dotnet / pinvoke

A library containing all P/Invoke code so you don't have to import it every time. Maintained and updated to support the latest Windows OS.
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Missing user32 DeleteMenu #640

Closed SAPTeamDEV closed 1 year ago

SAPTeamDEV commented 1 year ago

Hi I want to delete close button of my console window but i have seen that this library is not have an overload for deletemenu

AArnott commented 1 year ago

Can you use CsWin32? It can produce DeleteMenu, along with virtually all other Win32 APIs.

SAPTeamDEV commented 1 year ago

I have solved the problem temporarily by importing direct win32 api, but if this api added to PInvoke it will be greate.

PS: English is not my native language

AArnott commented 1 year ago

This repo isn't getting much work anymore because has replaced it. I suggest you try that out and see if it can replace your need for this repo.

SAPTeamDEV commented 1 year ago

I have installed this library yesterday but I could not work with it. I have read all the instructions on GitHub

AArnott commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting back. Sorry it didn't work for you. If you can, create a discussion (not an issue) on the CsWin32 repo and share exactly what you tried and where it failed. I maintain that repo too, and will be happy to support you there.