count: 1 Delay Warning Threshold: 00:00:10 Activation Scheduling Quantum: 00:00:00.1000000 Turn Warning Length Threshold: 00:00:00.2000000 Inject More Worker Threads: False MinDotNetThreadPoolSize: 200 .NET thread pool sizes - Min: Worker Threads=1 Completion Port Threads=1 .NET thread pool sizes - Max: Worker Threads=32767 Completion Port Threads=1000 .NET ServicePointManager - DefaultConnectionLimit=200 Expect100Continue=False UseNagleAlgorithm=False Load Shedding Enabled: False Load Shedding Limit: 95 Debug: Tracing: Default Trace Level: Info TraceLevelOverrides: Application ==> Info Trace to Console: True Trace File Name: E:\approot\Tachyon.Orleans_IN_0-2015-04-14- Write Messaging Traces: False LargeMessageWarningThreshold: 85000 PropagateActivityId: False BulkMessageLimit: 1000 Statistics: MetricsTableWriteInterval: 00:00:30 PerfCounterWriteInterval: 00:00:30 LogWriteInterval: 00:05:00 WriteLogStatisticsToTable: True StatisticsCollectionLevel: Info
[2015-04-14 19:15:06.710 GMT 4 INFO 100000 Scheduler.OrleansTaskScheduler] Starting OrleansTaskScheduler with 1 Max Active application Threads and 1 system thread.
[2015-04-14 19:15:07.002 GMT 4 INFO 101010 Runtime.Messaging.IncomingMessageAcceptor/1] Opened a listening socket at address
[2015-04-14 19:15:07.048 GMT 4 INFO 101010 Runtime.Messaging.GatewayAcceptor/1] Opened a listening socket at address
[2015-04-14 19:15:08.230 GMT 4 INFO 100000 VirtualBucketsRingProvider] Starting VirtualBucketsRingProvider on silo S10.238.72.97:11111:166734880/x9109DDF2.
[2015-04-14 19:15:08.527 GMT 4 INFO 103003 VirtualBucketsRingProvider] Added Server S10.238.72.97:11111:166734880/x9109DDF2. Current view: [S10.238.72.97:11111:166734880 -> <MultiRange: Size=x100000000, %Ring=100.000%>]
[2015-04-14 19:15:08.527 GMT 4 INFO 103005 VirtualBucketsRingProvider] -NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers about old <(0 0], Size=x100000000, %Ring=100.000%> new <MultiRange: Size=x100000000, %Ring=100.000%> increased? True
[2015-04-14 19:15:08.683 GMT 4 INFO 100294 SystemStatus] SystemStatus=Created
[2015-04-14 19:15:08.683 GMT 4 INFO 100422 Silo] -------------- Started silo S10.238.72.97:11111:166734880, ConsistentHashCode 9109DDF2 --------------
[2015-04-14 19:15:08.699 GMT 4 INFO 100288 OrleansAzureSilo] Successfully initialized Orleans silo 'Tachyon.Orleans_IN_0' as a Secondary node.
[2015-04-14 19:15:08.699 GMT 4 INFO 100292 OrleansAzureSilo] Starting Orleans silo 'Tachyon.Orleans_IN_0' as a Secondary node.
[2015-04-14 19:15:08.907 GMT 4 INFO 100294 SystemStatus] SystemStatus=Starting
[2015-04-14 19:15:08.907 GMT 4 INFO 100401 Silo] Silo Start()
[2015-04-14 19:15:08.922 GMT 4 INFO 100430 Silo] Configured ThreadPool.SetMinThreads() to values: 200,200. Previous values are: 1,1.
[2015-04-14 19:15:08.922 GMT 4 INFO 100436 Silo] Configured .NET ServicePointManager to Expect100Continue=False, DefaultConnectionLimit=200, UseNagleAlgorithm=False to improve Azure storage performance.
[2015-04-14 19:15:09.368 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] Searching for assemblies in E:\approot...
[2015-04-14 19:15:12.247 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\AutoMapper.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:12.263 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\AutoMapper.Net4.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:13.169 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\EntityFramework.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:13.294 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:13.310 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\JsonPatch.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:13.435 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.Data.Edm.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:13.622 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.Data.OData.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:13.732 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:14.513 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:14.544 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:14.560 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.Desktop.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:14.575 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:14.575 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudDrive.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:14.591 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configuration.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:14.591 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Diagnostics.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:14.700 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:14.841 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:14.997 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.028 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\MonAgentListener.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.138 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Newtonsoft.Json.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.138 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Orleans.dll
* Assembly filename is excluded.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.138 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\OrleansAzureUtils.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.185 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\OrleansRuntime.dll
* Assembly filename is excluded.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.372 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\RazorEngine.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.435 GMT 4 ERROR 101716 AssemblyLoader.Silo] !!!!!!!!!! An unexpected exception occurred while attempting to load an assembly.
Exc level 0: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///E:\approot\sdkencryptedappticket.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly reqAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly reqAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadFrom(String assemblyFile, Evidence securityEvidence, Byte[] hashValue, AssemblyHashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(String assemblyFile)
at Orleans.Runtime.AssemblyLoader.ReflectionOnlyLoadAssembly(String pathName, Assembly& assembly, String[]& complaints)
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.435 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\sdkencryptedappticket.dll
* An unexpected exception occurred while attempting to load an assembly.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.450 GMT 4 ERROR 101716 AssemblyLoader.Silo] !!!!!!!!!! An unexpected exception occurred while attempting to load an assembly.
Exc level 0: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///E:\approot\sdkencryptedappticket64.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly reqAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly reqAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadFrom(String assemblyFile, Evidence securityEvidence, Byte[] hashValue, AssemblyHashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(String assemblyFile)
at Orleans.Runtime.AssemblyLoader.ReflectionOnlyLoadAssembly(String pathName, Assembly& assembly, String[]& complaints)
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.450 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\sdkencryptedappticket64.dll
* An unexpected exception occurred while attempting to load an assembly.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.466 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Stardock.CryptoUtil.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.528 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Stardock.Net.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.544 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Stardock.Services.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.607 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.622 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\System.Runtime.Caching.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.654 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\System.Spatial.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.794 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\System.Web.Http.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.841 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\System.Web.Razor.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.888 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Tachyon.Azure.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.903 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Tachyon.Common.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.950 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Tachyon.DAL.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:15.966 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Tachyon.DTOs.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:16.075 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Tachyon.Grains.Interfaces.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:16.075 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\Tachyon.Orleans.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:16.107 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] User assembly ignored: E:\approot\WebSocket4Net.dll
* Assembly does not contain any acceptable grain types.
* Assembly contains no types assignable from Orleans.Providers.IProvider.
[2015-04-14 19:15:16.123 GMT 4 WARNING 101705 AssemblyLoader.Silo] Unable to find directory E:\approot\Applications; skipping.
[2015-04-14 19:15:16.123 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] Loading assembly E:\approot\OrleansProviders.dll...
[2015-04-14 19:15:16.169 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] Loading assembly E:\approot\Tachyon.Grains.dll...
[2015-04-14 19:15:16.560 GMT 4 INFO 100000 AssemblyLoader.Silo] 2 assemblies loaded.
[2015-04-14 19:15:17.454 GMT 4 ERROR 100439 Silo] !!!!!!!!!! Exception during Silo.Start
Exc level 0: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.FindEntry(TKey key) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
2.ContainsKey(TKey key)
at Orleans.Runtime.SiloAssemblyLoader.GetGrainClassTypes(Boolean strict)
at Orleans.Runtime.GrainTypeManager.InitializeGrainClassData(SiloAssemblyLoader loader, Boolean strict)
at Orleans.Runtime.GrainTypeManager.Start(Boolean strict)
at Orleans.Runtime.Silo.DoStart()
at Orleans.Runtime.Silo.Start()
[2015-04-14 19:15:17.466 GMT 4 ERROR 100105 OrleansSiloHost] !!!!!!!!!! ERROR starting Orleans silo name=Tachyon.Orleans_IN_0 Exception=
Exc level 0: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.FindEntry(TKey key) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
2.ContainsKey(TKey key)
at Orleans.Runtime.SiloAssemblyLoader.GetGrainClassTypes(Boolean strict)
at Orleans.Runtime.GrainTypeManager.InitializeGrainClassData(SiloAssemblyLoader loader, Boolean strict)
at Orleans.Runtime.GrainTypeManager.Start(Boolean strict)
at Orleans.Runtime.Silo.DoStart()
at Orleans.Runtime.Silo.Start()
at Orleans.Runtime.Host.SiloHost.StartOrleansSilo()
Exc level 0: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.FindEntry(TKey key) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
2.ContainsKey(TKey key)
at Orleans.Runtime.SiloAssemblyLoader.GetGrainClassTypes(Boolean strict)
at Orleans.Runtime.GrainTypeManager.InitializeGrainClassData(SiloAssemblyLoader loader, Boolean strict)
at Orleans.Runtime.GrainTypeManager.Start(Boolean strict)
at Orleans.Runtime.Silo.DoStart()
at Orleans.Runtime.Silo.Start()
at Orleans.Runtime.Host.SiloHost.StartOrleansSilo()
[2015-04-14 19:15:17.482 GMT 4 ERROR 100285 OrleansAzureSilo] !!!!!!!!!! Failed to start Orleans silo 'Tachyon.Orleans_IN_0' as a Secondary node.
[2015-04-14 19:15:18.278 GMT 2 WARNING 100220 Silo] Process is exiting
We just ran a build with the same parameters I posted earlier with the exception of the following change: /p:Configuration=Release
So we can rule that out and isolate it to IntelliTrace or RemoteDebugger. Have you seen this be an issue?
Oh! Disable IntelliTrace. This is known bug in VS, fixed in Update 5.
We will disable IntelliTrace, thank you so much for the help!
You are welcome. It's always fun to pull your hair when it's actually IL being rewritten underneath your code. :-)
Feels like we can close this, right?
I will close it.
When we try to build our project using msbuild and using /p:configuration=Debug orleans.dll causes our worker role in Azure not to start.
Is there a work around or fix for this?