dotnet / orleans

Cloud Native application framework for .NET
MIT License
10.06k stars 2.03k forks source link

Orleans. Current and vNext. #3642

Open dVakulen opened 6 years ago

dVakulen commented 6 years ago

Orleans place in .NET ecosystem

Currently .NET lacks supported by Microsoft cloud independent solution for building distributed applications. Most obvious candidate on this role could be guessed pretty easily from looking at .NET Foundation home page. But even though its stars count is high - actual usage numbers can be seen in nuget package statistics, it's downloads count is two times lower than Akka.NET counterpart, and both of them seems to be used only in rare scenarios.

Broad community likes the idea, but continues to use in-house solutions or plain old caches.

Everything that is going to be said next boils down to the following questions: why Orleans isn't being used in ASP.NET solutions, and being relatively rare pick for high-scale ones, and how to make it viable option to be integrated into wide spectrum of .NET applications.


View of Orleans from ASP.NET developer standpoint

Notion of ASP.NET is missing from online documentation thus creating in mind of passing by visitor impression that Orleans is meant to be used only in high-scale apps.

First place where curious potential user goes is documentation. Orleans' first page ( - great in terms of abstractions, but completely missing even a notion of ASP.NET, and so does it's left menu. Getting at least some ASP.NET reference requires navigation to tutorials, where it can be located under entry which name again, like on purpose, avoids mentioning ASP.NET ( Thus such visitor have quite high chances of getting impression that Orleans is for some high scale apps, and for his ASP.NET app with 2 - 5 servers web farm (one of most high loaded ASP.NET deployments architecture - uses 11 web and 2 Redis servers) it would be overkill, and will just continue to use in-memory or external caches.

Integration with existing applications is not quite easy while lacking any guidelines.

Problems of such integration: in addition to complexity of awaits introducing into previously synchronous entities, it also usually brings in need in application architecture re-think or re-design as it's entities in many cases are being tightly coupled, making straightforward rewrite for Orleans to result in chatty interactions with obvious outcomes with current Orleans performance. Recommended coordinator pattern lacks guidelines on how to design it, and it's creation requires more thinking on existing system design in terms of DDD than in theoretically possible "every object - actor" approach, thus resulting in harder fit into existing design with reasonable compared to possible outcome costs. And as additional exercise for the ones wanting to incorporate Orleans into their apps - each entity contract needs to be duplicated in marker interface.

Examples with ASP.NET are almost non-existent.

There's no ASP.NET templates besides few without "ASP.NET " in name in examples folder. So for new ASP.NET project question whether to add Orleans to it is usually being rhetorical.

Ways of attracting ASP.NET community

Comparison with requirements of high-scale application

Path of making Orleans viable choice to be base building block of high-scale application

Relations with Akka.NET


P.S. This is subjective opinion of external contributor.

sergeybykov commented 6 years ago

Thank you for putting this together, @dVakulen!

There are several good things here, and most of them, fortunately, aren't bottlenecked on the Core team. This is good, as it allows to scale the effort. It seems to me that the community can take an active role in shaping the ASP.NET integration story. Do we need more issues beside #3190 to track those ideas?

Similarly, the DSL idea should be implementable on top of the core stack. A separate issue with more details would help here.

The enterprise support question is being discussed, but it's premature to promise anything about it at this point.

I think it would be great to see the community step up into a more active role here, from submitting PRs to the codebase to building additional extension components to creating samples and documentation. The Core team will prioritize unblocking such efforts where necessary.

We are nearly done with 2.0.0 that will be the new baseline, better structured and with a more flexible and powerful extensibility model. It should make it easier to innovate on top of the core stack.

creyke commented 6 years ago

I do agree that the community can assist with this but I urge MS, or at least the Orleans team to release official tooling as well. It's a massive win to adoption to be able to do this:


sergeybykov commented 6 years ago

I do agree that the community can assist with this but I urge MS, or at least the Orleans team to release official tooling as well.

The Core team can definitely do more here. We are looking at the community to help define those missing experiences. I view this as our blind spot because we mostly deal with major internal customers that already have tooling in place. So a fresh perspective would be very useful here.

yevhen commented 6 years ago

@dVakulen What are the use-cases for ASP.NET?

I think 99% (ballpark) of the ASP.NET projects will be fine using smth like Memcached for caching, which has much simpler api/setup than Orleans and is much more mature and have better marketing/coverage.

creyke commented 6 years ago

@yehven I disagree - please see my justification here: #3190. I have seen many traditional aspnet projects which can benefit from the Orleans model as a natural extension of them, but developers don’t realize...

ifle commented 6 years ago

ASP.NET Session Provider based on Orleans will nice additions

dVakulen commented 6 years ago

@yevhen There's surely a lot of cases where Orleans isn't a match to ordinary caches, but many of ASP.NET projects could use Orleans as smart cache alongside plain caches, providing much better scalability even without thinking about it. It already have nice and api (arguably no more complicated than caching usage) with a bit heavy setup, which could be greatly simplified. Maturity and marketing are important, but they couldn't be the reasons to not even try.

For exaggerated example of using in traditional app: Music store controller action could be changed with Orleans from

var cacheKey = string.Format("album_{0}", id);
Album album;
if (!cache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out album))
    album = await DbContext.Albums
                    .Where(a => a.AlbumId == id)

    if (album != null)
        if (_appSettings.CacheDbResults)
            //Remove it from cache if not retrieved in last 10 minutes
                new MemoryCacheEntryOptions().SetSlidingExpiration(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)));


Album album = await grainFactory.GetGrain<IAlbum>(id).TryGetProjection();  
dVakulen commented 6 years ago

@yevhen Actually the question about value of Orleans to standard ASP.NET application deserves separate issue, discussion in which could lead in relevant guidelines \ documentation appearance, and also will be point where general consensus of whether Orleans is worthy to be in official ASP.NET examples could be achieved.

jdom commented 6 years ago

I very much agree with this. We should continue polishing a few things to make the co-hosting with ASP.NET scenario smoother, and then we can start reaching out and making Orleans a little more prominent for the current ASP.NET audience.

As far as perf, I do think we need to take co-hosting as a primary use case for this to work, and I'm glad @dVakulen is already improving it to reduce the busy work under low load, as well as optimizing perf all over the place. Of course this is something we need to do as a team and commit to it if we plan to have co-hosting as a main scenario (in the past the main scenario was mainly unlimited scale out, and definitely not really high density co-hosted microservices, not that we need to go that far down that road, but at least be more conscious to co-hosting, instead of assuming the Silo is the main thing running).

As far as API and hosting integration, we are already doing a lot of things with the changes to align with their hosting APIs (silo builder, which we'll eventually migrate to Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting when that's released), move to Microsoft.Extensions.* packages (Logging, Options, Configuration, DependencyInjection, etc), adding a local cluster client to be used within the same process especially for co-hosting (

As you can see, the core team is on the same page with this plan, so let's do it.

ReubenBond commented 6 years ago

I opt to use Orleans for just about any Web app I make. It's a low-ceremony way to move quickly from idea to implementation. Particularly for interactive apps (eg involving chat or some other live updates / push notifications) since databases aren't great at that anyway, but also for CRUD apps because it avoids Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch and simple persistence is trivial to work with.

So anyway, we're definitely on-board, and as @jdom mentioned above we have been working to align wherever possible and "de-invent the wheel"

chris-eaton commented 6 years ago

FWIW I wanted to briefly share my experience. I tend to find that I have to defend the "Orleans" framework vs ServiceFabric and other Microservice-eqsue solutions. Having a clear pros and cons document may help both in aiding people choose the right product and also in selling Orleans into their business.

As mentioned Enterprise Customers may be reticent to invest in Orleans when other solutions are available.

richorama commented 6 years ago

Great thread. I think there is a SignalR angle to this as well, Orleans makes a great backplane.

rogeralsing commented 6 years ago

As the creator of both Akka.NET and Proto.Actor, my 2 cents on the topic.

Cloud enabled (distributed) by default solutions will become standard in near future.

Yes, but we are not there right now. most systems can still be built using plain old boring technologies. There is no reason to rush there for the sake of the technology itself. Those who truly have the need for distributed systems will find the tools available. e.g. Fintech, iGaming etc.

and both of them seems to be used only in rare scenarios.

One issue I think both Orleans and Akka IMHO have is that they are thought of as "platforms". It becomes somewhat political in development organizations when they come up, as if there needs to be taken a bigger strategical decision before using such tool.

Promoting things as small libraries instead make them fly under the radar.

I tend to find that I have to defend the "Orleans" framework vs ServiceFabric and other Microservice-eqsue solutions.

But rightfully so I'd say, having standard HTTP+Json + Service Discovery a'la Consul/ETCD takes you really far, and it fits naturally with what many devs already know. It also avoids lockin in terms of language / platform which is of great value for many dev orgs.

We in the .NET distributed computing community must take our responsibility and teach the community what tech to use and when.

That being said, I think there are multiple things that could be unified across the different implementations.

e.g. the Orleans Dashboard could be abstracted to use a provider model where each framework could provide their own implementation for metrics.

Eventsourcing, Scheduling libraries could probably be unified between Akka and Proto. Persistence libs for Orleans could probably be shared with Proto. I'd say there are quite a few things that could be abstracted to make them available cross framework.

That way, there could be a broader ecosystem where companies could pick and chose the right thing for their specific use-case instead of having the same effort repeated over and over in every implementation.

ashkan-saeedi-mazdeh commented 6 years ago

I don't agree that most web applications are easy to build with Orleans. Many smaller apps are done using EF and their developers don't have to deal with anything else. Soon more and more software systems use things like Orleans but at the moment many don't. Take a look at usecases of Akka and Erlang to see that an actor framework is not democratizable because it is not useful as a daily tool for every developer on planet earth. I think instead we should focus on scenarios which can use Orleans and benefit from it. Game servers, IOT, any other real-time high perf server software which is actually hard/impossible to make with caches and ORMS.

mnmr commented 6 years ago

We have been considering using Orleans for our main product, but are very much concerned about performance. Startup performance is gruesome (Windows 2000 boots faster, if that's anything to go by), and it appears to be easy to design a system that doesn't perform at all.

There is very little documentation on what to expect performance-wise from the different subsystems (e.g. networking and serialization is built-in; but how does it compare to ProtoBuf/NetMQ or any of the ready-made MQ libraries available for doing the same?). The fact that you have to learn Orleans, then performance test the various parts to figure out what bits you can use (and how), without killing your backend, is just a daunting task. Mind you, performance-oriented people are not going to use ServiceFabric either ;)

My advice would be to focus on .NET Core (it seems to be where all the performance-oriented work is done) and overall performance, including benchmarks to showcase what to expect. If the product is fast and it solves some of the tricky distributed problems, interested people will learn and use it regardless of whether there is a checkbox in a GUI somewhere to enable it. Don't aim for mass market adoption until the experience is a lot smoother or you'll just be burning your future leads.

sergeybykov commented 6 years ago

One issue I think both Orleans and Akka IMHO have is that they are thought of as "platforms".

My thinking on this is inherently tainted by the tradition of Microsoft being a platform company. For better or worse, Orleans was built with that bias. While I recognize that, I still don't quite see how distributed compute can be enabled without at least some platformy aspect to it. For example, technologies like Hadoop, Spark are also platforms for all practical purposes.

Hence, I'm skeptical such technologies can be truly presented as small libraries to knowledgeable audience. At the hosting level, they are just libraries. But there's always a step function decision to bet on them. And that better be explicit than flying under the radar IMO.

That being said, I think there are multiple things that could be unified across the different implementations.

I agree with that and with the examples. Take quite a bit of effort though. I hope the version-tolerant serializer that @ReubenBond is working on will become one such component.

sergeybykov commented 6 years ago


Startup performance is gruesome (Windows 2000 boots faster, if that's anything to go by), and it appears to be easy to design a system that doesn't perform at all.

Would you mind opening a separate issue with the details?

creyke commented 6 years ago

Regarding the timing I believe the majority of .Net devs will indefinitely miss out on Orleans unless it is presented in a more friendly package. Most people simply don’t have the time it takes to get up and running with Orleans in its current form. They need hand holding into the distributed .Net world. Tooling is one area. Another big one is tutorials, and if these can be official (I know it shouldn’t matter but it does for a lot of .Net shops) then that’s even better.

stefan2410 commented 6 years ago

I'll share my thought, about co-hosting. As I understand, It is very useful in use cases as edge gateways, rules' engines , behavior trees, controlled small number of actors (e.g. current calls and agents on shift in a contact center). I think the most useful is that we will become familiar and more confident with the actor model. IMO, model's design (not implementation) is the most difficult. I'm thinking of applications in a "hybrid mode" with services and a subsystem using the actor model. What is the main focus in MS Orleans? the distributed model or the actor model?

TsengSR commented 6 years ago

Focus on tight integration with ASP.NET should be clearly stated in first pages of documentation as well as normality of single server deployments with silo co-hosted in same process with web app as it being a way of ensuring easy scaling later.

Interesting idea, I have to admit I never considered using it that way in ASP.NET Core. Always and if, then as client being used from ASP.NET Core. But the support for .NET Core was lacking back then when I first had a dive into it and only the client being possible to be used in ASP.NET Core and even then it not being on par with the current ASP.NET Core Version.

A major drawback was that the 1.5.x (iirc it was the one which added basic .NET Core support for the client side) was that it was locked in on ASP.NET Core 1.x and not available when starting an ASP.NET Core 2.0 application (due to the breaking changes in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection) and the first usable Orleans 2.0 builds for .NET Core 2 came at a much later point.

Imho another thing that making adopting Orleans into more projects is the way to setup unit tests (means w/o setting up a local silo to run against it). Compared to Orleankka, Unit Testing the grains are a real PITA.

Actors and Orleans in special is a very interesting go for domain driven design where an actor nicely represents an aggregate root in DDD. However, the lack of a nicely cheap and scaleable storage kinda stands up in the way using that more often. While we have Azure Tables support (cheap and reasonable fast storage), but has issues for bigger aggregates it can be a problem (due to the limited size of a column in Azure Table storage).

And while there have been done some steps to add event sourcing to grains, there are no out-of-the-box providers to use Azure Table Storage of even better Apache Kafka as persistence. And while there's Orleans.KafkaStreamProvider, it seems not to be maintained anymore (last commit dates year ago, only 1.x support, not sure if it even works with the current 1.x versions).

Of course, Orleans just works good for things that can be accessed via a single key (though I read an issue about ideas of indexing Grain (State) properties/fields too). For people new to Orleans who want to integrate that into their ASP.NET (Core) applications there should be examples on how to create (denormalized) read only stores, which can be used to do queries and aggregation on it. For most of the seasoned users its easy, using the streams and handlers that denormalize the data and write them back to a document or rdbms.

I'd personally want to see a higher focus on .NET Core (even for windows-only hosting), since its mature enough by now and has performance as a feature and would love to see the integration of System.IO.Pipelines, Span<T>/Memory<T> into Orleans.

RehanSaeed commented 5 years ago

I've just finished reading every page of the docs and adding every feature in there to the Adventure sample in the tutorial to make a pretty cool game. I also blog about ASP.NET Core and author ASP.NET Core Swagger and GraphQL project templates. Here is what I found:

  1. Orleans could be better described. When I tell colleagues it uses the Actor model, I get blank stares. When I tell people it's a backend for your API that does away with the need to think about storing data and it's fast, scalable and cheap to run, they get it.
  2. Orleans has a few unique selling points that I think could be talked about more.
    • When combined with Azure Table Storage it's the cheapest way to store large amounts of complex data in the cloud. IMHO, this is the number one selling point. CosmosDB is expensive.
    • It makes writing business logic simple.
    • I no longer have to write boilerplate code to store state.
  3. Docs needs a complete overhaul. The order doesn't make sense. There are bits talking about old versions and code samples that are incomplete or don't work because the API has changed. Some sentences don't make sense and it can sometimes be a bit wordy.
  4. The Adventure tutorial is a great starting point and I think it could be greatly extended to add features like Streaming, Dashboard, In-Memory testing, Azure Table Storage using the Emulator, Switch it to .NET Core by default, Add Clustering, Switch to JSON serialization format, use async/await etc.
  5. There are almost zero videos talking about Orleans further than getting started. Most videos are old. There is a PluralSight course but it's out of date. A walkthrough video series walking through the getting started guide and adding features to the Adventure game would be perfect.
  6. The dotnet new project template doesn't work and are also too basic anyway.
  7. There needs to be built in support for handling collections of grains (I'd personally like it to also have support for Azure Table Storage). I think it's a must have basic feature. Support is coming soon though.
  8. Talk about Orleans design patterns. You have to think differently with Orleans.
  9. Mention some of the really cool comminity projects like the Dashboard project in the docs.

With all that said, it's an amazing product. If I have the time and depending on the status of 7#, I'll see if I can do something about 6#.

jdom commented 5 years ago

Good feedback. Personally I'd love if you could get (6) to a great point, since you already have the expertise. See I believe (3) is already underway, but I don't know the current status. Of course, any help is always welcome.

JorgeCandeias commented 5 years ago

Working on (5) in my free time at the moment, video course approach. (8) is super important in my line of work. I’m attempting to help modernize the samples, but want to look at adding more design patterns not yet described, and making samples for those as well. Also, I think extra value will come from having samples and training resources that show Orleans integrating with other technologies for various use cases. Orleans is an amazing technology to use as the pumping heart of a solution, with other edge technologies surrounding it.

RehanSaeed commented 5 years ago

If anyone is interested I rustled up an Orleans project template based on the code I wrote for the Adventure game. It's aiming to be production ready.

Take a look at the code below, I'll see if I can release it tomorrow.